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Kiduey-Wort Always Cures. Iíast Wakïfiïi.d Depot, N. II., March 4, iSSo. Mussrs. Wklls, Kichakdson & Co. ; Qtntlemut, - Peraiit me to say a worc : in favor of Kidney-Wort. My mothoi ¦ haa been afflicted with kidney disease for f ¦ number of years. Last spring sho was 8( ; bad as to neccssitate hor taking spirit! i nitro at least thrce times a day - had t most alarminji pain iu her Hide, also uiuuh At'tcr takinj; oue box of Kid i noy-Wort the pain and uumbnes dixap, peared. Her appctitc icuprovod at once, and 8he has not taken a drop of spirit nitrc , sinoe. I adyise all who need such a medí cine to give it a trial. MBS. W. H. PARKS. A PeiTcct Siibstitutc lor 8ul]liato ({niniiu Cincho-Quinine, prepared by Billings, Clapp & Co., Chemists, of Boston, Mus., is a concentration of all thu alkaloids ol of Peruvian Bark, and is preforrcd bj physician.s on account of its cheapness as wcll as its superiority. Is used in s-uii doses wherc quinine is indicated. Sold by all Drugftistfi, oesent, poMngc ]roaid, on receipt of priee, $1.50 per ounce. Pastoría Milllons ofMothers expres thclr doliglit over Castoria. It Is natnre's remedy for assüiii lal iiisr the food. Unlikc Castor OH, it is picasant to lakc, and unlikc Morphlne S) rups, it Is harmlcss. Castoria regulates the Bowels, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and uilays Fcvcrishuess. Wliat trivos lic il! h to the Child promotes rest Tor the Mother. Chlldreu cry for l'Itciier's Castoria. Il is the most reliable, cffective aml popular article dispensed by Druggists. 1TEVER Slncc boalinü remedies have been uscd by suffsring man has theri: been knéwn euch absolute Iain-relioving agente as the CENTAUR LINIMENTS. They sootho, hoal nd cure. They HEAIi- CutB, Wouiide, Galla, Oíd Sores, Brokcn Broaats and Sore Nipplee ; (IKK -l'aln in the Back, Rhoumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Karachc, tettar, Pimples, Itcb, Salt Hbeura. and all tleeh, bono and musclc ailment of Animale ; SUBDUK- Inflammatlon and kwelling ; RELIEVE- Bolla, Felona, Ulcera, More Throat, BronchitiB, Croup and (uinBy; EXTHAOT-Paln from Burne, Scnld, Slliu-f., FroBt-blUis, bpraine and Uruisei. The experíeuce of centnries bas made the CENTAUR Zainimonts the most epecdy and effectivc curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world hoe ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS havo rclloved more bed-rldden CrlppleK ; licalod more l In 1 ui iiiuIni and ravei more valnabtc aiiluialn tbanall othcr linlmeiiti! ointmunts, oil?,extraetf, plaetereand o-callid "pain killerB" and "ekiu cures" combinud. PliyHlclaiiH and Veterlnary Snrgoonfl endors the Centaur Miiiincnta ; mlllioun of men women and childrcii In all countrles nio tlicin and llonsekeepcrs, Farraeni, PlantcrB, Traelers LIverymen, Tcamsters and Stock-crowere, are thei patront. Thcy are clcan9 thcy are liaudy, they are chcap, and the? are reliable. Therc is n aclic, pain, or swclllng which thcy wil! uo allcviate, subdae, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE GLOBE fur 50 ccutx and Y1.00 a bottlc. Trial boules 25 cents. Gatarrhal P0ZS0N Wel Do ineyer'K Trcatlse on Catarrl explains the followlng imporüint factB : 1. Tïuxl Catarrhai Colde become a poisonous iti ftctlun, at flrst local, and flmilly coiistilutional. % 'J'iat, heinL Constitatlonal, the infection Ib be yond the reacli of mcru local remedies. 3. Thai wiinirities ín the mtetrlla are ncccssarily swallowed into tlie stomach and inhaled into the lungSy thus pottoMnj the Digesttve, Kcaplratory am Qenlto-Urinary organe. 4. Tliat Catarrhai virus follows the mncons mem brane and causes Deafness, Dyspei)8la, Chronic Diarrhica, BronchUU, Leucorrhosa, and Contiuiiip tion. 5. That Sinoket, Douches, Iubalutiong, and InBoln ble SnulTs, cannot potsiöly remove iufectlous inllun matton from the organs named. 6. That an antidote for Catarrh must possesB an an inoculutive adlnity for, and tbc quality of being absorbed byt the purulent mucous wherevcr locaied Uascd upon these plaiu thcories, I)r. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Cure lias provel to be infalllble. It not only relieves, It cures Catarrh at auy stage. Home tcstimony : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! W. D. Woode, 47 liroadway, N. Y., Cured of C'bronic Catarrh. P. J. naelctt, 8T9 Broadway, N. Y., 4 yenrs t'atilrrb. ü. L. Brueh, 44.'i Broadway, N. Y., II) ycar Otirth. S. Bonedict, .Ir., Jswcler, um Hroadway, N. Y., (Indy frlcudj, cured of Chronic Huy Fevcr. Mrs. Bmma O. Ilowes, ;ii) W. 'athiiiiït"n Sijnarü, N. Y., cnred of 30 years Chronic Cutarrh. Hcv. Qoo. A. Bal, 109 Jay St., Brooklyn. " It rcstored me to my ministerial labor." lícv. ObM. .1. Jone, New Brlghton, 8. I. " Worth tun timea ttie coft." Bar. Ali'x. Fracs, (.'airo, N. Y. " It h:w woikod wonderH in híx caaeH Ín my parish." L. F. Nwmn, 'iir Fattm st., Unwiklyn, cured of yaan Ohnmle ('atarrh. MrH.J.Swartz.Jr., a) Wnrrt-nSt. .Jersey City, cnrvd of 1H yeam Chrouic CaUirrh. &c. c. &c. 4c. &c. A real cura for this terrible mnlady in the raost Important discovery for the relief of human suffering niñee vacclnation. Wol le Mcyor'K ntarrh 'nre I) sold by all Urncrgists, or delivereil by D. B. Dkwby & Co., 40 Dey St., N. Y., for 1.ÜO a packoge. To Clubs, slx packagos for 7.5. I'r. Wol De Jlejfrn Troatiwe, with full explanatlons and overwhelming prooff, is poHt-pnifl and sent fre to anj lwxly. 952-1002- eow BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO $10 PER ACRE! SinniK stilN! Sur 'rop! llallfond tlitouli iil4 r of l.nnd. lli-idilii llnit4. No1imI uncí CUurcbe. Iu i-lllii( Populution. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Thro lanrlsaro n on% ílistnncp l'.mt ol ttt9 MlasIsHlpiil Blver. Um moant und in trnvt'l anil tiiuis(vrl;iti'iii ofrrons. Dcscriptl -i' tia.Niptilc.-t iu Knulish and (ícrman. Adtln-s W. O. 111 .li ic r Cummlssloner, (Jmiul itHinls, Michigan. !)S1100;í Cftpacity 5U fa bAa. Cider per day. KLLVATOKS. PUMPS, PATKNT KACKS and Cloths, Jelly Fans. Cider Keeping Solution, with fi n of CIDER KILL SUPPLIíiS. Illnstr.i' : 1 C. ü. HAMPT0N, Detroit, Jlich. 980 lUilti e o w senil fot dlradUoDi fr flf lí rninii wninnl T5 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera Houso Block, ¦tKTitoiT, .turn. mttue


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