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aasar lias a population oí 1,426. Snginaw City childrcn uro having tbc dipthoria. Muskcgon íoota up 11,500. 88.2 per cent, marease over 1870. The corner stone ufa new Baptist cliureh was laid at l'oit Hurón laí-t week. The L. tí. & M. S. railroad is to builJ a new passenger depot at Hilbdale. The Jackson reform club is going to erect a drinking fbuntaiii in front of its hall. The acreage of wheat in Michigan thií year ia 270,000 acres greater thaii (.ver before. Kcv. Mr. Worden has been secured for the pulpit of the lonia Coogregational church. Mrs. II. Sprague, of Mecosta county, diud recently froni the effeots of stopping on a oarpet-taok. Kev. K. Todd, of Oriskany Falls, N. Y., has aecepted tlie paitorate of the Caro BpitflOpiM ehurch. Alpena county is already taking steps looking toward a display of her products at the uext state fair. They have comnienccd picking peaches at Saugatuck. Schsch-sch-lo-lup siuack ! But that's dehcious ! James Burrowa, a state ptison convict, sent froru Tuscola county, hae pocu p8rdoned toy the governor. The coutraoiors for the new Montcalin eounty court house lost $1,500 by reason of the sudden rise in ron. l-'rank, a son of W. W. Vau Aotwerp, of the Jackson Patriot, died at San Antome, Texas, July 9th, aged 20 years. The Knights of Pythius all around the state talk of holding a general encampnient three days loug in August at Battle Creek. Deer are said to be very thiele in the north woods this season. The dears are plenty in the southuru part of the state, too. Faonie Slooum and Etta Converse, of Morenci, waded in the river at that place beyond their depth, on Friday last, and were drowncd. It is asserted that hundreds of childrcn are employed in the Grand Rápida factories, and that many of thein do not know what school ia And fetiïl another. A little, four year oíd adopted son of M. P. Fussenden, of Lapeer, was drowned in an open eistere, last weck Tuesday. Birminghain is stuek up because a Siamese girl is visiting there; and all the boys in the surrounding country are studying pigeon-English. Robert Navarre, who is believed to be the firát white child born iu the state of Michigan, is still living three miles south of Monroc, at the age of lJ0 years. It costs the Tuscola county tax-payers $70 per year for every insane person iu the asylum, and the Pioneer pleads wilh the peoplc of that section not to go daft. Bay City girls are said to have ealirely discarded green ribbons in their attire, because they tliink it attracts the numerous calves which run aiter them.- Tribune. Vanderbilt is the name of a new postoffice recently established ia ütsego county. It is on the extensión of the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw braoch of the M. C. It. It. It is stated that the Thayer house at Flint, which was sold a few days ago to Mrs. George Knill, is to bc eventually transformed into an opera house. Flint needs onc bad enough. The Muskegon Chronicle says that a fauiily of young ladies residing in that city so often entertain their company on the front stoop that they havo gained the titlc of the step sisters. It cost the Butler railroad $40,000 to secure the right of way through Lenawte county, and not all bought yet. Souie of the sellers will take the proceeds and start in the bankine business. Men who are to do the work of building the St. Joseph Valley railroad are gathering by the score, and the appearance is that they will make short work of the ten miles of railroad building. The Detroit school board are making fools of themselves over a resolution to hire none but male principáis of schools. If women do the work as well why not hire them, and pay them as well, too. Gov. Croswell is in Mackinac stopping at the Mission house. A salute in honor of the governor was fired at fort Mackiuac on Tuesday and the national colors were displayed by some of the citizens. The Astor family, of New York, are going to havo a painting of their dilapidated mansión at Sault St. Marie, which they will place in the art departmont of' the Astor library in New York. The o ld school building at Kalamazoo, which origiaally cost $50,000 has been condemned as dangerous. An" earthquake, ueyeral years ago, we believe, was the primary cause of the disintegration. 11. A. Conant, of Monroe, who sometime since went to Naples, Italy, as an Uaited States consul, finds the lazy air ot that climate unhealthy for himself and family, has resigned and is coming home. A. H. Morrison of St. Joseph is clearing away the ruins of his pail factory, recently burned, and will havo his works in running order in a few weeks. The people of St. Joseph have subi-cribed $1,500 in aid of the euterprise. Middleville can jusly be proud of her choese manufactunng euterprise. Mr. Potter bas under his management three of these factoricH, in Uarry county, all of which are winning euviable reputations as tactoricN, making an excellent quality in good demand. - Middleville Republican. Capt. Bogardus, tho great sliootist, is to visit Uowell, August lst, and have a match with Chas. G. Jewett, the champion of Michigan, in that plací?. The ilowell gun club are to have a three days' tournamont at the sauie time. Bogardus is organizing a guu club to visit Europe, and dOHTM to sou of what otuff Jewett is made. On Monday, August 2, the following order offices will be et-tablished in Michigan, whcre persons can transmit and reoeive funds through the postoffices ; Atlantic Miuc, Bath, Dimondalc, Edwardsburg, Forestville, Fruitport, Little Traverse, May, Metamora, Morley, ügomaw Springs, Otsego Lakc, Perry, líepublie, Sherwood. B. F. Gannon, of Eaton Kapids, a deinocruiie greenbacker, will vote for General Garñcld thtl l'all hc bas changed his oiind wonderfully in six weeks. He considers htm a man of honor and one of the grandest Htatcsmun this country bas produced. There aro a good many more duniocrats who tliink and feel just as Mr. Ganuon does. - Charlotte Kepublican. The census enumorator of Violia township, Cass county, thinks he has discovered the oldest pcr.-on iu the state in that ot' Mrs. Selah Lucas, a colored wouian, who Kives her age at 110 years, but he belicves her older as nhu was u woman grown at the breaking out of the revolution, and relates iiieidenU which none but au eyo-witin!.- i'ould dtstTiln'. She is now blind lor the third time, having had her "second sight" twice.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News