ÜOK, SALE. I havu a good PLOUKINU MILL of four run of "fini-, tlut 1 wlll sell or TtTlmigT l'or property la Waxhteniiw ('onnty. 964tf RICK A. DEAL. pitOF. ltEUBEN KEMPF, Davlnp Jiift uraduatcd from the l.'onaorvatory of Muaic at StuttKart, (ieriniiny, whcn: he receivod1 a thoroniíh oducatlon, and inHtractioiiB in Ule latest methode of teaching iuumíc, la now propu6d tu rivc i.i'whiin In Ilarmoii] ¦, and 011 tli Plano and Orgau l'ianoa tuncd 011 rassoublfl ti-nic. Koouik, northcaflt comer ot Main and Lihorly ttreote, iiIi-Ktairn. Ami Arbor, Midi. WS-1U0O Q.0 TO WINANS & BERRY KOK HBRCOANT TAILORING Kor the tollón ing iih-iiiin: Ut. Oor work Is nll flrBt-claas. 'M. Mr. lterry is the only cutter In tlir Stntc wbo can Rlvc yon a portoet fit without tryiny on. Sd. We have tbc lareat uKH'rtmont In the Sutr, havlnc ovor H)0 dttTernï Hlyk'8 to select from in f'irtiijn and ili'jmxiic. W'ottUns and WorstetU. 4th. We üwt none hut nrnt-claan triminius. 5th. We are Juli JÜ ier cent, btílow Detroit prieel. WINANS & BBUKY, IW6-1U07 No. 11 SonUi Main Street, Ann Arbor. T OÜS WANTED. I wlll pay, at the Ann Arbor steam mw mili, for White or Swamp Oak Logs, Troin ! rt to 31U per M Kod Oak Unit Loo, pound 7 pet M White Ak!i 1U 14 per M Whitewood 10 1 1 per M Itaeswood S 10 pur M Hickory 12 per M Unrd Maple 1 per M Walnut 15 10 er M Huitcrnut II) 15 pir M KedKlm 10 per M Wlll bny logs wlthin four mike of my mlll, if doHircd, and draw them. Versoufi Imvin Iob to 11 are requeBtcd to cali umi rn-e me au aoon ;im pOHHible. Nov. 4, 1S7S. J.T. HALLOCK. 5!ltf Chuucory Sale. STATE OF MICHIUAN- The Circuit Conrt for the C'ounty of Washtenaw. In olmncery. Ilannah M. ljovelaml, cotnplaiuant, vx. Kupbemla A. Leut and Krancle A. Youiik, defendant. In puruuueg and by virtuu of a decree or aaid court, mail. and ontered lu the above entltb:d canae.on tbr tliirtyfirstdayof March, A. l). üs) : Notlce I herebyglven tbat 1 tilmll aell at tiublic miction, to the hb;heal biddir, on Monday, the twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 1S80, t tcno'clock In the forimoonr'" the i-ant front door of tho conrt housu in Uie city of Ann Arbor, county of WaHhtenaw and Slnte of Michigan, the followlni; deiicribi'd real estáte, belag tb.' iaine Dlionad and dexcrlbed in ald decroo, to wil A II that parcul of land nltuated in the townnbip of York, county and State afonwald, known, nounded nnd descrlbed aa follown, to wit : Tbe noith hall of the nortbeaot quartcr of the nortkeaat quartiT of ¦ecttoa thlrty-two, townsbip four, nouth of rauj;e pli uait, coubilniiiK twonty acre of land. Ann Arbor, June 10, 1H80. JAMUS McMAUDN. Circuit Conrt Commlanlolier m and for Washti-naw Oount, Mirh. Hawvkk A Knowi.ton, Solli Itora for Coumlaluant. 1190-%
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
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Courts - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Rice A. Beal
Prof. Reuben Kempf
J. T. Hallock
Hannah M. Loveland
Euphemia A. Lent
Francis A. Young
11 S. Main St.