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CHURCH DIRECTORY. iiptist í'liiircli. IOv. Uaskbul, Pastor. S iMutli servil o, 10S4 a, h. iiud 1% r. . s ín ! i Sch"ol ifter mornintr ervicu. lUjit mu'o:1iiu' l'liursday uvanini; at 7o'ClOCk, ('atliolir Chureb. Kkv. Pathkk Piki.k. l'íisior. ],mÍm t. É. W,'h Mi, li)H a. i VwpN . SUIlU SWlllOl, ! '. ¦ (VuirrctirAtiounl Oliiirrh. Km. W. II. Kvükk, I'i.-tor. 8.ibi! - i vico, 10!4 a. m. und 7K p. a. Suií'l iv hool níter raornuiK pi-'rvioa - . ¦ l'rjtytT mi'ütinj; Thurmlay evorilnj: ni 7H oYlock. Episcopal riinrch. Rv. Wyllys Hall. Kector. 10 A. m. and 7 i-, m. i;, vThoivrtaj evening ntTyf oYlock. dormán Methodist Clwreh. Kxv. 0. Hki.wici, l'.istor. Síbhuth ttíci-í, ln a. m. nrt T r. . smi.Uy School, at níoe o'clork jl. k. l'niy.r moeHiiK on Wodnoadsy. Lutheran Chnrcli. Rkt. John Niumann, l'aetor. Bftbtatb Kurviees, U)% a. m. and Tifk r. . Suuday Hchonl aftr mornlnR íervioe. I"rycr tuuuting, Thuradny eveuiu t 74 o'clock. Methodist Church. Hkv. Joiií Alahídtsu, I"ítor. rvioos. 10'í a. . and 74 p. m. . -.'lO'il tiftür raorniui; erTíce. i,Thnr8dnyuveiiinL't7i4 0.Vlock. ilü'a Müotini!, Saturilny 7 i-. . I'rosbytorian Church. lítv. Kmn T. Bbown, D. D., l'nstor. Sihlnlh scrvlící, 10 a. m. nd7H r. k. Randa; Scbooland [llhlcclasnaftarmornlnndervlcc Vnjtt imsellng, Thanday cwhíuk at K 9'clMsk. Toang Heople' MoetiiiR, Snoday evuninK ñ%. Unltarian Cliurch. Kv. .1. T. SnnKiu.Nr, 1'uaUir. Nahliiith aurvice, 1UV4 a. m. and 7M ¦ Sa-iday School ut 12 x. Stldant' Itlhle Clase at í:lli a. m. ion Luthcran Church. Rkv. H. F. IIumiiii, l'axtor. Hihhath sttícck at 1H a. m. and T r. . M luduj Scliiol immodiat.-ly ft!r mnrnlng ervire. ftwll ion eurricee Wednosday Dvenliifl nt 7o'cl''k. BUSINESS CARD8. Veterinary Siirpon. "((raduate of thc Onbirio ƒ ry Collo!_'i:, Torom, Caimd.) ƒ ƒ All ilii'ai". of norees. Catth', auil ƒ Othor Ilomcptlc Animáis (rcatod. ƒ Ofieo, G S. Main 3t., ovor Olty Toi Stoio. waaide 17 3. División St.,AnnArbor. ƒ lytlXT ]. adíes! I.mücs! misses hayleys LA DI ES 8TOBB, No. :iS. MainSt., íorCorseli, iery.Towclintí, Tablc I.inen, ton IjlnenandSIlklIandkiTi-hiH'-', Neckllw, Garnet and Jet Setí.and Iadieg' Kanalngreat Tarniy. No. ' 8. Main St. No. H S. Main -t. 'J yr ü. C JES1USS, I OFFICE : uo. 32 East Washington Street. ƒ oocupipJ by Or. ƒ Krothiuglmm. ƒ y '.i-Min HENK Y R. HILL, V ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Broker, AND INBUKANUK AGENT omes : 91o. 1 Opera IIoukp Blook Anh Aiibor, Míen. 795tt WILLIAM HEUZ, lIOUSK.SIGN, ORNAMENTAL & FRESCO PAINTER. 'anerlnK, Olazing, Gildinu aud Calcl- finlnlnt;, and worlí of every decriltlon done In the beet atyle, and wnrrauu l ƒ It o gWe aatiníaction. Shop No. i Wcbí Wannlueton Street, Ann Artor,Mich.# f 688tf WM. C. STEVEJÍS, M.Ü., Physician andSnraeonX 3Q ¦Wnshinaton Htrot.X OMce ITnurs-t to A. ., 1M( a. m. to U m., 4 to 4, iind 7 to S i'. M. HtAdtnce-fíO. 10 Qrovc Htrcct. )3lf p. son i, lam, Hiun and Orhavihtal ƒ - Papertnfí, Qlazin, ƒ 'üldiiiK, and work of every I i criitlon dono in th bot Btyle. I'alnta, Olla, and Vamietiea n ñ band &4d for Bale. Shop, No. 39 ƒ .7 Sitrt WiiHhinKtnn Street, Ann Ij Vrlior,Mlcta. ütítf ƒ W. H. JACK80I, dentist;:j OBte mor lluoli & Akol'tt. yitntranco by Pirnt National Uank. Tiutr THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arlior. Mirhlenn, I&AKSACT5 ima unm büsikess, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizad uudur the (ïcnural lïanklnp Iaw of thi . tlic ptiickholdcrf are indivldiially Hable for an Aildlttonal amount cutiul to tbe ytock h'-ld !iy them, Ihareby cruatlog a unrantre FuikI for the ii.niMt of Uepoüitort of $100,000.00. Knar per cent. Intorcxt ailowed on al) SuvIuü Duposilp of inu dollar imd Uiwar(lf. n. oord lii; tu the ralee of thc Bank, and interest compon nded '¦nú atinually. Jloncy to loun ol auincnmbcred nal -lat" and othor km ecurity. lirctort -OhriKtlan Mack, W. W. Wlne, K. A liial WHIUní neubel, Willlain 1). llurriniali Daniel HUcock. aud WiUard B. Smitb OfflcerM: nmu Maci, Prce. W. W. Win., Vicv-Pree. Chas. k. Hihcock, Cashlor, M5-9M Q.0 TO WINANS Sc BERRY FOK IHJIIUIIIT TAILORINO For Maje rollón iuic reawon: 't. Onr work Ib all nrt-clRHB. l. Mr. Ilírry íh the only culter in the Htate who can ülve you n perfect ntwUbout (r.ii. en, "¦ Wiihivi-the larucwt lumortmeHllnihoSutf, 'iivini' ov.t MO ditTer.nt etyleg to aelett from in "i-Wvm and OmnaMc Wooh ru and WortUéê. _i!p. Vi c mc nono hnt flr8tcla trlmnilnu'H. ttth. Wc are fnll SO por cent, below Detroit pMM WINANS & BEHKY, "M-1U07 No. 11 Sonth Main Streot, Ann Arhor ii.íí;" k'.'.'.tl "f lirlIllll'K nnü Job work wljl bf uon, iïhi CuHKim office in better tvl,. mid oheitHtr ratón tlmu t any otlior offloe.