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"POII SALE. MY RESIDENCE ON SPRING ST. In tbla cuy, ana om ti V ri - ¦ ei. i nM nf Land in Kansas, with forty-Svc improvcd and the balance timbcr. A. A. HEUOKV, QITUATION WANTED. Sitaatlon wanled by a youiií: married iuhd, ae job, book or ncwupapcr compositor, in pleasant country town; can aslnt in editorial work, il lacespary. Will be contvntud with Hmall enlary. Ilclvrunce f urniohcd. Address, KKANK B. WHIFPLE, 987 -WE No. 119 Trcmont stroot Chicago. ü F. BOYLAN, Keal Estáte Ajceuiy. Farms uud Houeca bought, uold, rcutcd, ropairud and iusi:ruil. O Ole; at WOLVKIUNK STOKK, 930tf Corner of Duron and Klfth Stroel. ¦ÜÜR SALE 0R RENT. A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, In tbo eecond ward, onc block (rom Main strect, Knquirc of 'InJ 094 C. KITSON. "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-ono acres, with a good dwulllnR houae on it, onc milo from city city limita. Bnqulrv %5ti At TUK COU1ÍIKIÍ OFFICB. "OOR EXCHANÜK. I have a farm of 100 acre in the wentern irt of tbe Huiu, valned at ti,(XX), which I wlll cichango for Aan Arbor City propert. Itlciï L. IiBAL. W.W.BLISS&CO., WUOLBSALB AND RETA1L TQBACco & m mi All Gooods Sold at Detroit Prices. Aciits for GLOBE mui SEAL OP DBTKOIl' tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. '.Wlyr THË CITY TEA STORE Ir the placo to tmy your TEAS, COFFEES, Spices, Canncd Fruit and Baklng I'owdcrK, CIGARS and TOBACCOS. A general varicty of FAMILY GROCERIES, UU:ht wbcro you wcu tlic tcakcttlc biud, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. I. 1. L. IIKANCH, ï'rop. HSHyr