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.ECAL NOTICES. Chancery Jiotlcc. STATBOF MIC1UUAN- Tbe Ctrcnil Courl for the Count; oí Wnítitenair, ln ehancery. Predi Ick D.JunUw, lompUiumil, va. Kliza A. McüoikIo. delendunt. At a MMlon of aid court, holden t II"' "r' Hodmv In the cily if Aun Kibor, 011 Vediui4ajr, Ue lW6iity-firt day of April, A. 1). 1380. l'reseilt, tlio Uuli, (ouvoruenr MMfia, t'lrcull JodjM. .. . Bill of Complalnt in ttaia orni-c liavinr. been Hl"' OH the nln'h day of April, A. I). 1KK0 ; nnd It no Mtlalartoriu npH'nriiifii) thix court, opon duejmn't b) illuliivi!. that thu di-fcndaut iii this caiisu, M'W A. Mi Don. ilc!. resides out l lili Stiti', IM M f1"1 ieni ol tba rítate ni Toxá un inoiiun r Hrsdwy K. tíraiiRer. oolicltor, and ol couiifol for tlie copplainant, li l ordenid tlint th Id éthrtmt. A. Mr Dormid, mw tnd annwur tbc btll of compl"'' in thix ciiune, witlini montlií froui the dle o tille order. UOl'VBKNKl'R JIOKK1S. C'ircnlt JuiliriB. F. iUAMKH, Solicitor, and ol Counxel Tur thu Complainnt. ató -íw i . Batato of Triiman 1. lleatli. CTATK ttiV illClilUAN.Connty of Wiwhtcnaw. ¦ Al h KCHKioi. ol Ihc rrnbatv Court for tbeCoimlyol Waphti'iinw, liDlilen al tlie Probate uilKe in % oí Aun Arbor, on Saturday, tbe tweniyfoconil W " May, in thc ycr on thoumud eight hunil and eiuhty. l'roseut, Willium D. Uarrlinan, Juof1 ni l'iolmle. n-lh In the iiuittcrof thccBtatc of Truman 1). "',; decctd. un reading and flliiiK thc pnllüon. ' verifled.of Almlra A. Beiith, íiniyini; tbat a "? intn:nu'nt QOWOO file. In thÍK cour!, pnrortlUL'ti '" Ihe lat will and texlHinuut ol aaid deccaícd. ma i iicliniiied tu pruliatc, and thai sho inï 1h' appoini'-" xi-cDtrlx thereof. . . ,.„,„ Thcreupon It la ordered, that Monda?, thc WW llr-t dny ol June next, t ten o'clock In lh' "' uiM.n, be HMlMacl tor th ttmn ot d'l I-""" ; aodthal llie tlMa. lavMOT and beir "' f' i faid deeaed,and II othor penwtn lateni d ln wtat, un reinürcd to appunr at a iMíxelnu m hen tg liold.n nt tbe l'rohalc Ofllce, in m cily ol' Aun ArlKr, and slmw caBM, H y '„„.,: whv the pniyer i.f ihe potltlOBor xhould uot lH!f-r"" ad. And it te rnrtboi oriarod, iht naW fx-'"1'"' ', Ijlve nonen to Ihe penosa inurcted i" 1"ll(i. '' f í, .'„¦ tli, ,,.inl. ncy of iaid ietlt'ou, aud Ole hwr i J of. liy caunlnv a cojiy f llil irder to be I1"""". ,, Ann Ari...r téurir, a Dowapkpa l'rí"uL drcnlallM.' I" Mld eoaatr, three Hucee'"'1'' "IX prvTtou i" r-iti.l da of hiwinft. (A u u'JlV ' WII.1.IAM II. '1AKIUí5jiu. WM. U. DOTT, I'robale fctWUr, ¦ :"