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Golden Paragraphs

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Tho l'ullest and bost cara of whcat l:mp the lowest towards the ground. Lift, as wo cali it, is nothing but the cdgo of the boundless ocean of existence. Suocoss is full of promiso till men get it ; and then it is a last ycar's nest from which the bird hap flown. By a componsating process of nature, men are rendered penctrating in proportion to the efïorts made to deccivc them. It is wonderfal how silent a man can be wlien he knows his caufe ia just, aml how boistirous he becomen when lic knows hc ia in tlie wrong. Mon trust rather to thcir uves than to theirears; tho effect of preccptn is thcrefore mIow and tedinus, whilo that of' Ram]! is suinmary imd cftoctual. All errorn spring up in tho neihbórhood of snuio truth ; thoy grow round alout it, and for tlio most art dorive their strength Irom sucb contiguity. Kduimtion is :i botter sal'eguard of liborty (han a standing ariny. If we roircnoh tho wages of' the sehoolniastcr wo must t!i. ie of the rconiiting sergeant. 'I'lu! poliey tliat can strike only while the iroii is nol will beoTOTOome by tha, pnw v. ranee wliiob, liko ('roiinvcll's, rnn inako the iii'ii bot liy Btliking; and he tbat can only rale ibo Btorm nrasl yield to liin wbo eau both raine and rulo it. Upon carth tberc can be no safe happiness. AI1 tilines here are subject to time and mutability. We must be a eternity before we can be secure against changos. The world upon which wc clo.-e our eyeg at night il nover the same witli tliat on whieh we open them in the morning. Love may be likened to the suii under whose influence onc plant elaborates nutriment íbr man, and another poison ; and which while it draws up pectílenoe from thu marsh and jungle, and .sets (lio simoon in motioo over the desert, diffuses light, life and happineM over healthy and cultivated regions of' the earth. It la in the m'iDUtest circumstance of a man's conduct that wc are to inquire for his real character. In these he is under the influence of his natural disposición and acts from hiuiself', while in his more opftn anil important actions he may bc drawn by public opinión, and many other external motives mav have taken xart in them.