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Court wilt oonvoac Tuesday ncxt at niuo o'olook . ui. Mr. Ishell is erecting a now rosidonec on West lluron street. A dcw billiard room bas beun opcnod undür tlio Chandler house. A dividend of six per cent. bas been doclared by tbc First National bank. 'l'lio Vigilaut hose company, No. 2, has a fine ncw uuiform, in which thcy look noat. __ The ladies montioned as beinis injurcd in tho lowcr town runaway accident are reeovering. ______ The meetings of the juvenile teniperance unioo are to be discontinued uutil aftcr the huatud term. An exhibition on the tight rope by tho DvenH)rt Uros, will be onc of the attrac(üds to-morrow. A monument is to be erectud by the Catholicsof thi.s city, in memory of thuir lament ed priest, Father Van Krp. Look out for the eleetric light to-morrow evening, which will be on hand under the Miervision of L'rof. Langley. UcostH $11.00 for a car load of wood imw to whi;rc it foruierly coat $S.O(), and t!i' iMiiMiiiicrs have to foot the bill. Therc will be a dance at the Armory hall t.i nnirniw afternoon aad ovoning, for which niusic will be furniwhtx! by Jianí'i orchestra. Rev. O. Golder, the lbrmer pastor of the (jiermao M. E. ohureh of this city, will occupy m old pulpit Sunday of next week, thellth. The Baumgartner Bros. havo rented the entiro first floor of tho Binder store, and aru to occupy the same August lst, or thereabouts. Tho heavy raius of the foro part of the week havo lodgedgrainconsiderably in this suction, mul botherud the farmers about securing the hay erop. The house on Liberty strect, owned by Mr. Brown, of Jackson, and knowu as the ilmore proporty, has boen purchawed by Miis Florence Huson, for $2,300. A chango of time iu the time-table of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern railroad will be found in its proper place, also of t)ie opening and closing of the maiU. Kx-(Jov. English, of Connccticut, was nominated for yice-pretádent. - Manchester Kutorprise. Guess not. Put on your "upeos" and look again, Bi o. Blosser. The regular montlily moeting of the fioineopathic hospital aid aasociation will 1 held in the parlor of' the hospital building on Thursday, July Sth, at three o'clook. A horse of Capt. Mansficid, ou División stroet, last Monday attempted to jump ¦ liickot fence, and landed ou top of the aiue.iuuoh to the detriment of tbc equino. Don't forpet that you can come to Ann Arbor's great eclebration to-uiorrow at excursión ratcs on all the railroads. It will we one of tho bisgest Hihtsever scen in tha county. The bsrn of Michael Weinman, in the fer of bis uiarket at the corner of Fifth and Washington streets, which was the object of so muchincendiarÍ8m lastspring.has ka ropaired. A briek building is to be eroctcd in the for of the drug store of Kberbach & Son, on the sight of tho barn burnod there on the 13th of April, which gave Main street 8uch a close cali. for soms reason not known to tho writer, tather Walshe, of Detroit, was unable to Iw present last Sunday nightatSt. Thomas' churh, to deliver the temperance lecture for hich bc was advertised. New sidewalks have been put down in ¦ront of L. UruDor's store, and also in front of Jas. B. Gott'a building, corner of Maio and Huron sts. For which the pedestrin public return thanks. The oensus cnuraerator, for tho first and wnd wardg, in revising his listó makes the '"'ibitants of tbc first ward 1,928, and the "wh1 ward 1,340, total of 3,268, astead ot 3,258 as publishod last week. l'roteotion hose boys have been practic'" htely and have mado time which will hrd t0 if they jan on,y rcpuat it lt Kattle Creek to-morrow, where thoy go "compete for a prize, and help celébrate thc 4tli. "iifhway Commissioner FI. K. White, 'm boilt a bridge acron.s Fleming creek at '"wkins' sawmill, in Ann Arbor town. It ':st IJ 240, with MOM abutments four VA. Tho. buildow are Wm. Braun ""' l'arker, of Ann Arbor town. " the oily-tongued, slimy-mouthod, il1'V..uled Mipm would only turn Mmw iut0 bridn, „„„„„„,, =arh as ïndustriously för the virtues l-opleasthoydo for their si„s, how 'Ul-h happier would ov, ry comtuunily bc. Je Willi,us' profossorip endowment nafirCaC'led the sumof,3f,.-,, with 'iM-10 P'd in, wbicl. i in bank, bonds Considerlo hrinkag Portcd b, failure, death a„d reD1Ov.l of Willi? ," ''wPuidProf. 'Ullms thia year. The rain was ao terrific last Sabbath that the streets werc oovered with a sheet of water, and tho gutters made rcspectable rivers. A letter from Mr. Orville 13. Hoyt informa us he has purchasod tho Hatnmonton (N. J.) Itepublican. llaiumonton is the county seat, and the Republican is the only and official paper of the county. üood for brother Hoyt. May his shadow never grow loss. - [Dexter Leader. ¦ m . The old, old landmark, on west Huron street, at the interseotion of Allen's creek, known to famo as the Tripp, Ailos & Price machino shop, has been razod to the ground. ('itizoas of that section do not secm to have a proper approoiation of unciera tilines, for they are all rojoioed thereat. Tue streets have been well filled with people this week, mostly graduates of the university, from abroad visiting the former scènes of their exploita, attending the alumni meeting, etc. A reunión of the 1mmm of '60, '70, '74 and '77, were quite wüII attendod, aud the usual good times upon suoh occasions had. We have received from the art gallery of J. F. Ryder, 239 Superior street.Cleveland, Ohio, a fine lithographio picture of Gen. (iarüeld, representinjj him in three stages of his career, as " youth, soldier, and statesman. " The picture would be an ornament to any home, and can be obtained for 25 cents by addressing as above. Rev. L. R. Fisk, D. D., president of Albion College, and for soveral years pastor of the M. E. church of this oity.was united in raarriage with Mrs. H. M. Davis, of Detroit, at the residence of David Preston, last Tueaday evening. The coremony was conducted by Rev. Arthur Edwards, assisted by Rev. Dr. J. H. Bayliss. At the receut state temperance convention at Jackson, the Ann Arbor high sohool red ribbon club was tendered a vote of thanks for the presentation of $25 to the state association. A vote of thanks was also tendered the Hon. R. E. Frazer for the efficiënt and satiefactory manner in which he had performed his duties as ehairmau of the state central committee. Under the new posul laws, if a stamped envelope or wrappcr is spoiled, it will be redeemed at its face valuc at the post office. Postal cards spoüed before usiugwill be redeomed at the rate of four cente in stampa for every five cents in face value of the cards. In each instance the ontire envelope, wrapper or oard must be returned to secure the value of the stamp. Evcry paper we piek up has a programiue for the closing exercises of their school, and in most every address is a roference to the powerful influence the graduates are to exert upon the country in general and the world at large. Well, it is nice to hug this delusion for a time, but actual contact with the world lops off many high notions, and wears away many fancies. The St. Joscph Herald says that most of the small fruit raisers are using the "snide" box whioh contains 55 cubic inches, and receive as much per case for borries as those who nliip in the "full quarts" cuntaining 66 cubic inches. If the buyers would positively ref'use to buy these "anide" boxes and let the dealers and rabera have the fruit on their hands they would be doing a just deed, and serving dishoncst men a clever trick. Ycsterday, as the people were coming out of the university hall from attcndancc upon oommcncement exercises, a lot of plastering feil in the lowcr hall, juat at the foot of the stairway. Misa Carrio Heil and her sister, Mrs. Mary Parker, of Battlo Creek, wero conaiderably stunned and their dresses woro cut by the falling plasturing, and one or two othcr persons badly scared, if not Dj'ured. The accident crcated quite a panic for a few momcnts. A private letter from Dr. C. O, Moore, of New York city, to Mr. N. M. Schoff, of this city, states that his (Dr. Moorc's,) nephew, John C. Ninde, died of pleuropneumonia, at his home, very suddenly, on Monday morning last. Judge Nindc, of Yp8Üanti, father of tbc deoeascd, and Mr. (Jooper, of the samo place, went at once upon learniog of the sad event, and returned with the oorpso Thursday to Yp.silanti, whero the last services were held. llov. Wyllys Hall, of St. Andrew's Episcopal churoh, attended the commcncetnent exercises of Kenyon college at Gambicr, Oliio, last week Thursday, and delivered a poem upon tho ocoasioH, for which the aulhorities very kindly gave him a D. D. to woar after hig name. Therc was also present President Hayes, Chicf Justice Waite, Hishops Bedell, and Jagger, Hons. Stanley Mathews and Columbus Dclano, all gradaates. It was a "high oíd timo" for Kenyon. The very excellent commencemcnt of the Ann Arbor high school last Friday more than uonfinncd the prevailing opinión that our high school has no equal in this state, for the thorough training and ripe scholarship of' its graduates. One marked feature of the occasion was the capital manner in which the young ladics delivered thcir well writtcn essay?. Miss ('hittenden desorves much praise for her efforts in developing the good reading and elocutionary powers of hor pupila. Mr. Chas. S. Fall, who sold to Mr. W. P. Grovoa, of Northfield, the grass geed in which it was suspicionod tlic eggs or larva of the army worm might possibly have been, informa us that he has had the sced ruioroscopicaily invostigated by Profs. Stowell and Spalding. Both of tho professors agree that therc is not the minutest jiarticlo of an animal nature in the seed. They furtherare of tho opinión that no suoh thing was ever known as the carrying of the eggs of tbis worm in seeds of any kind. The torrent of rain which descended last Friday, bctwecn one and two o'clock, camo just in timo to be present at the closing of the high school commencement exeroises at the Presbyterian church. There was a Kathering of' skirts, and raising of umbrcllas - by those who had tbeui - and a gcueral endeavor to dodge the drops which preversely wouldn't be dodged, that made thinga lively for a time. The rain ceased after a little, however, taking pity on the hungry multitude which had boon detaincd in hour beyond dinner time. In the president's address at tho roiumoncciucnt exeroises of Albion college, two of Ann Arbor'a formcr "boys" are thus reI'erred to : "In many way a markod improvement has been going on during the year, aoiong othcr thiugs in regard to tbc museum. Prof. Dolos Fall, on his South American trip laat suuimer obtained at the Uland pf Para and on the Amazon over 130 birds, 15 mamnialn, bcsidea fine oollcction ¦ l' íiim'cLs, birds' nests, sea .shells, coráis, prehistorie relies and native implemento md costumes, lie. A. B. Covert, of Ann Arbor, a firnt-class taxidermist, is now enagod in mounting the sjweimens. The museum fa soon to bo cnlarged to makt; room for tho increasing number of specimens." Thoro waa no disappointmcnt last Friday ovening in the concert of the Beethoven Gesang vorcin, at Ilill's opera house. It was fully up to expeotation and a little in advanco, if anything. The homo musiciana on the progranitne proved themselvcs uioHt excellent amateurs, while of the Detroit orchestra and the Graul brothers it ia unneoessary to spoak, aa they have an established reputation. Af'ter the ooncert several hours wero pleasantly spont at the rooms of tho society over Ludwig Wala's store on Main .strect, in n. reception and dance. It is to be hoped his cociety will see fit to again favor the publio with a conoert. Last Tuesday night a couple of wags thought to play a practical joke on Chief Johnson, so they stufied some extra olothes they had with straw to represent a man, which they deposited in a reclining position on the sidewalk, and then got a small boy to go for the chief of pólice, telling him there was a drunken man to arrest. He carne ingood faith, and twigging tho "ood" took off tho clothos, which were pretty good ones, and made the boy divulge the names of the jokers, who were marchcd up before a .1 Wedncsday and had to pay $5.34 for thoir little joke besides losing their clothes. The boys will probably learn that the stern hand of justice is nota jokist. ir irrm


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