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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Riv. S. HA8KILL, Pastor. BaMatk ottIcs, 10 . u. and 7S4 H . Ünnday School aftfr morning snrvlc. t'rycr iiKCtii!.'Thnrsday cvening at 7V o'elock. Catbollc Church. Kr. Kather Fiblr, Pastor. Un UtM, I ' ¦ mb Maas, 10K a. m. Vcupers p. m. ganda? School, )% p. m. Con&regatlonal Chnreh. Hkv. W. Et. Rtdíu, Pistor. Sabtwth -u'rrtces, 10H a. k. and 1% p. x. Suril ív School after morninK forvíce. Prayir ineuüiur Thureday evonlng at "i% o'clock. Episcopal Chnreh. Riv. Wtllts Hai.l, Rector. Mih'i i'li i irrtee. 104 a. ic. aud 1% r. m. Hniidny School, i% v. m. K-li,'u;itáCrvif e, rharsdH evuning at 7 o'clock. (í'rtnuu Methodist Cluirrli. Rkv. C. IIei.ww, I'astor. gaMMtb services. 104 a. x. and % r. u. Suntiy rteb ¦'¦ di nlno o'clock a. m. t'riyer mucLiug üU VVcdnutjduy. JiiiUteran í'hurch. Hxi. Jobs Siumamn, Paator. i crvlci's, lü . m. r.nd 7!4 p. m. iind ly dobool ift.-r mornlnv; pervice. rr.tyt-r ruuutin, Tharöday Oveuiug at 7H o'clock. Methodist Church. Kut. Joas Ai uiipm, Pastor. Sn.iiith sorvice-, M4 . .. and 7H p. m. Sii.i 1 1 Sc'mi)! .ifter morning ervice. irmlay evi ningat 1% o'rlock. Yuun' lMvl M' eting, 3atard&y 7 p. u. Preshyterian Chnrch. ;".v. Fbbü T. Bbown, D. D., Pastor. Stiiii'h -i ttIcm, 10V4 a. . and 7)4 r. k. Smul ty Si-.hoaland ÜIDle cIhkb after inornlnf; service PrayeT ni'ïeün,', Thursday eveniii at Hp'clock. V nnii; l'eople's Moetlng, Snnday evenlnR 6Vt. Cuitarían Chnreh. KV. J. T. SUKDEHI.AND, 1'antor Sahlmtli aurrlcon, li4 a. M. aud "H r. u. Suda; Uehool ut 12 x. Hm lents' Ulble UlasnatMR a. .„ Zion Latheraq Church. Kkv. II. P. Bblhsb, Piêtor. Saiili.n li Serrlcoi at 10 a. m. and 7 r. ¦. H inil.y 8chool immedittoly ifter morning yervice. Uallgioiu lorvIctM "cdnesday evinlna at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARD8. Yeterinary Snrpon. ((JnidJate of the Ontario ry i'olli v'i', Toronto, Canada.) ah lisca;'s nr Horees, Gattre, and Otber Difiucetic Auimalö treatcd. ƒ Olies, G 0. ïiia Ct., OTOf City Tci Stom. li.f idi-K, 17 S. DiTtMon St.,Ann Arbor. ƒ 1 y!-.-T lililíes! l.adies! UO Til MISSES HAYLEYSA No. 3S. MainSt., for Corsi-ts, very.'rowellng, T:iblc Linen, ton.I.tnen and SIlkHandkurchlof, Nockties. (aniet nnd Jet ScU, and lAilits' l1 ani In great yaricty. No. .! 8. Main St. Nu. B S. Main St. '.we, si I 0. C. JENKIS, I O I'TICK : No. 32 East Washington Street. Koi merly occupieil by Dr. I I Frothingham. ƒ I itsotf MERKT R. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estufe Broker, AND INSURANCE AGENT. othci : . 1 Opera House Bloeit An AnBOB, Mk ii. 795tf WILLIAM HERZ, nüUSK, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL & I I FRE8CU PAINTER. papuring.Qlazlng, Gilding and Calct- mininu, and work of evcry dccrlptlon donu in the best etyle, and warranted #to kivo attafactiou. RUop No. 4 Weflt Was h I nion Street, Ann Arbor , Mlch. 88tf WM.C. STEVEXS, M.D., Fhysfcfan andSnrceon ome, .3tJ Washington Street. Office Hourê- 1 U)9a. ., 10:30 a. 12., 3to J, andï to S r. m. Residence- No. 10 Grove StnetA 943tf JF. SOEtt, Jtus, Sis akd ObhamkkTal ƒ iNtuB.- Paperlng, Qlazing, ƒ llng, and work of evcry ƒ lion done In the best style. ƒ t, Olls, and Varnlahcs on ƒ and for sale. Shop, No 33 Washington Street, Ann ƒ W. U. JACKSON, Vdbntista o Doe Ter Haoli Ac Abel'. inuance by First National Bank. 788tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mirhignn, TSAS5ACTS 5SNEEAL MU BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. 'ri.'an(f.ed nnder the General Banking Law of thls iliil 'e l"ookholders are indtvldnally Hable tor an tb. l!mal amonnt ein' t the stock hild liy tbcm, h.-íi:ri''Ü1tt' a Fuud for th "'neflt of HcixiMltora of $100,000.00. 'nr por cent. Interest Is allowed on all in . i .1 p"lte ol on" duil"r nl1 npwards, accord'hi' ruku of the Uttnk.and interest componnded "¦ aunimiiy. Mon-y to loan on unlncumborod r"l iUtc and utber tfood securily. "lror--Ohrlstian Mack, W. W. Wincs, R. A . Beal Williara Duhel, Wlllfara D. Harriman Daniel Hlscock, and WUUud B. Hmitb OIHeers: '""fii Mapk, Pres. W. W. WiNBg, Vice-Pree. Cha. K. IIiscock, Caehler. felS-SW WINANS & BERRY - roR - MERCHANT TAILÜR1NG For thp followins roanons: !¦' Oar work i all fir-t-class. 'n V.iv. r' rrJ '" lbe oaly cn'te' Uo State wuo ¦ Vou " l"'rfect at wWtout tryimj on. havtnir ,,¦' E.U!S ''""' aB"rluiem in the State, '''m'''"' """'""'¦"' -r,lr.U. ruh' we "" '""" bnt it-la trlraraliiKs. wc are full ¦! H-.r ent. below Dutroit prlces. B W1NANS A BERKY, 1TO' No. 11 Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor Ci1:1!1"! prlntlDR and job work wlll l,e MleBÍ?r:V""AUKK"m'"" '" 'UrtylUuna 1BPr ratea tbau at anj other ofle.