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Garfield's Record

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At 14 he was at work at a carpenter's llCDCh. At 16 he was a boatman on the Ohio caual. At 18 hc wasstudyingin the Chester, O., seminary. At 21 he was teaching in one of Ohie's common schools, pushing forward with his own studies at the same time. At 23 he cntered Williams college. At 20 he graduated from Williams with the higbest honors of his class. At 27 hc was a tutor in Hiram college, O. At 28 he was principa] of Hiram college. At 2y he was a member of the ühio senate - and the youngest member of that body. At 30 hewas colonel of the 42d Ohio regiment. At 31, he was placed in command of a brigade, routed the rebels uuder Huniphrey Marshall, hclped Gen. Buell in his tigbt at Pittsburg Landing, played a prominent part in the siegeof Corinth and in the important movements along the Memphis & Charleston railroad. At 32 he was appointed cbief of staff of the army of the Cumberland, participated in the cainpaigns in middlo Tennessee and in the notable battle of Chickainauga, and was pr'omoted to the rank of majorgeneral. At 33 he was in congress, the successor of Joshua 11. (Jiddings. At 48, having been continuously in congress since he was 33, he was elected to the United States senate. At 4'J he was üotninated for the pri'.-idency of the United States.