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(Jouneil mot in regular session Monday evening. Absent - Alik. Kittredge, Floming and Kollogg. Minutes of special session rcad and approved. COMMUNICATIONS. Ulchanl Houhan ff Iho Halilcity of Ann Arhor, bereby infonoslhc corainou councüof therity of Ann Arbor, that on or about tho Hint l;iy oi May laut. In oonaequeouoe of adeiecliv! Uridnn over a si niet way, where Ui visión troot iuterBSéta I lotrolt streot, h (niRtaliiPd damago by hls hoiMf itUlini; tUrough huUI bridge, whureby home, buny and liarn'HH wen; Injtircd. Aud nald HhhIklji rmpceMiilly nMks that Hnul inattor muy be inveHUgated, aud Lhnt Ik may be al lowed 8uch damau aa hfl hiLH HtisUilncu by roasou of the same. K. BEAIIAN. 1 'ui .Ml .1 uur 7, 1880. Rcferrcd to coiiiuiitteo of tliree, consisting of Aids. Besimer, Thompnon and Fleming. A conimunication wua rcocived from Dr. O. (ieorge, asking pormis.sion to orcot a frame building on his lot, corner Main and William strects. Grantod. A communioation signcd by J. Q. A. Sessions, A. R. Schmidt, O. S. Morris nd 23 othertf, asking for tho building of a public cistern at tho intersection of William and Divimon atreetq. Kcferred to general fund eommittec. l'etition for a street lamp at tho west corner of Wost 3d and West Jefforson sts. Signud by Wm. Wagnor and 19 othera. Refcrred to general fund committee. A communication from Ilarvey Banniater and 15 others, asking for the enforcement of the ordinance ro.spccting tho running at large of cows and horses. City Marshal roquested to give special attontion to tho same. An anonytuous petition rcferring to cortuin walks on 4th stroet. Hcoeived and referrcd to sidewalk committco. l'otiüon of l'ctor Dignan and 18 others, for the extensión of Church Htroot fromits present terminus to Orleans st. Referred to gonoral stroet committco. Puiitimi of J. W. Hamilton and nino others for a ncw nidonalk on tho oast sidc of Thaycr Ht., from (atharino to North llnivorsity. lleferrod to sidewalk committee, (Jomniunication signud by T. P. Wilson, C. E. Holmes, H. E. Frazeraud 1 Xr othors, nsking lor the cleaning out of the old woll un iba south hido of üio public tqure, and tlu plaeing of a pump thercin with drinking cups. On ïuotion of Aid. Fordon t wad referred to general fund ooiumittoe with inwtruetions to report in onc weok. A coinniunication from L. F. Wade requesting that the name of Wui. (Jrossnian, whioh was iuadvortontly omittcd from the roll of' vigilnnt hosc cotnpany bc inaorted. AHowed and warrant ordcred drawn. NEW 0RD1NANCE. Aid. Martin reported a now ordinanoo relativo to iuipounding and preventing cattlc from running at largc, which wa? adoptod and orderod published, by the lowest bidder. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE8. Tho Kcnoral fund committeo rofortcd bilis amountint to $255.30, whicli wero allowed and warrants ordcred drawn for tho same. Aid. Kccch from financo committee reported the following bilis from the different ward fund : FlrBt ward8t. lund 3 "7 Second ward Bt. lund B 11 Thlrd ' 32 XI Ponrth ii') 71 Flfth W W Sixtll ' 21 7 Oenoral st. fund 57 83 Contingent lund 233 40 RESOLUTIONS. liy Aid. KlpcIi : Resolved, Tliat the Rum voted ut tlio Uat electlon for purchiwe of hwe lio transferral to the contingent fund, and tliutan ordor for 1,O-'Í7.57 be drawu on tho contingent fund, payablu to Q O. Cnrletou & Co., of OUTlod, liy Aid. Beslmer: Rtsolved, Tlmt the recorder be dlreotad to Uruw a warrant on the city troasuror lol tlufull ainount of tunilM In nis liumls now duo Kchool ilistrlct No. 7 from dog tax.- CarrleU. REl'OttTS OP OFPICERS. Tho city marshal rendered hiw monthly report, giving tho expeuditure from the different wanl:-, a. ibllows : 1,'ird mmi f 12 Hi; Seoond ward 14 91 Thlrd ward i 7j Vonrth ward UI 12 Kllth wawl 21 SS Slxth ward U 7S Total 7Ó ti AIho the nuinber of arreuta lor the month : Dronk and dlsordurly 0 liftorderly 2 Assault and battry I Keoplng saloon opoix uiu-r hourn 3 Total 11 Rccelved and placed on Mie. City Treasurer Webster presented his monthly report : Balanoe rtoetved froraex-Tnins $4,(ïi il KeoelVAd froin finca l'i 'Jti " " llcenses 62 00 Total rocelpt 4,7M 50 DISBURSKMENT8. l'alil onlris ou oontlngeut funds $111 01 1 Koneral " 110 W 4th wnrd " 1 5th " " 7 38 Total dlsbureemcnts W! 1! Halancoon hand 4,211 37 lleeetred and placed ou fllo. The recorder presented his report for the month ending May 31. st, which showcd the following balances: Ucneral fund overdrart $s::i K " Hl. fund, ovonlraft 47 81 Klist ward fond balanco 819 9E Hoiid ward l'uïld balantïo fi'ii I Thlrd " " ovurdraft 183 IX) Fourth " " :l (Ki Flfth " " balance '-.Ni 88 9Uth " " ovordralt 43 M Flromon's f mul " lr IK) City couiotery fund balanco 44 0(1 Contiucent fund balance 8!)5 SI Aeceptod and placed on file :