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Tlie Inghani County Nows makcs thil good point; " Queer party! Tlioy tnrn the erippled unión soldier out of office around the halla of Congreas, and fill their places with able bodied rebel soldiers ; and then they notuinate a unión general for president, aud tell about his glorious work in putting down the rebellion." Charlotte Republican: "The Detroit papers are reporting that the democrats of Charlotte held a large and enthusiastio ratificatiou meeting on the receipt of the news of Hancock's noruination. Th ia is not true. No dernonstrations of any kind were made, while the truth is, only one man was at the bulletin board when the result of the convention was aunouuued, and he was a republican." The Jackson Citizen says: "The oldtime strikers of the democratie party, in the new role of union-loving citizens, teil us that the " solid south" and " bloody shirt" issues are buried under the noiuiuation of Hancock. Then why do the southern speakers proclaim, as words of eocouragement, the fact that northern demócrata can count on a solid south 't There should be harmony, sweet demócrata, in your programme." shoutod and sung and swore a big oatli, through Wade Hampton's niouth, that the solid South should give its 138 electoral votes to their friend of' other days. And they mean to niakc good their oatli, too. The republican of the south will have no more chance to expresa an opinión or poll a freo vote than the abolitionists had to say their say twonty-five yeara ago. Hancock is to lead this party. The democrats of the south have once more dictated to the democrats of the north, and they will play the old game over again- if they can." The Grand Traverse Hcrald thus resurrects a bit of history : " You all remember Andy Johnson ! He was the man who desertod hia party after Lincoln's assansination, wunt over to tbe democrats and the rebels and had a " policy" of recoustruetion that pleased the confederates so uiuch. He put in Hancock- Hancock is the military man the democrats nominated the other day for president- to reconstruct Louisiana and Texas. The rebels liked him first rate - so much so that flfteen years after the Louisiana delegation came up to Cincinnati with Flancock's portrait on their banners, and when they, with the help of the rest of the solid south, had secured the noruination of the man who had made friends with them so long ago, when they ousrht to have been hune, they The Lansing Republican asks a few questions, and perhaps it will do no harm to consider them : " Xow the fullowing questions are pertinent in regard to the democratie candidato for president, Gen. Hancock : Did he ever hold any civil office, high or low, in the United States, or any state 7 Did he ever cast a voto for any civil otiioer '! Was he ever a legal voter any where ? Did he ever hold or express an opinión on civil affairs? VVhat are his opinions to day 't Has he ever, since a boy, handled as a business any other tooi than a swerd f Is h' any better because he fuught tho rebels of the South, and s now their favorite stand - ardbearer, than Gen. Garfield, who fought the cause of the robellion (slavery) with irgument before the robellion broke out, -J f-nl.t t. ..Wtlllo -;l, „„ t.,,.li bravery and dash as Hancock in the field, and has resisted and now resists the cfforts of rebels to gain by politica] hypocrisy what they could not gain by open tighting 'l In ather worda, are we to eluct a man becausi! be servod his country wcll in a war tliat Bnded fifteen years ago, and not considor his position in regard to preserving the i'ruits of that war for the people of to-day iinl thoir posterity 't" mi. _ T ..1 i i r ¦ . somc of the democratie figuriog: " lt is to be noticed that while the south nained the hcad of the ticket at Cineinnati, it was left for Wall street to name the candidato for the seeond place. It is a grim joke that after ali the soft money speeches of' Voorhees and hia Indiana associateH, the man who of all others in the state is ideutified with the national banking intorests, and has ever been under the cloud as a hard money man, should be selectod as a standard bearer for the western democracy. ïhis was an outcomo that was very Datural , as the south liked the pro-slavery record of English, and something must bo done to concíllate the men who hold the purse. The nomination of a inan wliose fmanoial views are a protest agairat the recent democratie platforms of nearly every western state, may seem inconsistent, but is, perhap?, no more so, than for the ox-brigadiers of the south to soek a revival of their former supremaey by nominating a unión general. To get into power is their only aim, and the entire proceedings at Cineinnati show that the democratie leaders, now as of old, are not at all scrupulous about the means. For the oligareby of thö south and the aristocracy of Wall street to Dame a ticket and label it democratie, only proves to what strange uses words may sometimos come."