Did Any Of Custer's Men Escape
An msane voteran soldier, namcd Charles Euiuieluth, was takeu in charge by the po lice of Cincinnati the otherday. líe talked unceasingly, at times rationally. and the Commercial gives the substance of hsi'story as follows: At the breaking out of the war hc wa hnt 1"S ycars old, butentered thearmy with tho six months' men. He afterwards served in tho fifth Ohio eavnlry, and in the enginèer corps. He has threo honorable disMian'i's. At the expiration of Ihc war he joincd the regular army, aud seivcd in Cui-ter'a command on the plains. Ho was with thcyellow-haired hero at the time of the massacre, but escaped the general slaughter. He next tnrned up at the Hlack Hills, were henccumulated some property, the loss of whioh ia evidently tUa cause oí' his insanity. He saya he lost it on account of the eovernment land office at Detroit, Minn. Bcyond this point he grows incoherent. Kmuieluth must have been Urcaming when ho stated that he was with Custer al the time of tbe massacre and escaped. Vp to the present time not a partiële of evidenco has been discovered of the existence of a single survivor of (Juster's oommand. Rumora have appeared at various times to the eontrary, but careful inyeHtigation in each case has satisfied the military authoritiea that every man went down in the fifiht, Sitting Buil and other Indiana have given pretty full dotails of the massacre, but outside of their disclosure, absolutely nothing ia known of t. The Indians are confident that not onc escaped, and it will bc safe to set down as an impostor anybody who pretends that ho was with CuBtcron that fatal day and oscaped the general slaughter. - St. Paul Press. A well-known Bostonian was tryinc; a horse one day, in oompany with theowner, a professional "jockey." Having drivun liim a milo or two, tho gentleman, wlx notiend that hc pulled pretty hard and showed a good deal of spirit, requiring constant watching and a stoady reio said, "Di you think that is just the horso for a woman to drive?" " Well, sir," answered the jookey, " I must say that I shouldn't w:mt to marry the woman who could drivo that horse." The liappinens of life is made up of' minute fraotionn- tlie little, soon forgotUin, fliariüi's ola ki.is, a smile, a kind look, a heartfell compliment in Jiaguise of a_ playful railery, and tiie countlcss otlior intitiiUisiinals oiplOMUlt tboUght uiul IcoliuK.
United States Armed Forces
Indian Wars
Charles Emmeluth
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier