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CHILDREN Cry for Fitcher's Castoria. They liko It heaww it is sweet ; Mothers like Castoria Iktuiisc it gives hcalth to Uh cliilil ; and riivsiciiiiis, becausc it eoulains no morlililni' ur mineral. Castoria Is Natnre's Remedy for udmQating tlio Food. It cures Wind Colic, the raising if Sour Cnrd and Diarrha-a, allays FeyerIhIiiipss and kills Worms. Thiis Uio ('liild lias hoaltli and tho Motlier MftbU rot. IMcasant, Chcap, and Iteliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS lAedTi Pain-rolieving agenta for MAN and BDA8T tho world has ever knownihrr 1,000,000 Bottlen unid Ihi year ! Tho reasons lor this unprecedented popnlarity are evident : th Centaur Xiiniments rc made to dosorvo confidence, they are absorbed int" thr i-tructnre ; ttacy always euro "d novor disappoint. No person netd longcr suffer with FAZN in tho BACK, Rhcumatism or Stifl Joints, for the CENTAUR i.iiiinients wlll surely extermínate tho Pain. There Is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Soald, Burn, IJniise, Sting, all or Laimncss, te Tihloh Mankind or Ihimb Brutes are subject, that does not fMpotfd to tliis Soothiug alm. The Ccutnur LINIMENTS DOt only rellrve pain , bat thcy incite healthy action, ¦Mm iyijlcrrunatlon, and are, whether the symptoms proceed from wounds of tiicjtesh, or Neuralgia of the Xerves; from contracted Cords or a scaldcd Jmnd : from a sprainrd ankle or a gatheiloot; whether fjom disgaeiinij riMl'LES on a LAUT'S FACK or a strained joinl on a üorte's teg. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortiftoattoH from Frost-blteê ; Swetttng from Strains ; the tintura of Hhmmatism ; Crippled for He by some mcUcted accident ; a valitablc liorac or a Doctor" BUI ruay all be saved from One Bottle of Centaur Liniment. No Uoneekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamiter, or Liveryman, coi afford to be without theee wonderful I.íniments. They can be proenred in ctiiy part of Vu globe for CO VenU and $1.60 a bottle. Trial liottle SS Cent. Swallowing POZSOXT f-'imrtt o dLigusting mvcous (rom the nortrilí r upon the tO7l3ils, Watcry Bycs, SnvJRes, Buzzing in the Ears, Deafnes, crackling Bonsatlons In the hcad, Intormiltent Pnina over the Eyi'S, FiitVl lireath, Nanal Twmc, Scabs in the Nonttils, nnd Tlckling in thi;'l'liroat, are SIG OF CATARKII. No oher tueh loathtome, treichcroni and undormiulng malady cnrseg mankind. One-fifth !r oiir ChUiiren die ol dlneases ecneratod by It Inftctiou Poison, and one-fourth of living men and women dra out miserable existences from the same cause. WhUe asierp, the impwities in the noetrils are MCOWiij sicaltowrd Mo the -ttomach aud inlmlrd into the lungs to poison every part of the system. Dr. Wei De Meyer's ('atarrh Cure ahsiuiis the pnrnlent virus, and kills the seeds of poison in thefarthest partsof the system. It will not only relieve, bril ccrlainly eurc Catarrh at any stage. It is the only remedy which, in onr judgment, ha;ever yet reallyeiired acaseorChronic Catarrh. Cured! Cur-ed! Cured! Cured! G. O. Proibnry. Prop. Wwt Kml IloU'l.Ijongliranch. Cnred of 2U yuara Ciironic Caülrrb. S. Benedict, Jr., Jeweler, ti'.ri Brodway, New Tork, imember of fnmily) ('urert of Chronic Catarrh. E. II. Brown. .139 Canal St, N. Y., Cured of 11 years Chronic Catarrh. J. I). McDonald, 710 Brnadway. N. Y. (Sister-in-law) 'nred of 40 yearn Chropic Cntarrh. Mr. John Dou.'hty, Fishkill, N. Y., Cnred OÍ8 years Chronic Caiarrh. Mri. .lacob Swartz. Jr., 'JOd Warren Street, Jersey City, Cnred of 18 years Chronic Catarrh. A. I. Thorn, 183 Montncoe St., Brooklyn, (self and eon) Cured of Catarrh. Hev. Wm. Andcrton, Fordham, N. Y., Cured of 20 years Chronic Catarrh. Mlle. Almce, Opera Prima Donna, " I have received very great benefit from it." A. McKinncy, R. R. Pres., 18 liroad St., N. Y.: "My family ezperlenced immediatu relief." al, Ac, ite . Ac, &c. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Curo is the most important Medical Discovery since Viici'inalion. It is MM by all Drm or delivered by I). & Dkwey & Co., 4ü Dey St., N. Y.. at $1.50 i packasre. To clubs, six pwlfMfffl for $7.50. Dr. Wel le Meyer's Treatise is sent free to anyboly. 951-1002- eow i OLD AND RELIABLE. ÍT)n. Sanfokd's Liter IxnaoBATOB % is a Stimclar.l Family Remedy for j iliseases of tho Liver, Stomach Wra :mil Bowels. - It is Pm-ely %2fc' Vegetable.- It nevor %í WM jm ÍDehilitatcs- Itis „¦¦ I I K. Catharticand XjVl U ML( i I BL"'"1 -v e l)ul)lic. + I la 5% fr more tlmii .'!¦" ycars, S I P% witli uupri cede iit' :1 resulta. S 5'V SiND FOR CIRCULAR.! S, T. W. SANFORD, M.D., Í?5?SkS%Í AST DKIfUüsr WILL TOLK (M ITs ft r t'i 1 Tin. L MS m k S. LRRH, AUKNT. BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO $10 PER ACRE! Stroiiff SoiU! Suro Cropi! Knllrond lln-iMili iilu of IEttli i 'Uníale. S1hmU and 'uurolies. In tt'lllfllt IOul]ttlOll. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. 'J'ti.-vc i;iti'ls ar. A Ion( dlttaDOS Klimt Of the . tlppl Kt ver. Laxge amount krvc1 In i r% el ana ti nutportatlon of eren ti i i)fiuiit)lft In Ktitfllsh umi f irrrnn. Adfin-sM W. O. III ¦ II UtT. ( 'oiiiinissinnfr, liraml K;Lpiils, 1 cliiKiiti B8M00S pOFFINS AND GAiBSi FULL STOOK AT MARTIN'S. All ordnrB promptly attended 10.