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The Argenline repubhe has anotlier civil war on hor hands. C'all him what you Lave a miiid to gentlemen, Garfield will poll the votes, and you know it. Kdwin Booth has gonc to Kuropc. He was tendered a big diuner prevwus to his departure. Congres? has appropriated f:0,000 f'or a monument tolnark the hirtli place of George Washington. Only reporters for the daily press, ironclad oathed at t lint , will be allowcd in the Cincinnati "jamboree," nextweek. Wm. L. Webber, of Eost Saginaw, is no longer master of chancery n the U. S. circuit court for the eastern district of Michigan. Bullí h o uses of congress adjourncd at noon, Wednesday, tho 16th inst A great sigh of relief goes o'er the land, from Mainc to Oregon. IMt Monday a terrifie storm passed over Ohio and Indiana, in fome places accom panied by severe wind. Much property was destroyod. [¦ightakig struck a 20,000 barrel oil tank at Titusville, Pa ., a few days airn, igniting the same, and destroyiug property to the amount of $1,500,000. "The nomination of Garfield is a weak ono." - Democratie Exchangc. Yes, wc know it. It weakencd the democratie party fcarfully, the minute it was made. Judgc Withey, of Grand Kapids, lias been appointed by Judgc Baxter, of the U. S. circuit court, to assist Judgc Brown, of Detroit whenever he needs-assistanee. When Garfield was a young lad altendin;; school, he used to forra a ininiature conpDM. of the pupil.s, and then " scoop " out all of the othcr boys in scech making. Seymour tells the newspaper interviewers that hc won't accept, hut mayor Carter Harrison, of' Chicapo, says he will accept, and what Cuter don 't know isn't wortli knowing. The deputy marshals bill passed by Congrecs with its objeotionable features and riders has been vetoed by l'resident I layes, and congress refused to tak( aiiy aetion on the veto belbreadjourning. A Spanish war veceel has fired uppn two of our merclunt vossels off the gulf of Mexico, and our govermuent has doeided tousk au immediate explaimtion of the outrage from the tipanish government. A meeting of the republica.n state central coinmittee has beon called for Wednesday, June 23d, at Detroit. Senator Baldwin, cliTiirman, will havefinished hiscongression al dutics at that time, and will be present. Kx Governor and ex-Senator Albert (í. Brown, of Mississippi, vnw thrown from his horse, at Jackson, Missisxippi, and died on Sunday last, aged 07 years. lie was cxpelled from the U. S. Senate in 1801, for treason. The Hun. I. M. Grane, a prominent democratie lawyer of Lansing, and at ono time a candidate for congreso in this district, has beon adjudged insano by the probate court of Ingham aounty, and sent to the l'ontiac asylum. Geo. üpdykc, of New York, a wealthy business man, and during the memorable draft riots, mayor of New York city - with two exceptions the only republican mayor the city over had- died on Saturday agcd 75 years. Il is wit li great plcasure. that we Me it statcil that Memphis has at lust awakencd to its dangcr from dirt and shiltlessnesx and gone to work upon its sewers, atd other inethoils of puritic-ition. Itisstatcd that twenty miles of sewer pipe have been laid, and that 7l)ü uien are now at work clcaning up the city. Aliut 20 miles of drain tile has abo beon laid, Vukaflad and cleane.d, and ¦ (reneral work of purificatimi inauguratcd. None loo soon. 500 uieinbersof Sitting Bull's band havo been starved out, and have come "ver on this side of the British American line and surrendored to 'en. Miles. As noon as they get thcir stomaeh's fillcd thoy will stcal away and tight thcir focdi. Mrs. Christiancy gaincd tho tirst blood in tbc divoiee suit, rcccutly entercd at Washington. The cuurtó awarded her $150 por uionth, aliuioiiy, and $300 counsel Mr. Christiancy's lawyers are debating the propriety of twiwiag the bill for divorce rather than pay them. The democratie papers aro slinging cart loads of fiith at GhaB. Quttki, but there don't any ofit stick to him. It tkkM a doublé back aetion s xuersault, n la boomerang, and desoends the throat of the klingere. That is, they eat the dirt themselves which they intended for Garfield. Grand llapids has at length ooncluded that she wants the state school for tbc blind, and has appointcd acomniittce to solicit aid etc. For the good of the class itself we hould bc glad to see the school locatcd in Sonic of our largc cities of the state. Tho blind need the advantages ouly attainable in our largc citics. Wisconsin has been visited with a terrific storm in the vicinity of Eau Claire, Chippcwa Falls, etc. The Chippewa river rose 24 foet inside of two days, and the Wisconsin river 21 foet, and the datuagc to lunibermen alone is given at $1,000,000. Several buildings and milis were swept away and many lives lost. The disater has no proeedent in the history of the state. Nothing will be done by Congress in the way of providing for a bctter method for counting the electoral votes, but the whole subject will be left for anothcr (juarrel and janglo when the time shall oome for declaring who have been elocted as president and president of tho United States. The neglect is a criminal onc, and evident ly dono with criminal intent. How do the people like such things ? An anti-Tammany delegation 1,500 strong, left New York city yesterday for the Cincinnati "jamboree." If it is composcd of the average class of New York city democrats they will have "a bit of devarsion wid thimsilves," and will enforce harniony in the gathcring with a will. Won't it look nicc to see the democratie "happy fatnily" of New York "working as a unit " in the convention? At Wilmington, Del., on Sunday last, the 13th inst., ex-Senator James A. Bayard, the father of the present senator, Thos. F. Bayard, of that State, and son of James A. Bayard, who was also a senator, died, at an advanccd age. The lamily have been quite as remarkablc for proniincnce as the Wahburne family. The father, two sons -the other, Uichard II. Bayard, who served two terms in the Sonate- and a grandson, all servtd thcir state in the United States Senate. Great praise is aocorded Hon. Cuas. W. Clisbce, of Cassopolis, who was appointed reading clerk at the Chicago convention. He had had many ycars experience in the same capacity in the House of Representativcs, which, addcd to a clear enunciation and a reniarkably excellent voice, enablcd him to be lieard in the retuotcst corner of the building. Uw services were highly appreciated. The wicked Chicago Times, even, had to aoknowlcdge his ability, and says : "That his voiee drowned all the united noise of' the tug and locomotivo whistlos, as well M the whispciing of an audience of 10, (XX) persons. Mr. L. 1). Hibble, of Battle Crcck, one of the district delcgates of the democratie party V Cineinnati, was intervicwed by a Post and Tribune reporter, aa to the coming democratie candidato, but was vcry undecided in opinión. He wiid tliat Tilden did not appear to be the first choico, but that if he could be elected his administraron would provo cminently satisfactory ; that it was dimcult to choosc from the many gooi men in thcir ranks, and that Bayard, Thurman, Scymour, Hendrickp, Payne, Field, Hancock, or Davis would each have a strong following, but that he loved them all, so that when hc was thinking of Tilden he loved him tlie best, and if his thoughtd changed to Seymour, why, Seymiiur appeared to bc the best. In fact as the fullow expressed hitnself in an ancient couplet : "Oh ! I ecmld bc huppy wit eitlier, Were tother dunr churmor away." Monday the state clection took place in Oregon and rcsulted in a substantial rCpubliiXin vinlnr,, Mr M f! flv-cf '-" -1-J to the next Congress over the present democratie incumbent, John Whittaker, the man who uiadu the famous fast time across the continent ii -n the organizition of the present HonM of Representativos. Tliret; renuMieans have been chosen upon tho fiupreme bench of' tho state by ovor 1,000 majurity, and the lecislaturc will be republican by ¦ small majority, cnough howover, for all practical purposes. And 80 tiie first boom for 1880 0 '11108 from tlie Pacific slope. Orcgon swings iuto the rcpublican lim: and prop ca to hercafter be under control of the party of advaneement and pro:resiiiu. The reduit may I eredited as tnuch to the atteiupted defraudiug uf the electoral vote of the State by tho demuerats as to anyIhing else perhai.N. Tlie people don't like fraud in any shape. The people of the nation havo reason to congratúlate tbcm.selves upon the able managemcut of the financia! affairs of the government, notwithstanding the blunders of tho Brigadier Congres. Secretary Shcrman is probably the best financier ever at the helm of the national treasury. The Detroit Post and Tribune says : " During th: last eleven months the reeuipts of the national treasury have exceeded the expenditures eighty-onc millioiis f dollars. This wül be inereased, prcbably, to about onc hundred millioiis of dollars for the year which will close on tlte 30th of June. The gold and silvcr on band, aflcr allowiug for all calis to be made againxt them, aggregate $106,853,581, of wbich f42,778,190 is in silver dollars. Af'ter all dues are deducted, tho il ver dullnrs on hand will bc $36,720,(,' I ; and lliis amount is steadily increasing. Tbc law allowing silvcr certificaten opcrates lo níturn tho silver to the treasury as fast as it is paid out. If there is nny amount of' the bulky and i r.convcnient silver dollars paid out the receiver inimediatcly redeposits it in the treasury and demands silver certificates for it." It is whispcred on the corners, and announcod in the utmost secrecy to the faithful, that Tilden has been thrown overboard and that Horatio iSeyinour is to be the coming man, at Cincinnati. Sliades of the iminortal General Jackbon and Susan B. Anthony, resurrected fromyour long forgotten slumbers! What has the inoffensivc old relict of the past ages dono, that ho must nceds be brought out of' his peaccful abiding place and subject to such an ordeal? (ive us i-omebody who reprcscnt the prosent of' that party to cope with. Deunis Keurney or Fitz John Porter, nr ome such man, for instance. A real live, blalant loud mout lied northerner, or that famous f'alher of misccllaneou.t progeny, Ben I lili, of Georgia, representing tho southern sentiment. Don't kill another old man as you did the erratie Horaco Greelcy, by subjecting liim to the heavy honors of figure licailing the democratie ticket, (en. McClellan would be u gool candidato, lie would liberale on tbe noiuination until about clcction tiujc, and begin lo niove with his forcea after the republicans liad inauuratcd tlicir pre-ident. (íivo us McClollan. Bayard miglit reitérale his Gmmm Wl speech of 1860, eo the edifioatinn of the iirople.