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Why We Praise Garfield

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For gallant and lueretorious servieo at Stuk. For gallant and meretorioas Rervioe for three years during the war. For gallantly and ably serving his country in the counselsuf tho nation. For nobly sustainini; the principies of his party upon tho electoral comiuLssion. ¦ For lii.s grand obampionsbip of' the rights of the oppresaed at all times and under all circumstances. For a fearless and conscientious'devotum to duty, regardlcss of confequenecs. I''or hn persovering and manly strugglo against adverse circumstaoccs from boyhood up. For hig purenoss of uharaetor and moral i ty of life. For his devotcdnesR and attachment to his aged mother, which so truthfully portrays the pure gold of' tbo uian's oharacter. For an hundred and ono excellent traitn of his noblenesy, ability and Ofrigbineoft. Boe bis buuible bcginning. For h3 gritty boybood. For his studious young maphood. Kor hls excellent literary attainmentö in muidle lite. For hi.s spotleas military record. lui iii.-i oiio inJMfïiusMioiiai reeoru. For bis constant devotion to the principien of right and justice through all tho dilïerent and honorable positiona oceupied by him. For bia ablc general.-bip and still more tildo Htatctnanship. Finally, for his pre-eminent fituesH for tbo duties of the presidential cbair, :inl Because of all these tbings tho republiean party W1U, ELECT HIM.