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Planning For Vacation

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A good many peoplo loso a vacation altogither, or miss lialf'itu posible boncíits, by aeglecting to do a little planning in advauce. If it is a question of money, they forget the littlo savings that would enable theru to take a rest wnen the time for it comes : if a quostion of work or duty tliat involves other ioo)lo, thcy postponc the needful prearrangemeut until it is too late. The matter of where one shall go for summer rost is oí' leas importance than that ono Jtiould go somovrhtro ; aud it is just as well to have it sottlcd in advanco a to wait uutil the coveted place is taken by another, aud one must Rput up with "Hobson's choico" in everytinng. íhere will be chance cnough for the happcniüg of the unexpected, which is oftcn the most pleasurable part of summor excursions and experiences, afler you havo made tolerably sure of tho expeetod. If half the time spont in borrowing troublo, which doesn't need a lightning-rod put up to attract it, were dcvoted to planning for ploasure, we should all accomplish quito as mueh, and have a good deal bettcr time. Plan out your vacation, and even if you can't executc it you will have had the pleasure which corues from anticipation. It is commonly the pcoplc who think they can't afford a sumtuer resting-speil, who can tbe least afford to do without it. It is poor consolation for a premature breaking-down from over work to reflect that you were " only doing your duty," and "couldn't find a stopping place." It is better to find ono than to have it thrust upon you.