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Republican County Convention

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A republloan county oonventlon to oloct 1 ili-iat;;i!- t 1 1' state oonventloD to be held i Jackson, on Thursday. Aug. ¦", 1880, and u transad suah other baunen :is may properl; oorae before it, wUI lio held at the eonrt nona ii theelty oí Aun Arbor, on Tnesday, July xi LH80 iii la o'eloek.m. The severa! oKles ani i.iwiisiiips wíii be entlUed to delégate Ín Ih eoanty oo&vontlon as ioIIowh Aun Arbor Town I HToTthueld Ann ArborClty- l'UUiflold Pint Wiir.i i Salem Seoond Ward i Saline i Tblrd Ward 1 8olo i I', iiirth Wnril 1 1 Slmrou Kiflli Wanl S Saporlor. Hixtli Ward .'i Hylvan t AuuuHtn 4 Webster ' Iti-MKúwatur :i York ' li,.X(ur S YpNllnntl Town Fr lom " Clty.lstw., I.liuii -1 Sornni! Wurd ¦ IxhIi ' Tlilnl Ward I-yndon :t Kourtli Ward .' Mancboster ti Filtli Ward Kvory luenibcr of me ezeontlve und oount; oommlttee ís reiiiesU(d to be presentí J. C. LAWBBSCK. A. J. S AWYKR, Mecrotnry. Cluilrinau. EXKCUTIVB COMMITTKE. c K. IVittlHon, Ypsllantl, Iloury S. Dean, Am Arbor, James L. Ullbcrt, Cbolseu. COUMTY COMMITTEE. Ypuilantl: ('has. Slogmnncl, Ypsllnnti. " lr. F. K.Owcn, " Ypsllantl Town : Wm. Lay. " York: John W. Blakwileo. Nora. 1'itUsHeld: Anilmv Campbell, Ypsllantl. Augusta: J. WphsiiT fliíldH, " Saliue: Charles Clark, Salino. Aun Arbor : Krank Bmerlok, Aun Arlmr. " " John P. Lawicuce, Aun Arbor " " Ilenjiunln liiown. " " Ann Arbor Town : Jolin C. Mead, " " Salem : W. B. Thompeon, " " Northlleld : Wm. Doty, South l.ycins. Buperlur: i. Mciioutjall. ïpnlanU. Webster: liobert MeOafí, Delhl Mills. Sylvun : Wllliain Jndaen, CSielaea. Sharon : Romnnl ll. Bmith, Mancheetor. Manchester: John B.KlngElny, Mandil Rrldgewater: W. W. Hes, Clinton, Lima: Wm. K. stiM-kinw, Cnelaeo. Dexter: Willlam Wo(xt, " Beto: J. W. WIhk, Anu Arlor. Lodl: Jaiob II. lllcks. Ann Albor. Lyndon : Charles QanJBeld, Chelsea. Kreedom: Wllllan PitEim-k-r, fredonla.