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LEGAL NOTICES. Coinmissioiiors' Notice. STATKOF MICHIGAN, ConntyofWaahtanaw.M. The undeiFhrnt'd hiivin:: bn-n Kpi'omteil 'y tha l'rolmtr i'imih for saiil Ctiunty, Oommtaioora lo r.-Colve, examine and adjust all duim and demanda tl all peñón riirahi-t ihe e-t;iu' ni Franklin H. Qentng wy,hitf or b-aiil conntv, deeseMd, henar tiro Botica Ib .: la montha trom date ara yllow ti, bj oraerof aaíd Conrt, for cfvdlton to present thelr claims ¦Kalaai tke eaUte of sald docñued, nni that ihuy iil luf-i ..t ii ofllOG "i ')¦ -ludc uf Pvobate la ilucuy ot Añil Arhor. m íniil county, on Tliuraday, th iwi'iHy-thinl day or Beptember, and on Thurxdnj, tliu twcnty-thlrd ilny ofDeosnbw next, at ten p'ciock i ni., ofeafib of Baiü duys, to rociivo, axantnc nd :iiju-: paid cbdma. I)mled,Jnne 23d, isno. 1IAHCA.L LAKAWAY,) K. Ii. l'ON'l), VCominisioin;rí. isaawynkdp, S nana Chanccry Sale. STATK P MIOUKiAN-Ths (.Mrcult Conrt for ttu' Cuuiity of Wwhluuavv. I ti chancery. Ilannnh M. l-ivi iaiul. eomplalnant, vt. Kuptn-iniu A. Lantafld Wanda A. Yonni;, doieiMlanta. ln panaanca aiui by virluc Of n d'T'e of t-rtiü Court, mnli and euturud in Uio above entltled caoaa, on thptnirtyürt ilay of Murch, A. O. 1860 : Nolice Ib herebj rfvaa that I ílinll aoll at public :iuction, tu ihir htRaaal liUidir, un Muuday, thu necuud day of Aueuat, A. 1). 1880, at ton o'clock In the Ibranotul, at the cast front tliMr of the court hoiujo ju the city of Aun Arhor, county of Waahtenaw mul tata "i Michica, tira lollowiu deecrlbed real oetate, bulng Ihe same mentloi.od mi dwcrili.-il in unid deorot, lo wil : AU tlint parrt-l ol and t-ituiled ln Iba towrsliiji of Yi'iU, cuín! v ind statu ftfurexiilil, knowu, iHiundi'd niel descTtbad hí follows, to wlt : Th.' noith half of HM Mrtheaat qmtrtcr of itic nonthcant quartt-r t aaettoa tbirty-twu, tuwiMhip fonr, outh of muru ilx ewti oontalnlng twantr aaroa oj laúd. Anu Arl)or, Juno 17 ¦ JAMKS HoMAJBUV, Circuit Court ('ominlaalum-r iu aad for Warhu n.iw Cíiiuiiv, M'.cli HYIÍ11 & KlKnvi.TON, Bolldtun for Coñuda KU II Ot'SKS AND L0Ï8 ÍOB SALE. s'vcral good brtck rtwciiun.1 housof, ai.fl u nuiutnr of framod dwc iMy íUuhVm!, wUh nc or intíri' lotw for each, for Míe, on fuir Ivrmn snd rauoa ablosrnlít. AImo, rllly city lot, will loottaA, with k,'onl tlÜQ, Mlid UH loUff Cftlil. AImu, f:irTllpt H]il Iliort" kI'. Mom-i -it.-i Invnatvd tor lenden, at t-ii -i ¦ ful. liiqolH ol Wit K. W. MimiisN