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The "o'meara Consolidated."

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Ihey met by chance, the usual way aniong the daughters of' the wilc of Adam. Said the one Deighbor to the other : " Good morntn' till ye, Mrs. O'Meara." Sid the other unto the one : " Thank ye kindly, good mornin', Mrs. McCracken, yer lookin' well this mornin'." " Och, but it's kind ways ye have, Mrs. O'Meara - ye'd be shpakin' the cheerin' word if ye saw a poor body wid a foot in the grave - but I'm far froin feelin'well; it's the ould disthress in me chist, dear. It's early ye're abroad the day, Mrs. O'Meara, but ye're always so industhrioua an' drivin'." " Ye flatthor me, Mrs. McCracken, but it's only in drivin' that there is only thrivin' these times - wid God's blessin', av coorse." "Thrue for you, Mrs. O'Meara, an' thruly it's snug ye are at home - manin' but tbc honest words I shpake an' no flatthery. ' ' " Wid the blessin' av God were doin' fairly - f'airly Mrs. McCracken." " I wish I could get tho saycret, Mrs. O'Meara. My Michael works ivery blcssed day in the mines, but nothin' stays wid us." "Do ye collect assistmints, Mrs. McCracken." "Assistininte, Mrs. O'Meara! What wud I be doin' wid collectin' assistmints ? Bad cess to it, woman, it's the other way wid us, for Michael ho do be payin assistmints on this an' that ivery blessed month, almos t." "An' where doeshepay thim, dear?" " To the broker shops - sure, where else wud he be payin' thim, Mrs. O'Meara?" "Why, toyerselfdarlin'." "Tome, Mrs. O'Meara?" "To yersilf, woman! Where else should he bo payin' thim ? What for does rny Pathrick pay assistments to me butbebecause I livil thim on him, dear?" "Od him I Aa' what is that for, dallin'?" " It's for the stock he has in the corporation, dear- the interest he has in the O'Meara Consholidated - do ye understand tbat now - the O'M-ea-ra Con -shol-idated?" " What would that be, dear? " " Originally it was the Patrick O'Meara aud the Nora MeCue, but.was incorporated Iw tlio O'Moara Consolidated in 1865.; first issue of stock in 186f, with anew issue every two years since. It is what they cali a close Corporation, I belave, an' I am both President and Board of Directhors, hould the conthrolling inthrust and livil assistmints." "I dou't understand it at all, Mrs. O'Meara. An' what is it you livil the assistmints on, dear? " ' ' On tbc stock, to be sure, woman - on the live stock, do you see ? - six shares now." " Do you mane the childer? " "What else would I mano? 111 teil yo, dear, for I see ycr wits are wool gatherin'. You see for a long time Pathrick was buyin' this wild cat and that wild cat, and all the-cats were livilin' assistmints and he payin' 'cm and kapin' us all on the point of shtarvation. I saw how things wor goiu', so I just brought out on him the papers of the home incorporation, and I says to him, ' Here now, sir, is the O'Meara Consholidated, a squaro location secured by a patent with but six shares in it, and showin' well as far as devoloped ; now I livil my lirst assistmint of twenty dollars a aliare.' Says ho : ' Nora, ye're wus nor the wild cats ; ye take me whole month's wages!' 'Thrue,' says I, 'and l'll honestly spend ivery cint in improvcments for the benefit of the company. ' " "An' did he shtand the assistmint, Mrs. O'Meara?" " He did, for he thought it a good .joke at Grst; an' for two or three months he paid up like a man." " Then hu quit payin' ?" "He did." "An' what then, Mrs. O'Meara? " " I sould him out." " Sould him out ? How could you scll him out?" "Well, dear, he had duo and legal notice. I first of all tould him that sucli :t day it would be delinquent in tho Board, thin that it was advTtisod as delinquen! an' that such a time would come the day of sale. lie thought it a good joke, but whin he kern home that evenin' he had no supper. I didn't cook him a warm male ia a uionth, I sent a lot of furniture to the auctioD, an' I cut him off in ivery way in his home comforts." "An' what then, dear?" " lie nevor once refuscd to pay hia regular asssistmints." " Och, it's a wise woman ye air, Mif. O'Mcara. Good niornin' till yc, an' wid the help av God 111 inoorporate the McCracken Consholidated this blessed day, and livil me first assistinint before {I rest my


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