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AMBBiriAN ÍÍAM.-BUTE is a pmdlict of sciuncc appliod 10 the lioiibokeepcr'N want?. Pure, harmlcss, and of beautif'ul effect. Try it ! 980-992 A Fine Tliing: lor tlie Toeth. I'ragrant SOZODONT il :i eomposition of the purest and choieest inirroilionts of' the Oriental vegetable kingdom. Kvery ingrediënt is knoirn to kave a beoeficial i Heet nu the teethandguuiB. lts embalniing nlipptic proporty and aromatic f V ;i - irram-c i, .L - il ;i toii t luxury. S( (ZOPONT removes all dií i ;reeble odors from the bri-ath eau-ed b bail teeth, &o. It is entiraly fret' from ilie in.jurinus and acri'l proporties of tootii pastes and powders which destioy the enimel. One bottle will last ,-ix months. 969 992 Castoria Milllons ofMothers express llu-ir deliirlil over Castoria. It is n;it ure's remcdy for as.similating the food. Dnlike Castor Oil, it is pleasant to tuke, and utlike Morphliip Syrups, it is harmless. Castoria rtSBlatM the BowíIs, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and lilla) s Feverishiicss. What ffiTCl licaltli to the ('liil.l proniotes rest for the Mother. Children ory for Pltclior's Castoria. It is the most reliable, etTective and popular articie dispensed hv Krniig-lsts. 1TEVER Since healins remedicí hnve been QMd tff surrnRiNO xan haa there Uccn knwn each abíohitcPain-relioviug acutö uö the CENTAUR LINIMEÑTS. They sootho. boal and care. l'l y IIKAL- Ciits, Woiiiuls, Halla, Oíd Sores, Braken BiotuLs iind Bon NIpplM . Paf n t ti the Bwk, Rhnnutlam, sciutica, Lumag, NeuralL'ia, Kurachc, Tette , Plmplef, Itch, Salt Hheum, .and .i]I fletb booe and mutsclc ailments of Ai-ini : SIIKDI'K InlLunnmlIuu ind Dwa'llngl ; liotls, RtllHIS, UIi.'imí, Soir lln ,al. HrolHhiti-, Ctoap aiul liuin- ; KXTKK T Plr fri"" ltiin!r-, ¦-¦ ¦¦',{¦., kTrost-bitM, spraini and Brnleet. The i'ïporleuce of Mntaf4rta haf niwlf Ibe CENTAUR Linimcnts tlie iMt ]H'oly and flectivc curativo bmbii for MAN and BEA8T the world hag ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have rellAvcd more bod-rlddm 'rilcft ; lioalfd (rlliilul % oundn, and and more valuablo anlmalu than all olttcr linimepU, oiiitmentH, o'ü?, extracte, ptaatort} and o-cullcd "puiu killers" and 'Vkiu cures" comblned. l'liyslclami and Veterinary Suroons endorso Centaur Linimento ; iiiíiüoiim oi man, wouii'ii tuut childrcn In all couuLries unc tliem, and Iloiittekccpers, Karraer, Plantern, Travele, l.lvcjymod, 'raiiiHt'TH and &lockrgrOVQBB, !ln:ir putroiiri. They me oluau, ttiy liundy, tlicy art t'licui uu tl Ui'-y ar' rellablo. TheN DO Hi-lir, pulllf w tV'IUllL WaJctl tht'y will BOi all ev late, rabdae, oreare, ftold Üroacbont I il i: IIABWAIHill GLOBB for 'O rrntM ïfrt $1.00 a bottle. Trini bottle, 25 reutn. Catarrhal FOISON W'i'i Ic nftWfl Tr-Hlii.r on ralarrli expluina the folluwing important faclB : 1. That ('atarrhiil QoUê .1 fêtMoin at flrst loca!, aTid tinally c.mistitidhmul. X Thai, tii-iiii; Connlitutiona!, lh infretion i ltyuiid thr rtadi of men Local rnuediee. ;ï. t'lud 'uttimiitt. in the iinelxüK are mrr--aii!y swallütved uto ttn uto the l'thQKi tuit puvtunüuj LUu Digeglivti, Uuspirutory uud Uenito-Urinary organn. 4. 'Mal Citlarrhal tinté foHewítbeinucons membruñe and flan- IJeuiins, Pypapala, Chronic Dlarrluea, Bronchitis, MtoORbaMj aud i.'onunip tion. !. 77a Srnokffi, Douches, Inhalatiutiij, and IiipoIublu SuutlV, cannol possibly remove iulcctloiu iilliinmatton from th uraus named. 6. TlirU an aulvloie Tor Catnrrli miiet posan Inoculative afllnily for, and the qnality of beini; obtorbtd by, the pitnilt-nt mucuus wherever !¦ Rasod upoii these plnin tJicorios, Dr. Wei I)c Mcjci's ('atiiirli Curo luis Hdcl to lic inl'alMlili-. II nol iiirly rolicx-s, il cures Cntnrrli al any stae. Hoiue (c-ilinioii) : Gured! Cured! Cured! Cured! W. I). Wnods, 187 Brondwny, N. Y.Cured ort'brontc ' 'atiirrh. F. .1. Ilaal.-tt, S.7J Hnwdway, N. V.. 4 v.r c... ,-.i. ... ... gnu, na oroaaway, N. Y., 1D yearn Catarrb. S. Henedict, .Ir., Jewel.-r. DR Hmndway, N. Y., (ludy frifiid), ciirvd Of Chronic ll.iy Kever. Mn. EtnmnC II mr-, S9 W. W Blngton Square, N. Y., cured of .(0 yenre OhroDlC Catarrh. Be, (ir,). A. Kris, Iii9 Jay st., Bniukiyu. " It rofltored me to my ministerial laborn." Kev. Chan. J. .Tunen, New Brihton, S. I. " Worth tru típnuí the OOBt." Bar. Alrx. Prew, Cairo, N. Y. " It hal workod wonder in wix caHeh in my puitnh.n I.. v. Nrwniin, 'Mi't Paltos st., Brookljm, cared of 4 yeurM Cbrontc (utarrli. Mm. .T.Swart7.,.Tr.,ani Warr.m St., .Insey City, cared of im yean CtaronlG C'iiUirrh. Ac. &c. Ac. Jtc. Ac. A rpul 'ure lor thU terrible miilady ii the most important ilincovery ror the rrli.f ol liuinau Hnll.rínjí -incr varrinntioii. Wel ! Jlrjcr' 'alui rl Care in awld liy nll DniKglstB, or -Jl by I). B. Ubwiiï A Co., 4li Dry St., N. Y., for 1.5U :i pnekase. To Ciaba, als packagea for S7.3O. lr. Wei Meyer'a TrrBtia, witb fuiiexpilnatkiM and ovtrwlirlmin prooft, Ifl poNt-jtaitt aud sent fre' to niiylxxl.y. 968-1008 OOW TUTT swmmñnr TORPID LBVER. Ijohs of AppetJto, Nauaea, bowclsooativo, SjbapnrtTl'aïuundiTtho abouldtirtiihil iy ot' tynipörTTnow spirits, Loaa o . .rTTTt;, , ivnni "sa, Piy iyi, Fliit'.-'iRestlesBDeaw'jñT niKHToigluycoIorüyOrmiir ITTHESEWAEKníGSAEEtlNlíEEDED SERIOUSDtSEASES WILLSOON BEDEVELOPED TDTT'S FIIXS areespcriiilly iwiupr. ! ra rnjrh -IIMCH, imr itiH ¦lli-4-tnmicti n rliuiir ol 1'eding bh li nutofiiMh h HiitltTer. A Noted Divine says. ïr. TUTT- IVarRirr Forton yr-nr Ii,iv I a martyrtoDyHpeiJiit,CoDStipationand Pi1l LM Spnotiyour Pilla wfrur'cocjni;n(.liHl l I umhí IbflDL I atn now a wel 1 man, nay guad appeato. diéyestioq mt poundn.-iíb Tb"ynr(Mv-ir(htbiii wlit imkoM They IniTVttMlliTrpprntrIiKl Cíuipí tl in iHnly to Tiik on I'1jhIi, thus the nywiim i nourUhcd, and by tin irTuiiir Arffnnou the DitfPMt ivo OrixiiH, K4-Kiilnr KioIh are proJuccd. I'rk r ': ¦¦uts. $5iMurrHv St.t N. V. Tunps haioye; (illAT HaIK OH WniBKKnH hiilir(.il (n u Oll ltLACK by a rúuKlt)tlK'iitiun til Ujim lïvt. Il lm parta a Niituml Oolnr, a-ls InKtantmi'ti-'y Sn.. ï)y IniKKitt. or pent by cxpn-KM m ri--ipl ot $ Office, 35 Murray St., New York. 951-1005 QOAL! CO AL! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlner and wiioli-Hile dialrr of llir rrl.l.mtcil BRIAR RIDGE COAL. AL80 - )euter in Hard ' o i! and Pl Iron ürdwi pnimptly lied. Omcc,llU(4rmwoldi!trret, Detroit, ri'm B. (ttS-MOf , 'l'o til vrrtlNi-rH. Tuk Ann Akhok Couriui bju doublé Ih'o ireuiHtion oi iiti.v otiiri paipai pobllaliad m ,1 I limit ',