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W. TREMAIN ter Am A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE IMorlli ItrllNh liiNiirituct' Conp')1 (of London aud Rdinburgb,) filial firi,ÓW,(K, (icl.l. l iroii l'lrc un. i Iflurliif Iiin. o. Vnoh AhhcU tliOU,(XKI. S.l ll 1.1 lll. 4 omp') . Ol TIn-., Vtwh AkrpIk $i,mK),(KKi. Iloiviird Iiin. Co,, of New Vork, (.¦oh Assete lUMMfc Agriciilfnrul romp1) WATBKTOWN, - NKW VOKK, Caah A- ciK f l.'MO.UUO. Lo.sscs liberally adjuslod and pronijvtly paid. $ÏÖÖREWARD ! TOR ANY i'ARK OP CATARRH TUAT CANNOT BK CUliED W1T1I BiTÜiBl Thi ík no homhug. No nasal dmcho. No annir. Nothini; to irrítate the Niiwi! rnvity, r dutrov tlie ¦anie ol mell. It la au INTEIiNAL KKMftoV, ACTINO UPON TH K BLÜOL), cloanslnc it trom ita Iroparltles, enting the purtfonn matter to be emrrleq olf thnmcti the uatiim] obamiul. It in a Hcii'iititic proparation, upcrl and proscribed for yenr ty onc ni the ulloott pnctttloaan in tliia country ,aml hun never fuilud tocurc whuu nsud accordin-; to dlrectioa. If any piTKun, altur tiikinp oni doMO ot Hall' Catarrh Cure ü nat cured or btnwjttéii more than tour Unies itn cont, wc rfll rcfund the inoncy paid. If it doel JOB rood, yoa ara wiUiog to pay for !t. If it dewe no rood, It costt you mithinü. Price 75 cents pur bottle, Si. ld hy all druegistü. Manufactiired by F. J. CUENKY Jt (JO., Drui;giBt-, Toledo, Ühlo. If your dni5-;i8t dooa not keep It in stock, ank Mm to mt it tor yon, or wnd direct to propriutorn, and it will be promptly forwarded. Kor sak' iu Aun Arbor by II. J. BKOWN & CO., ÜS7-1001. Cor. of Maii; aud lluron st. EXCELSIOR HAIK WASH. +_ Thls (VIelr;i1l Arlicle ¦ttLfeifl loestï(iH'H the trn-al-wt ri-n3 jSfE Wst 8tortitive, invitiriiting and ¦A healinft qaAitttei of itny arWmjüïËZ ticle ui the kiuü known J IHHKHflRC '" ""¦ h "man lamlly. lt SKkwILfPul K clcanwee hair tind scalp, Ht4m( removen diindiiifl, t:nliv;iie fcj" B tin: riHilH, noflMin IhO halr, gB3IBt3fe pruduciiiK a liintral !ip)-urflP anccanrt inducen luxiiriJ'at, ilarch SO, 1SS0. antgrowth. PuEI'AnBD BY MADAME GOLDMAN, TOLEDO, 01110. CZSIiriCATE OF ASALY3I: : 7b wiom il mmj conerrn: -I have cxnmlnpd MaiAüe QnUUUN'l Haik Wasii, ahil Illid il to i'iiiilaiii n(i ingrudleol thnt wil] Imrtiul to the huir r scalp. lt i in uoHrnsuof the word ahatr lyi'. IIcomtltaanta an el! calculaUd to nel u nedatlrei and ehaek that irriutinn of the ncal that reKalts in an üxceeslvi: xucretiun ui iliiiiilruil, umi an annuyinif lichinc. 98a-'.w s. 11. douulas. HALLS BALSAM Cnres Colds, Pnenmonla, Bronchitis, Ast h in ii, (Ton . WllOOping ('tuf II, and all diseases of the liroatliiner Organg. It.sootlieü and hoalg the Mcmbraue of the l.nnirs, inflamed and poisoned br the dlseaso, and prerents tho nightr 8w;ats and tightness across the chest which accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable inaladr. It is on 1 ƒ necessary to have the risrht remedr, and HALIS BALSAM is thatromedy. DONT DESPAIK OF BELIEF, Ut this bonlfrii speciflc will core yon, ereu thouh professional aid fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most rotverftd Healing Agent ever Discovored. llrnry't CarboUa Sale cures tK worst sorra, tlt.nrif-s CarboUe Halvs allays the pain "J tiurns. Henry's Carbolic Salve curts all trupII, „ry'it Carbolic Halve htals ptmpleg and hint ches. .'...iry' Curbolto Salva teill eurm rui mul t'icuiaes. "l lor Heury's, and Take No Otber. W I'KWARB PK CUUNTKUFEITg. _J '' 11! Al-K l'Y Al.l. liIiLHHiIS'1'8. 'HN V. IIKNKY, CUKRA dr ?., S. ).K rUtJVUlMWHU,, 34 Cotloir I'Iik .-, N0W York. !l-l(H2-eow. m .Hcncl for diruclions for Sclf-Meiiijurinent. 75 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Bloek, OETttOlT, JIM II. W3W1 Capwiityasluio M-k. I iA-i ]..,,..,-, KLEVATORS, rUMPS, PATEHT KACK8 and Cloths, Jelly Pana, Cider Keeping Solution, wuli fnll Une .f CIDEE MILI, SÜPPLIEB. lUualmtvd ¦ i ;¦ in i . Ailrvsk C. O. HAMPT05, Detroit, Mioh. 9881001) e o w BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. 5 TO $10 PER ACRE! stront Sotl! Sino CmIMI Knilronil ihrouicli 4nlcr of l.iimU llfullliy 4 llninl-. SdionU iiimI 4 hui til. lu t Mík t IOulllou. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Tin Mt. ] unís ii I0115 (IHltunco Ktutt oí LtiC .f s-íjsi jipi líivt-r. Largt aumimt UVvd 1 r 1 Iravui uml liuttsKrtittMii ttfcrops. I-tj ij11 f itiii 1 iph ld In ICneltsK and . rmnfl AtktroHi V. O. 111 1.11 4K 1 ('ominlsslonor, OruiHi RnplJH, Mt.lifjítiu QOAL! COAL! O. W. SHIPMAN, MIikt and wlioJOBale dealer ui the colótimted BRIAR RIDÖE COAL. Dt'ali-r In Huí-I Coa) iikÍ l'ij' I ion Ordri promily (til .1 '(i. v, 'M) Hrirwull Htrt-i l,, i.mxii 't