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A Leap In The Dark

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Oen. Hancock, the union soldier,oceupies a high place in the csteem of the republican party. That party oheered hiui and held up his hands when the men who nooiinated him at Oincinnati wero denouncing him as an " assa&sin " and a Lineoln hireling. " His fatne belongs to the preservad union ; the honor of recogoizing and rewarding his merit belong to the republican party. Tho laurels he won in defence of' the union weru pkced o his brow ly republican hands, and tho republicans will permit neither Tilden, oor Tamtnany, nor " Hamburg '" Butler ; neither "rebel" nor " Kniglu of the Golden Cir ele," to come betweep them and the Hancock of Mechanicsville and Gettyfiburg. And the motives qf the republican pariy n questioning the wisdom of (ren. Hancock 's election to the presidenoy will not be niisunderstood. Nor will that questioning involye any doubt of hls past or present devotion to the union. The graycst objection to Gen. Hancock' candidaey is, not tbat he is a military man, but that he has nevcr been anythiag but a military man. Soldiere have been nominated for the presidencv, and soldiers have been elected to that high office, but Gen. Hancock is the first soldier ever noniinated for the presidency whoso whole mature life has been devoted to arms. Gen. Jaokson was a lawyorand had been judge of the supremo courtofhis state, a congressnian, United States senator and governor before he became president. Gen Harria "¦¦' SecrewM "¦ '- _..u.;si terntory, state senator, governor, congressman, and United States senator. Oen. Taylor was a planter in early hfe and again for some ycars aftcr the war of 1812, and he had large administrativo experienco in Florida and Mexico. Gen. l'ierce had been a lawycr, speaker of the legislatura of his state, congrossuian and United States senator. Gen. Scott was admitted to the bar and practiced law before hc entered the army. After the war ef 1812 he visited Eurupc in a military and diplomatic capneity ; he had an administrativo experience inMcxico.and he had proven superior tact and discretion during tho nullification troubles of Í832. Gen. Grant was engagod in mercantile business seven years proceding the war and in the Rovernment or large insnrrectionary distriots as wellasin thecondition ofaffairs immediately fbllowing the war hc had vast opportunities of his mind with civic necoessities and methods of administration. Hut Gen. Hancock has filled nona ui these civic offices ; and has had none of these aduiinistrative opportunities ; nor has he at nny time engaged in atiairs not purely military He entered West J'uint in his youth ; he has been a soldier ever since. He hasnever mingled with per]k and he has liad no experience in their wants. He is a soldier, with noexperienoe but that of a soldier, lf these wero times that demanded military knowledge in the White House the people might look on Oen. Hancock's candidaey with more favor. But they Bre not. It is not the knowledge of' tho movementsofpiantoons, ordivisions, or corps that is required. Now morí1 than any time in the last half eentury we needa president poreesSië of ftn accurate knowlcdge of the principies of contitutiona! government - a pre.-ulcnt who has di 'opinions about the tariff, civil service reform, interstice commerce, and the prinm pies of finance ; a president who has deeided opinions about the dutv of protecting the hberties of' citizons against the fnndl of the cuninnjt and force ol the violent, iáuch il tho knowledge required in tin white house. What are Gon. Hancock's opinions on any of these subjerts? Are his opinous the democratie platform ; and is the democratie platforui his opinions? Who oan teil. Gen. (jarüeld's opinioiu are no secret. They are not ubscured by prolonged military office. The people have read his innennost thoughts on every ono of the vital questions before the oountry, and they know in advance precisely wüat ho will do ifpresidential rcsponsiliiliticsarL placed in his hands. We havo pasj-ed a crit-i ; tho nation is launched on a ncw career of prosperity. Thelaborer, the Itl ohanic, the farmer, the manfaeturer, the imrchiint, every man und wonian in tin land, is concernod that neither repudiators or inflationist on ono side orthe prople win would deny a fire ballot to the blacks 01 the other, shall hinder the contiuanue ol this national thrift, Tbc eloction of(cn. Garfiold is a guarantee that the wholc iower of the presidential office that will hurl against the mei umi the measures that wouM dii-lionor tho eovernmentand bring oatastrophoupon tin business enterprise of the country. But thi cannot l said of Gen. Hancock. No uiattor how pure, how honest or huw wull in teOtásOM li'" may he, he it unskillcd auc untried. lic b:is no knowledge ol' theHl'tvi of policios ; no experienee in scrutinizinfc he result of legislation in respect to the uatcrial and business in'erostsof the counry. That he must and will scek advice ather adds to than removes the objoetion. 'or in a dilemma he will liave no refute iut the democratie politicians. From them ie must receivo and counsel in every strait if'uncerthinty. Thif atFords no líuaruntpi' oí' wise aiMi-w. I "pon every one oí' tlie luestions tbat vitally couoern tlie iiberties of ono part of' the peoplo and the na ate r a] irosperity of all, the democratie party has een most reckloss, shiftine and unoertain. A policy thus promited cannot fail to b lisastrous to every interest in the country. Even Üiough fien. Hancock niay expres opinión? in nis letter of acceptance the peo ïle cannot know.that they nredecp-rnoted, ior can they know to what oxtent the iemscratic candidato is gifted with peneration and re.=istaDCe, bóth as Císential as ife in the presidential office, espeeially when it is surrounded by Democratie fieetradors influtionists nnd southern politieians. For the=e reasons the election of Ten. lancock, braTu and soldicrly thouch he is, with opinionsunconfirmed Vy years of practical cxpcriencc in politica] affairs, and uurrouoded and influeneed as bc niu.-t bo by democratie politicians, will bc taking a loap n the dark.