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East Saginaw is still atiüctud witii diphthoria. Kicboiond, Mstüomb couoty, is to have a ilax mili. The regatta Knd stand at liay City vrili scat 1,9H) peopU'. Port Hurón to fainc i.-. :i place for sumuier resort. Grand Haven aud Spring Lake want to be tclephonioally unitcd. The Macomb county farmers are soon to organizo a counly sheep breedor's association. St. Jo. Co. reporta uoot prospecta tor tht pepperinint orop, so ehildron and colic wil] picase take notico. Séneca Cooledge, of Lyons, was shot by a burglar Wednesday of last week, niaking a serious if nut fatal wound. The Tribune, of Three Jüver?, says that last ycar 34 saloons paid taxes in that county, and this year but ten. According to report Hastings is to have a " Simeón pure" democratie journal to be run by M. II. Clark, of Grand Rápida. Geo. Black had a iinger smashod in tho oog wheel of' a straw cutter at Dundee, a few days ago, and )ad the .anio aaiputated. Lille Thomas, of Mt. Cleraens, took a dose ofammonia by mistakc last Saturday, and camc noar nover making another eaistakc. Rochoster intends to oonuectwith Pontiao by railroad by fall. Which event will help Pontiao more than it will help llochoster. 233,190 barrels of salt were inade in thi state during the past month of May, againat 171,384 for the samo nionth last year. The house of Air. Fowles was struck by lifbtning in Hastings last Saturday morning and several of the family seriously injured, J Bay City is to have a coupe line with one coupe on the line, says au exchange. Perhaps that's why she coup-ered East Saginaw on the regatta. The Hillsdale crow won tho raoo at New Orleans, last Friday by ome five boat lengtns, over which the Hillsdale people went wild with joy. From our exchanges wc note the very general obsorvanco of decoration day. And it is pleasing to note the respect paid to tho meiuory of the departed soldiers. A brakeuian on thoFlint.& 1'. M. railroad, of East Saginaw, nainod E. G. Branger, feil between tha cars óf his train and was fatully injurcd ono day last week. Miss Ora Sheffield, of Adrián, last Friday morning, accidently shot heraelf with an old rusty pistol which she was examining to ascertain whethor or not it was loadcd. Thought not fatal. Peter St. O-eorge, of Erin, Macomb Co., died rccently aged 105 years, probably the oldest man in tbc state. Ho fought all through tlio war of 1812, aud was strong and healtby up to death. The wild strawberries on tho plaüis are already ripening, and souic havo been picked this week. Jut think ofltl StrawberrieH ripening in Dorthern Michigan, May 24!- Lake County Star. The Clinton pcoplo are to devote tho proceeds of their Fourth of July celobratiou to a grave purpose, viz : Paying urj the debt upon tboir cemetory. Hope thoy will have a picasant time. The Princess Louise and Prince Leopold, children of Queen Victoria, passed through the state laat week enrouto to tho weft. Thcy attended several sessions of the republican couvention at Chicago. C. F. Kimball, rccently of the Pontiac Gazctte, haa had a portion oPa hand amputatcd. He is in Colorado, and it i.s supposed that he was bitten by a poiáonoiis insect or scratehed his hand upon a cactus vine. The mosquitoes blossomed out in profusión the early part of the week. It does not lio within the memory of the nldest inhabitant when these insects were in such numborH, or when they so dilipently attended to business. - Sault Sto Marie Nuws. Nagaunec Iron Herald : Assurances have been obtaincd trom the I i rand Bapids and Indiana and Jackson Lansing and Saginaw railroad men, that their respective lines will run to tho Straks bofore the Detroit, Marquette and Maekinae line is pleteü. Wash. Weaterman, aged 15, was drowned, May 2Oth, at Adrián, while bathing. When the others began to dresa Wash. paid : " Boys, tliia is my last dive ; then I aui going home." He dove and oever roso to the surf'ace, and was finally recover from the water uuite dead. Seventeen of Tecumseh's high school gradúa! ing clans bolled the other day and went off on a jamboree. The teacher got wrathy and the achool board .resoluted, and finally they were all taken back but one, who refused to sign a paper stating that hc would never, no neTer, k no any inore. The well-known Detroit cricketer, Toni Dale, who went to Eiigland as captain of' the Canadian team, has been fcrresteu as desertor t'roui thu aruiy, and it is likoly to go hard with him. Ho has a wife and ehildren liviug in Detroit. lie doserted in 1S72. . Chas. W. 'irham, who suicid :d at Chicago recestly, beoause oí' being suHpccted of purloining 90 eent ironi tbo till, was a former resident of Wyandotte, where hia fathcr, Wm. Qraharn, oow livos. Ho was ovidently insano. Ho was but 24 years old and leaves a wife and threc feildren. Hudson report the following accidhnts : "W. W. Van Aiken had hjá collar bone broken and hid horsc brike it." nock Saturdty by un upset ; C1. E. Jibblt broke Lis leg DIonday by a í'ull trom his carriage ; Aodrow Sawdy was run over nnd bruised Saiurday ; and Miss Odel feil and disloeated her nhoullcr Monday." The Dundoc Roportor staten that on lloDday afternuon after school, liffhtnlng struck theunion sohool house oí' that place, knocking tbe stoveH, (loor, and toats to pieces, and raisinfi " Nc] " gcoérally, but not injuring the building to any very pfre! extoiit. h was not discovcred uutil the following ruorning. A little 15-yoar oM boy nauied John Gleason, living at Marquette, waN impaled on the horn of a vicióos cowreeently, the horn entering directly under bis chin and crushing up iliroiifili to Ene skull, and in this hliaiie lie remained until help arrived. At last aeaouuta the buy. was,aJivo, but in sucb torrilile agony that dealh would l.c wclooimd. The cnmniittee appolnted ly the state to inspect the Michigan Military Acadciny, perforiucd that duty on Wednesdsy;and ex (irefsed themnelvesas buing highly ]leased with its prnliciency and nwiMgflmw t. The following distinguished gentlemen oomprue the committee, who worc all present: l'rof. Mosos Coit Tyler, af thé university; Col. .1. J. Grosvcrnor, of Monrno, nnd V. ( ). Hogfanrt, presideut o('thej. U. & I.H. R. Mr. .). lironsim Uuwaid, drauiatlKt, of Detroit, was also a visitur to tne tion tlio samo