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Hn CHASS'S FAMILY MEDICINES. TUe nrlginator of Dr. Uihhc'n Kannly M.-.iii'Iiks is Hip author of lr. Iiuncm Beipsor. I iif'orniui Ion for Kv.-rj lolj . :m.l Mili, r MOlff liooks bcjiriug lils niuno, end ere brought alout throiigh the lnqnlrleoi manj of the jnirohasers of hls BooW fnr lómetl to meet thelr llngerlni; and ciMiiilicalcd disensed condltlonu, wlilch thpy dlil nol nn.l de m-rllx'd ]n his BoUb. TIio proprlftorshif) oí t MsiinPH, nnd the hnHin"ss HUUM0MIt6&t of the sajlle, iinini' p:uiscl illto Hm liands nf the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQjüARTERS AT DR. OHASE'S steam fin m ARROR, T II.. Wc wnuld sfty to tlie pnblir, tlint thoy can rest asHururi tliat lr. ('Ii:imc'h Family Mr. II riiii'H wlll tve them a renter Hatlufju'tlon tlian any othPr, for the Dlaeatiei tor whMi thi'ir ñames Indícate thera to have ben prep;uvi - tsjWiil to tlmt of hls Houks over all nUirr books of a similar chara: ter, as sbown Jy UieU galen, whieh hsvfl ezoeeded the sales ofanj Othor, rpnohing over on' mlllion roplrit. Give thom a trial, thoreforo, ftad kawV ur yourselvt's. is nll we ak. DR. CIIASE'S Gough and Wound Balsam Has been fnnnd tlio qnlckeii and innst i'orlain cure of ('ongha of any prepRtatlon tn uae: ali tinlrkly relleving HoarstniMi, Soreness of the Tlirotit or ivUiiH, Puin or Tilitnesw :u:nKS tin' Cbeat, lironchitls, C'lerm'iniui 's Bore Tliroit, mul (Nilisuiiipluill 1 11 uil ÍU ruilu-l' II Whoojnng (mgli, Croup, etc. Pritu $1 per Uottlo, or O Bottlcs fcr ". DR. CHASES DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent mul cnres the I'ntn nnd DistrrsR of the IiyxiM-plic aftrr IIWln nvá rurifyliin i"l Jtonowing tho lllooü, quickly tonina mf if Stomucli, and iuviuoraling; tlie wliole Hyrtaa Prlce f 1 ior Rttlr, or Bottles rr ?'. DR. OIIASK'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For rurlng the Disensos of the Livor, ami toffeötlng nillous poniiltimis of the Syitein, M well iv for all Cathnrtir pirptsi-s. SuüHr eotl ; BclliiiR fir )IV -iitH p-r Box. r RoxeH. iOHtail. for SI. DR. CIJASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR 1 Ih n ilonlili'-strength I,inlmrnt, eriwliciitl'ii; l"' ti'rnnl or external Pain .luicki r umi mor P'mniiently thau ony otluT In n Tl,M ont aml l, or 6 I'HI. (.t5. DR. CIIASE'S MEDIO MED PLASTEN Is put lip In Hol] orSIlck Forni, wlilHi wlll x prt-iul IMimters, kIvIiiüh strenütliw'11? utd heallüB l'lmitiT lor two gM "' i'"li"' DJ tbOM f'r wliirh yon iy t.w nIiIIMürk; iU" ln íor JÍ.1 -iiHs x-r roll ; ilv( rolls, k;'. ' Er. CHASK'S CATARRH SNÜÏF Is for the qalok cure of "'olln In dio H itni iloinu ntl for olil ('al.inli HSl nitjUlclnc ou do, s.llinior 5 rt. i-' l"Ml' t oi:iu;uiAny ot these Medicines, (If yonr I iiot oi (liem.)or for tiny furllmr inforin'1"1 In relatloD to Ilicni, addrsti llic Dr. A.W.CIIAMK MKIHCIJIK (OMl'A' Aiiu Arltor. Mlli. BUY A HOME N MICHIGAN. 5 TO 10 PER ACRE! MtronK SolUl !Sur. rop! K"'" IIiioiikIi Vulcr of Land. 1IIJM i. llmr-m Populatiou. HICHEST REWARD TO FRMER" Th.-.,. ln.lsnr.-B long lia"-'' f' iniv.l and trausportaMvn of cnw. ' " SH lll"-w:á. HÏ-iiMi,, niiiHsl.iilPr. üniiiil'". M'l. IIH1-HMJ3 - 1()FFIN8 AND ('AMK81 ?'L7. .vrOii.' AT MARTIN" rrt,r nromptly ttoi'""1' "'¦ ui ¦ iirr n aoents to sell te. VTl-WYi