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High School Graduates

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The coinmenceincot cxercisea of the high school at the Presbyterian church last Friday forcnooD, were of ao cntortaining and excellent character, and said to be superior to fornier efforts in that line. The pleasant custoui of prosenting bouquets to the participants was unusually observed, and the happy counteuanocs of the recipents showcd plainly how well they appreciatcd the floral offerings. The following is a list of tho graduates : IXAKSICAL rol: K.ME. IxU T. Angelí, Charlee Ashley. lliirry Bitnor, Charle E.,IíeiiueU1 J. Albort CuHe,CharleH H Cooley, Allire E.Commln, Mary M. HcnIricknon.Uoimier. Hunt.lHabolla IJ.HuIl, Hunry J. Jacküon, Lydla A. MlUihell.Wiiltur Mliler, Kdwaid H. l'lllcin. Alben li. KUirniH, Julián H. Tyli-r EdwaiM R. Wmtncr Knmk 0. Wiigoer, Ely C. Wllüaiu, Wllliiiu t WorO. I.ATIH COUBHB. Murtlia W. Barry, Harry O. Crane, lllcliard M. Dotl.Ixinls J. Fiwiuelle, Mry L. Oott, T. W Uilliiore, ('Iciiientlim I. HoukIiI.hi, AJillr H Knlgtit, Mlllle S. Kncwltou, Frwl A. MeKcyniildH, l.ydla A., Kinily i. Sl.-lpbliiH, Charles II Kl:lnnoiil, Ertwnrd K. Wiikner, Krank U. Wagner, HtiiLrain Whi-ilon, aul Kly U. Wllllara. KCIBMTIflC COUBUIt. Anna K. Burnetl, Carrio M. Comstock, Wairou A. Coiusiook.CharloK VV. Carinan. Marta I. DoilKla8,AllcruKliut,Mary E Kruuswiirtli, llouryW Korb-w, Nlue (i. Urugg, Charlee K HoiiKiitou. Marthft Henlon, KlUla M. Ijivcjoy. Charlotte !¦ Mlilanl, Mflla C. HUllloy, MoKoliara Belye, Cliarlcti W. Thompson, Wiilu-r 1,. l'aylor, lime II. Kuwiiknin., íMIth M.WimmI, Jwwlo 11. Wood auJ Carrle lj. Watt. KNOI.IhlI Clll ItHK. Iili May Oook, I'.iimmh E. Hubln Kíitellii . Mniart, Jfsille li. WimmI aud Clum V!ruyar. COMMERCIAL C0UU8K. ('linrlfs M. ArinstMiiK, Jobn F. Herthern, William K. ITtce, Jaoiut M. l'nuli and WilUaui W. Watts. ALUMNI MEETING. In tho evening tho animal reunión of the high school alumni occurred at tho chapol of the high school and the excrcises werc of an onjoyable nature, whiob were followed by a banquet. The following officcrs werc choson for the cnsuing year: Prcolrient- L. D. Wines. Vloe-president- C. U. Cillclirtst. Sccretary- I-outRe Pond. Treosurer- Ixmls Taylor. Orator- Rev. J. Miles Qelston. Altérnate- Chas. T. Harria. Poot- Theo. A. JohnBon. Alternat- S. P. Youngs.