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The Back Pay Charge

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The baek-puy "charge" li as Mueletl as BiiytbÍDg caá be. Air. Qarfield voted against the auiendment to the legislative, exeoutiva, and judicial appropríation bill próvidas lor incrcased .salaries in every t'urni and at every stage. Hut, wben tbe aniundiiieut Was tai-ked on iu -pili; of hiin, lie voted tbr the whole bilí, as chairman of the apprópriátion committee, being in chaxgq of it hiinself. In a rpeech in the house Deo. '., 1 SV;, Mr. VVUsod, of Indiana, ,-aid on this subject: "It tnattors Dot how miny years of faithl'ul service had been devotej to the coudtry, nor how ezaltcd a ehurapter for integrity liad bton builded up, this ono ut bas !' u decuied an unpardonable erime. iMy distingnished l'riend i'rom Ohio (Mr. (iarBeld), who strupglod agaiost it until in a conference report trfakh lie had resisted lo the last it was brou;ht before the hoon attaehed to one of' the most important spproprifttioa bilis, apd tben :is all of us who are familiar with these l'ict.s most oonfidently believc (and it is but ¦ u hiin to b so bere) vmed for it in the oomotmtioua dieoharfre of bis duty to liis country, has fared no bc-tter than anv one elne. Mr. (arfield was one of the first meinbers of congress to return tho i ;nk pu, and tbe most earnest advocate of th bill repealing the inórense. Speaking in rjeplv ... AVoAitinleroicpnctia, wno aavocated stm lii.uhcT satanes, Mr. Oarfieldsaid: One of the and greatest uieu 1 know in tbi.s nation, a man who, perhapa, has done as inuch for its inteUectual lite as any other, told nic not many mouths ago iliat be had made it the rule of bis lif'e to aboQdDg ui)' intelteotaal jiursuit the uioinont it baoame oommercially valuable; iliat otbers would utilize what lio had dis1; that bis field of work was abofe ibe line of commercial values, and when be brought down lbo great trutb? of scit'nm front the oppw hights to tbelevel of commercial values, a tbousand bands would be readjf to taLe them and make them valuable in the Markets of' the world. A voioa - Wtui was 1ij ? Mr, (arliilil It was A','assiz. lie cnbcaed 11 pon lii. ter, not for l fie -alury it jaye liím, for iliat was mtagre comparad witíi the pay of ín the lower walks of lile ; but be lollowed tho protnpthigs of bis reat nature and worked inr tlic lo?e f tratb aod tBa insttuctioo of m.iiikiiiil. Somothing l tliis gpiril lias iicrvadcd (he livcs of ilic great men wlio did so iiiiii'Ii lo Iniü i iii tai inaintaiii our repúblicas inatittitious. And tliis j i r i t is, iu my judgnieat, highor and wort&ier tlmu that wlifch tho gentlomwi l'roni (eorgia (Mr. Sicpln'iH) na deacribed. 'J'o couic imiuediauly to the quoatioó before un, I oiu in rifa cniíiinatiom axainst tho#o wlio uinl ( hc-ir riijlit a voteamd ad tlifftrtmtíy front mytetf bu Üti svlyect. I5ut when tho public says to ni';, :inii to thoSO SSSOCUted with ni'1, iIkii me liave, ilnder oonstitutiotial Uvr, giyeó oilrgeives more pay than that publio is wiiüiiL' to L-iiuit us, utd it woulil be odepcate and ind jnl in as on Buoh a ijuestioo tu ic.-i-L that public opinión." tntellixent readers may judie wheUicr Mr. líarlildin tliis npeecti exhiMted the spirit of a salai.v jfraboer Or a sonlid poliiii:ifi. s..'k' HÍmply hh lie liad acted all liis lite tlirouh. lie has not been a inoiicy-iM-ikcr. rfé lias not made money, Spile of Itis freot abilities as a lawyer and ü literary man, lie is onc ol the poorest public iik'Ii in the nat ion, inid at I lie saine unir one of'the mosl frugal, indostrious, and tenipir.iU'.