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O. M. Martin in recreating at Bay City ibis wcek. Gov. Ashley rcturnod from Boston and the east yestcrday. Mrs. N. R. Waterman, of Bay City, s visiting in the city. Wm. Coupland attended tho red ribbon conventiun at Jackaon. (Jeo. W. Cropsey atteudcd the Cineinnati eonvention this week. W. II. Potter, of Kanpas, is visiting friends in tho city and county. Will C. Carman, of Flint, is visiting his sistor, Mrs. Geo. II. Pond, of this city. Dr. Vaughan left for Missouri lat wo ki wliero he intcuds to remain during tüo summer. MrS. Chas, LeSucr, of Botton, is viaiting her sistor, Mrs. C. B. Pavison, and other relativos and friendo in the city. Rev. Cari Schlenkcr is visiting fiieods in the city. He is pastor of tho largest Uerinan Lutheran ohurch in Toledo. Mis. II. K. l'ilclier leavos for Rousc's Point, N. Y., to-diiy, whore sho intends to reuiain for the summer, returuing Oct. lst. Rev. J. T. Sunderland, of this city, was cho3en as director of tho Wustern Unitarian conference, at its recent session at Milwaukee. 1. L. Witinycr, law class of 'bO, we understand h tu engage in the practicc of law atBridgcport, Conn. He is deserving ol suceess. Henry E. II. Bowcr, of the Deniocrat, attendcd the (Jincinnati eonvention, 10turning ycstcrday p. w. He rcj-orts things hot down therc. Chas. W. Tufts, of tlie raduatiiip olw, has been engaged as principal of the Sheboygan, Wis., gehooid tbr the coming year, at asalary oi' f 1,200, Mr. nnJ Mra. Frank Ilohncí, uf Grand Rápida, wcra in tho city the Grat of the wcek visitinf.-: friends. Mr. Holmes is onc of Ann Arbor's old boys. County treusurer Faireliild has been spending a few days at his old homo in Sharou. He reporta all crops as "buntombe" in that section. Miss Mary A. T-oal has dcclitied re aocoptiug a position of teacher in tho first ward, and will enter the university nest year to conii)leto lier education. Hon. R. E. Frazer, Chas. H. Worden and John Sehumaher attendcd tho state convention of red ribbon cluba, held at Jackson on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. i'atriok U'Hoara, at one time a merehant in this city, aud supervisor of the 4th ward, han gono to Howell to resido. He is book-keepor 3 his brother's store at that plat. Frank Woodruff rcturned to Roseommon last week, havin been at home lor sounc time suffering from an attack of inflauiatory rheumatism, with wbièfa he was seized on his way therc last spring. Prof. John Eastwood, professor of natural seienees in Bethauy, W. Va. , university, arrived in thia city last üaturday, and is visiting hi father, Rev. N. Eastwood. Prof. Eastwood ia a gradúate of the university class of '71, and subsequcntly paased tlirce ycars in tho laboratoiy, since whieh tiinahc has been eooneoted with tho Uetlinny Univorsity. II.' to lcavi n.xt Tuis day in uowpany with his pirent-s for (Jharlevoix, wherc lic - builuinga Ruramer ntidtoee.