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Sunday afternoon the Baccalaurcatc ormon was dülivored by Prof. D'Ooko. Ry the oxercises field duy the atlielotic assoeiation cleared botween $00 and $70. The concert given Monday evening by t lii ¦ Choral Union wus vcry poorly attondcd. Fred M. Towsend of the junior class han secured a good position as city editor of the Haitle Cruok Daily Journal. Tlie roception by tho Univcrsity Henate Wednesday wan largcly attended and a very ureeablo ovening waa passed by those present. The board of regents liavo cstablished a ehair of nmsic. in the university, and appciintccl Calvin B. Cady, of Detroit, instructor, at a salary of $900 per ycar. An oration was dcliverod bef'oro thu alumni of the Dexter hijh school last Satunlay eveninj? by David T. Wiloox OÍ' the olasH of '83j afiur wliich he wus eleoted pivt-idcnt of tho atMOcuUiou. ïf tho oensiiH uisn should mike a tour of the oity next week ho wimld ftnd iboal a thoUjWnu aw persons in thtt city. They would liavo uouipletcd their yeur's work nul liuvr goiirt to K'aze in othur pastures durillo the warm whm. May they return iiixt yeiir with gooil health :md fat purses. The oUat th;it gruduated yesterday from Ilio liiterary depnrtment numberod C4. They havu chosen their proiossions as follows: law, 2!{ : toacliing, 15; undeciilod, H ; general imsinesH, 4 ; niiiiÍKtiy, 4 ; medicine, 2; liHiikiiif,', - ; fanning, lí ; iiiiiiinj; viiL'iiiDcriiig, '' ; eivil aagineera, 2 ; jouriialituii, 1. Wcdnesday was Alumni day and in the afternoon tho address was delivered in the University Hall by Col. Isaac H. Elliott, M. A., Class of '61. H is subject wa8 on the condition of American politics mul was handled in an eloquent and ablc manner. The poem by Floyd B. Wilson, M. A., Class of '71, was on "The Boys" and wan delivered in a very pleasant stylo. Tho music was furnishcd by Spiei's orchestra. The following officors were chosen at the alumni moeting, Wcdnesdny : Presideut, T.W. Palmer, Detroit, '49 ; vice president, Qeo. P. Sanford, Lansing, '61 ; troasurer, Z. 1'. King, Ann Arbor, '64; seoretary, I. N. Deminon, Ann Arbor, '68 ; diroctors, W. C. Ransom, '48 ; Levi L. Barbour, Detroit, '03 ; Sidney D. Miller, Detroit, '48 ; orator for '81, B. M. Cutcheou ; altérnate, A. II. Pettibone, '58, Greenville, Tenn.; poet, J. K. Blish, '66, Kewanec, 111 ; altérnate, Edwin Fleming, '70, Washington, D. C. From the report of the procecdings of the board of regento in Wodnesday's Detroit Post and Tribuno we tuke tle ibllowing : Prof'. Frioze reail a paper Migned by Rice A. Boal and J. B. Steere, in which th.ise gentlemen 6et forth a dcsire tu present to the universily 482 specimens of natural hi.-tory, eolleeted by Mr. Steere at th,e niouth of the Amazon river during the suiunier of 1877 at a eont of about $450 ; also a colltction of 200 insect mountcd in boxes, colleotod in southern Brazil : a eolleetion of 20 birds, 2 mammals and 100 insect in alcohol, ehiefly purcha.sed by Dr. Heatu and colleoUid on the upper Madura river, Brazil, oosting $50, maltin a total of 824 speoimens eosting $500 ; all presented as a part of the Beal-Stoere collcction. Thia donalion was acccptcd with thanks.on mition of Ht'gent Duffield. Notwitbstanding the rain which at one time threatened to prevent the completion of tho game, Field Day was a succesp. The Assooiation had securod Profs. DuPont, Henncquin, Jones, Deminon and Wilsim, and Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Emerick as judges. The following naiued persons gaincd the prizes: Ton tnile walk, L. H. llallock, time, 1:36; Hour, Go-as-youplease, E. II. Bartnore, distance, 6J miles; Side Hold Wrcátling, no contust because of only one ontry ; Boxing, C. H. Johnson; One Qiiartermile run, W. II. Graham; Hop, Stop and Jump, F. W, Davenpnrt, distarfce, 35feet, 1 inch ; Throwing Sledgc, 49 feet, 5 inches; Running Long Jump, J. II. Moore, distanco, 18 feet, 8J inohes; Throwing Ball, VV. W. Hannan, di-tancc, 344 feet, 1 inch ; Standing Broad Jump, S. N. Graves, distance, 11 feet; Indin Club Swinging, W. J. Aloott ; Shootini; (JIbhs Balls, C. F. liraoe, 6 out of 10; Tug-oC-war, Freshmeu; Horiïontal Bar, VV. J. Aloott; Ruiming High Jump, C. . Ilodges, 5 fcot, 2 inohes ; Fencing, E. F. Maok ; Drop Kick, C. Jenuison, 138 (r,t ; Hundred Yards Dash, W. W. Runan, time , 1 1 i secondB.


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