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LECAL NOTICES. ___ Cliftiicery Xolur. STATU OF mCBIUAN- Tka Gticnil l'onrl for the üoonty i WnahtenAw. In chanccrj. hreili'Irk 1. .1. hkiiiK, cuiuplamiuit, vs. Kliz:i A. Mrt'tw"1' Ut n wsion of Raid rourt, bolden ' Ihe ( onri tlooao, in the cily of Aun rbor, m WidiMüdiiy. tinIwenty firm ilay (r April, A. l. lHi. . Preaeut, tne Hon. Qonvorneur Morris, l Irciut . Complaint In thta c.-in-. (Ul''1 on the nlnlb il.iy il, A. 1. US8Ü nil n ", salisfucLorlly nppcxrtug lo ml! emir', n s 'ü i'"1' 11'"1 by nffldavlt, ili.n th Sefmdsnt in this we, w a". McDonald, retida out i Ihli Btate, iml is f-' üent of the (Mte Oí TeXM ; 00 modo ui llntairy F. (raiiKur, solkilor, nuil -l couawl for tl plainant, II In orderód Iho wild drfrmit. ¦ UHcDoiuld, nnpear and anuwcr tho bill ol cornpl!"' InttüacaOM, wttBln Ibre months from il-' üie ¦ UüüVKÜNlíl'U OBSHÍ, Circuit J"' H. F. QBAaua. iollcltor, aul ol Uounsol Tor the Complainant. 986 M4. Estáte or Chauucoy Hrancli. QTATK OF Mlt'UIGAN.C'ountj !¦ At a srssion of the OoaH for Ihe l'"11""1 WaobleoMW, boldon tl the Probate oBee, ia '" ' " of Ann Arbor.on v.ii,..-.tay,tln;twfiiiy-lhiia'iX ' June, in the y.iir One Ihonwnd rflht hunilr.'l aw nlhty. Prttam, WllUtn D. Barrbaaa, Juil '" In 'the mattor of Iha áltate of Ckanncey B,n".!', deceiiseU. Alüm liranrh, administnitilt "' , , state, eotaea Into coart nd rtpntenM Uiti w iiüw prepared to reuder her ftoul account t 'ul adHxiiilniratrii. . ,„.„.. Thcrenpon lt Is ordenxl, Uwt Satiirday, the twB'J lourth dny of Jnly next, at ten o'clock in ¦' ¦ liocm, be aiwtiïinid for i'xnmlniiiK "d "", ' w such account, and tht the helm t lw 4, tai uil oxher penoaa iffiWertei '"'',,, est:itu, ure nqoiroi to aijjiear .lt a !" "„,.. wid oonrt, then to be bo)dn t the l'robat " ' in ihe ckty of Aun Arbor, in aaid couniy. 1"1C' ;' ,, caiwe, ir any tliere bc. why the uH """"''Li M uot bc aUowod, And II la turtu.T or.ler.'d. 'n-_ Mild ris gle noiice U) ; i.ii.reied ín mid eatate, oïthe pendcnc ' ¦ :n,d tke hoarlng thereof, ¦"L ol th. order to bc pnlillAod In the Auu Ar1'.. lar, i Bwapper printed and ¦ -irnilKti .p ... c.nint.v, thrv incmmlvi .-.k prertom i ?"" nf boartuc. (A true copj ) WII.UAM 1) 1IAKK1MAN judgeol Pjobatfc WM. U. UOTY, BagllWr, "¦