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' . i '. iiiMi na iivuu in ms present rcsidonce 44 ycars. Next. W. W. Bliss and wife spont last Sunday in Toledo, visiting i'riend. J. H. Peeblea has been spending a few days at bis uld homo, Howell. A. McReynoIds, Esq. , and family are to visit Cleveland the coming week. Mrs. Josie Pall, of Montrcal, is visiting her father, S. P. Jowett, Esq., on West Uuron st. Edward Hill, of Detroit, will spend the sumtuor vacation with bis unele Gilbert Miss, in this city. Gapt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, was in the city yesterday, iu attendanoe upon oommencement exercises. Prof. W. H. Payne delivered the graduating address at the Eaton Kapids high school olosing exercises last Friday. Judge liarriman left last Friday for Maine, whcre he intends to reniain two or three weeks, visiting nis aged parents. Prof. Delos Fall, of Albioo college, aocotu panied by Prof. Welch of the Bame institution, are the guesta of Chas. S. Fall, of this city. Hcnry W. Hyatt, an oíd resident of this place, but for the past year of Cadillac, Wexford Co., returned to the city last week for a visi t. II. M. Slawson, class of '78, who haa been teaotaing at Calumet, Lake Superior, for two years, attended the alumni meeting this week. Chas. B. Crampton, of Flint, gradúate in the pharmacy class of '71, was in the city this woek in attendancc upon oomniencouient J)r. and Mrs. C. H. Stowell leavofor the east immcdiately after commencement They spend two weeks of their vaoation at the siimmer schools at Cambridge. Itev. C. T. Oxtoby, of Kast Saginaw, occupied the pulpit of the Prenbyterinn church last Sunday both morning and evening. Both efforts are highly spoken of. W. F. Griffitb, class of '77, and S. D. Wbalen, both of Howell, the latter one of Uie prominent business men of that place, were in attendance upon the alumni meeting last Wednesdny.