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The Ypsilanti baod aretogivo an excursión to I'ut in-Bay on August óth. Tho circuit court adjourned on tho 15tU instant, to Tuesday, the 17th day of' August noxt. A vory ÏBterotting paper upon penal and ptiaoD disoipliM, by Ilenry W. Lord, lian been received. The paper mili at Gcddos has been purchased by the Ypsilanti paper couipany, wo understand. The de.mocrats have oalled their ward caueuses for Saturday evening oí' next eek, thu 31st. The Ann Arbor .-ity band aro to aoeompnny the red ribbon club upon the excursión next week Friday. Ncxt Wodnesday, tho 2sth, the Bethlobem Sunday school aro to have their an nu:ii icuie in relief park. Special oonsua enumerator Wni. A. Ulark has fininhed his work and tbrwarded llie name to hcadquarters. The democratie congressional convention for this district, U to be held in Manchester, on tho 24: h of August. Tho whiat inarket has boon boinuwhut fluctuatinc in Detroit, but the price herc remains about the samo, 85 ("¦ 87. Messrs. Win. .luisón and Kemp Bros., of Ctlillm. took in over 40.000 Ibs. of wool in tho lowcr town last Tuesday. The eating-house at the M. C. depot has ben closed, tho railroad company nokrenewing the lease with M. S. Davison. Last Saturday and last Wednesday a largo nuinber of Gemían emigrants arrived in th'iH city seeking permanent homes. Myrtie II, an infant child of Eli S. and Mary Manly, of tho 5th ward, aged 5 months, died of cholera morbus last Tuesday. The receipts froin the lawn social AVrdncsdy evcning, at tho rcf-idence of' Mn. D. S.Wood, given by the W. C. T. U., wore $44. Do not fail to read that most excellent document, Gen. C. A. Arthur's letter of acceptancc upon the Srst page of the ('ntlRIER. - - ? On tho 17th llev. E. Steele unitod (¦has. II. Moore, of thia city, and Miss Mary [larris, of Pinckney, in the bonds of matrimony. That polar wave struok us last Monday and has been with us all the week, so far. Vcry acceptablo and comfortable, howcver, to oue's feolings. ¦J'hc üexter Icader publishca portraitnof the lato Jim Fisk, of New York, and I. S. Kallock, of San Francisco, laboled IlaneiK-k and English. Minnie Feiner, a little daughter of Goo. and Katharina Foiner, aged 1 year, 2 mos. and 12 days, died last Saturday morning, of cholera infantum. We hear complaints tliat the trains on the Toledo road pass Liberty strect at too high a peed for the saf'ety of that much traveled Uioroughf'are. Tho township of Salem a population "f 1,1 'J2, instoad of 1,154 as given in our table last woek, whioh will make the oounly's populatiun 41,869. The contract for f'urnishing the lurnber f' ir the laboratoryaddition has been awarded to the Ferdon Lumbor Co., of which T. .1. Keeeh i.s supciintendent. The wool inarket has not been excited, and prices rule as heretofore. The clip is quite generally eold though a few large raisors still hold on their erop. H. K. Ailes turncd the water on the new wheol of his new shop and starled tho new machinery for the first time, last Wodnesday. Kyerything started off nicely. The republicans of the township of Superior are to hold a cauous to morrow, Maturday, at 3 p. m., to elect delegates to the oounty convention, next Tuesday. It is a stunnor to the young sceker after knowledgo to know how it is that w-h-o-r-l-e spells hucklo. Will aome spelling reformor indignantly arise and explain ? Tho liquor dealer's association of this uunty is to hold a meeting on the 2Cth, nt Binder's hall, in this city. There is to " be state mass convention at Lan.sing on the 29. Aterrific hail and rain storm swept through Monroe last Sunday, damaging woit, of all kinds, grain, and iu fact every"'"ng most. $100,000 Ú the estimateB "mount of loss. Ann Arbor seoops Adrián in population h"n ,108. But I.onawee "whoops er 'M' to Washtonaw by about 4,000 majority. "7 my beat us by sections, but not as a "'"lo. -Adrián l'ress. 1{y tho paving in of a eulvert, which m "'rongh the west side of the fair Pounda, A. V. llobinson carne ncar losing Mm. la.Ht Friday, whioh was boing pas'ed ,n tho fair grounds. 'n tho ab-enco of the proprietor of the '""'Kil from home last Wednesday '''". hi lamily wcru troated to a v.'ry WantHeronado from the dty baod, for blel "ey return thanks. " I'm golng on ajourney, p:," Tlie prmtor'n daughter Raid, And as lin tbought of loslug her Toars gad and Halt he shea. lint when he soon dlscovered hur Upon a workman's lap, " Thls Is the Jonr-kneo that I ruoan." Shc Siilil uuto her pap. The county pouiological society held a meeting in their rooms, at the eourt house, Tuesdiiy afternoon last and discussed oarly peach(s. Several varieties wore shown, samplcd, and muoh interest inanifosted. Tbc team of F. B. Whitakor, of Lima, mado the circuit of his farm with a solfbinder attaehed, lust Friday, and although running over three rail fonoes in thcir route, f'ailod to break a thing about the machine. A unión meeting is to be held at the M. E. ohurch nest Sunday ovening, undcr the auspieos of the Woman's Chri-ftian Temperanco Union. Mrs. Agnes D'Arcambel, of Kalamazoo, will address the saine. ïho Ohio Synod of tho Germán Ludieran church are to meet in this city on ths 18th of' August. Somewhere bout 100 ministers will be present, who will bo entertained by the members of the above church aud their friends. Prof. Hamilton has purchased a strip eight rods front and 16 rods deep off the Gott property, on Fifth street, and has let tho contract to Wm. Noble for tho ereotion of a $2,000 residence on tho same. Work to couiuience immediately. Conrad Hoefel, formerly a resident of this city, and a member of the Germán lodge, A. O. U. W., accidootly feil from a lumber car at Saline last Friday, which he was helping unload, and was injured so that douth resulted the following day. There ia complaint that the grapes in this vioinity are not doing wcll. In nome Sastancen nearly half of tho berries have turned prematuruly rod, and in a little time after withor and fall off. A chanoe for scientists to display their knowledge. Martin VanBuren, who died in Detroit, July loth, aged 73 years, of cholera morbus, was brought to thi.s city and intorred in the 5th ward cemetory. The deoeaaed was father in-law of Thomas Specchly, of this city, and a resident hare for several years. There will bo a rcpubliean meeting at Goodyoar's hall, Mianhottnr. on Saturday evening, the24th, to-morrow, atTio'clock. Sons. R. K. Frazer and A. J. Sawyer will ba present, tOgether with other speakors. Let tho republicana of that section turn out and hcar them. There is to be a state teachers' instituto hold in Ypsilanti, oommenoing on August lfith, aud lasting through to the 2Üth. It will be under the supervisión of tho superintendent of public instruction. Prof. L. McLouth, of the normal school will act in the capai-ity of local committen and conductor. Lorenzo Davis, the eensus enumerator of Aon Arbor town, tellfl us that he found both the oldoHt arul youngest person in the township in ono family. The oldost person was Mrs. Anna Glazier, aged 89, while the youngost was hor great-grand-daughter, Alico Glazicr. then but three weeks old. The Battle Creek Journal has this item : "The boa constrictors at the high school werc fed Mondny. Thoy orawled outside of three black birds, which will last them fjr three weeks. The sick snakc shed its skin tho other day and is now all right again. The skin has been sent to Praf. Steere, at Ann Arbor." The will of R. Bcahan leaves all of' the estáte to his wifc and oldest child, which at that time eonstituted the ontire family. Since the drawing up of the will, in 1802, four more ehildren have been born to them, each one of whoni will share equally in the distribution of the property. Mrs. Beahan will be the cxecutrix. "Not a pound of loe to be had In Dextei -.'' So says thu Couhiek. Wrong iigalii. Every establishment iu town that uses lt 1b wcll supfilled. If you don't belleve lt, ylslt oar sparklng soda fountains, or go where they sell lemonade and somethiiiK slronger. The rosos on the cheeka of our young ladies are not owlng to the absence of Ice cream but tho sweotness of their dlsposltiou and the hualthfulneBs of our cliinat.- Dexter Leader. lt beats all how these local items men are imposcd upou by designing pooplo. Washtenaw county in 1870 costalned 11,-1-iO and hius hurdly held lts owu, aud Is 100 short of that now.- Adrián Press. Take it back, young man ! Take it back ! The corrected returns give this county an advaneeof 429 inhabitants. It isn't much to brag over, but it is so much better than falling bebjnd, that we don't feel like bcing robbed of the glory. Changc ' 'yer figers. " Mrs. N. II. Pierce has left upou our tablc a curioüity in the shapo of a cucumber upon the stump of a vine. Tho bugs haviug destroyed all hopes of its spreading out in tho world by eating tho leaves, the plucky plant sent out a blossom from which a cucumber developcd, tho samo standing only about two inches from the ground. M. II. Clark, formerly of the Grand EUpida Domocrat has starled a new democratie paper at Hastings. We knew Clark and set type with him 36 years ago in Ann Arbor. lic has had many ups and downs as well as ouiself, but wo rejoice to notice that ho still livos and is bound to keep the types flying till tho end, which must come sooner or later. - Montcalm Ilerald. ______ Don't forget the red ribbon club excursión next week Friday. The weather will be nioeJy wanned up just about that timo and the cool breezes from the lakc will bo refreshing and welcome. It will bc a grand opportunity to see the bcautiful soenery of lake and river St. Clair, and to visit the thriving city of Port Huron. Only $1.25 for tho round trip. Trains loave this city at 7:15 a. m., sharp, and Goddes at 7:30. The Democrat said in a recent issue that to Aldorman Bcsimcr bolonged the credit of pushini: successfully through the resurreotion of the oourt hou?o woll. That is a mistake on tho part of our coatctuporary. Whüe we do not desire to eraso any of tho lustro or obscure a single ray of fame which juntly belongs to the senior 2d ward aldcrman, in justioo to two others we shall bave to correct it. üur council reports show that Aldcrman Ferdon presented the petition, and Aid. Hutzol, of the 2d ward, imshed it with all tho vigor ho oould commaud. To these two mon btlongs all the famo and all the glory of the wcll resurrection business. The route ehosen by Company A for their excursión on the 4th of August next, is an excellent one. It givos a ride of four hours upon the boautiful waters of Detroit river and Lake St. Clair, and also threo or four hours' timo for a picnic on one of the finost located park in tho world- Belle Isle. lt avoids the monotony of an extended rido upon the water and gives thosc attending, plenty of time to visit either Dotroit or Canada if they desiro to do so. A more beautiful place for picnic purposes than the island doos not exist, and there is no doubt but those patronizing tho boys will bc amply repaid for the outlay. Tickets for the round trip are placed at $1. Childrcn half price. Train leaves this city at 7: M a. m. Go, and be happy one day. Oa Tuesday cveniog of nest weck Mr. C. D. Hildebraad's expot-ition of the cryptogram of prison lii'o will bo givun iu tin1 tent. In conncction with this we dcsirc to sny that Mr. H. should bc givcn a fuli house, as he is in need of tho funds. A good name once lost is a diffioult thing to restore ; and tub geuUemau's past carcor, though reformatiou hun evidently been i-incere and effectual, still geerts u bar to his linding employment.for thu support of uimself and bis family. It has long been a boast of Amoricans that no matter what a uiau's past life has been, if sueh an one sues fit to reform and by his aetions provo the sincerity of his purpose, thero would be no difficulty in building himself up, as others do. So far in Mr. H'b eourse this has proven to be a false boast, Now, we are not one who believes that it is either in good taste or oonducivo to good moráis, to have a man como baforo an audience and teil all of tho mean, miserable things he has ever done, which has too often been the case with tempéranos ltcturors. As we undorstand it, this gentleman in his lecture aud illustration of prison life, shows tho pouple what suoh a life i, giving dotails of the abuses aud tortures intiiott-d upon prisoners in general, and not what might be lermed a personal reminiscenco. Admission has becn reduced to tho nominal prico of ten cents, and our people will be placing a dime where it wil! do mueh good by giving it for this purpone. One by one the boys and girls of farmer years- many of them husbands and wives now - return to visit friends and reuall once again the scones of by-gone days. But often the visit is fraught with disappointment. . But few of the uld familiar faces are here. In vain they seareh for the genial, happy, young countenancesthey were wont to see of oíd. A groat change has been wrought by time in their seemingly short absonco. One is in the west in business ; another a rising lawyer in a nciKhburiiif; city or state ; whilo still another is a dipnified "Prof." This young girl friend is nurriod and redding "away in the east by tho neu;" and anothor in the golden state, "by tho sea in the west;" oecasionally une hu made a failure in life, and still another, though so youug in yoacg, hun trod the road to ruin ; while that kind, swuet-.ib oísitioned one, whose society was so pleasing, has gono to the long, ctcru'il rest. WIlii a toar, perhaps, for the dear departed ones, a sigh for the missing faetvs o sweet to meuiory, a hurried (jood by tu tho friends who may be left, and they aro away to their homes again, to battle iu lifu's oonflict, where fato may have placed them, sadder, perhaps, for the knowledge of the advaiiciug years which has been (brodd ujton their mind by the trip to tho old homo. This is a scène enacted ncarly every day in our midst by those who were the boys and girls of Ann Arbor in the years that are past. To visit the old home and reoall the old times and goenos is pleasant, but sad, for. tho fermer actors are nearly all vanished and new faces groet one at every turn Tliey aro thus reminded how fa -t the world moves on. .