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' - 9 i i - ¦ - ii j THE - RsadeH of this notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. Wc promise a cordial welcomc and an attractivc display of rich and artistic wares. M. S. SMITH & CO., Jcwclers, Silversmiths, Watchmakcrs, and Dealers in Gems, Corner of Woodward Jefferson Arenuss. (3f3Particular attention given to mail orders. '.177 1II2U I INSKY & 8KABOITS BAKKKY.GUOCEUY ANP FLOUR AND FEED STORE. W keep connaully n humt, BRKAD, ORAOKKRS, CAKKS, KTC, FOR WHOLK8ALB AHD KRTAIL TKADK. Wo Hhall aleo keep a upply of 8WIÏT DKUBKL'8 BKST WHITK WHKA1 FLOUK, DELHI KUJUR, KYK FLOUK, BUCKWHBAT FLOUK, CORN MBAL, FBRD, Ac, &c. At wholeMlo and retal!, a general atock ol GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN conntanily on band, whlch will be noM on aa reafOD ablotenntt as atany other houae fn the city. Vtuiïi paid for Butter, Kkk, and Conntry I'rodnc gunorall;. 3F (loods dcllvered to any part of the r.lty w!t' ent extra charge. yr KUJBEY A 8KAUOLT. DANDELION Dr. Whltc's Danriclion Alterativo, the firrat lïlood Puritler And liunovator. A npccilic lor Livi-r 'ininlatnt, RiliounneBH. Chili and Fovor, Dynju-piH, Kidney DtuenKP, HheumatlHm jukI ConBtliiitiou oc Bowl'Ih. Humovee uimples aud oalkiwiit-HH front the f kin, iiriMiucluL' clear complexión. It 1h purrly vcetahle. pcrlectly barniloHH and plcanant to tnke. Pint bottlcH only $1, and every bottlu warranted. PULMÓN AEI A, ¦ & fur CouchB, CoMm, Aethma, lírour hitis, Croup, Whoopiiig Conh and Inclpicnt Consumption. Fifty CÉ-ntM per 1üttte. Icáreo bottlett $1, and evury bottlo warranted. Kor ealo ín Ann Arbor by Kbcrliach & Son, and druíícists cverywhcre. 951010 nn.. chases amma-rsitici) ik n. a. rs" ' FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of Dr. Ohase's Family Mcdlclues 18 the nuthor of Ir. Cham'H ICcIin : or, I ii loi in ut ion for Kverybody, and ulhcr Iloclpe BookH bearlug hls naiiie, and were lruUKht about tbrouch the lnqulriea of many of the piircliasers of hls Books for fioinething to moet thelr llngerlng and complicated diaeasod condltlon, whlch they illd not ünd dcKcrlbwl In hls Books. The proprietorHhip or tlie Modlclnes, and the business manaRemont of the same, havlng pawed Into the harnlK of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQjLJARTERS XDI. CHASE'S STEAM PITI HOUSE AXX ARBOR, nUII., Wo woiilil say lo the public, thnt thcy can rot MWH that lr. Chase's Pamlly M!1Iih'm wlll glve thi'iu a greater NatUfnction thau any othorti, for tlio DlneaKeo for whlch their ñames Indícate them to have been jncIred- equal to thal of IiIh Books over all other liookH of a Hl inilar character, a showii by thoir Ulea, whieli havo cxceedtxl the Halen af any Other, reaching over onr milllon ropiH. 4lv tlu'in a trial, tlierefore, and know for yuurNi'ivt'M. ih uil we aak. DR. CIIASE'S BoughandWoundBalsam Hm been fonnt the qulckost and most certaln cure of Ccmgbi if any proparaUoD in ue; alno Hilckly rellevlng IIoarBeneitK, soreness of the rhrimt ir Iimk, l'aln orTlslitnesH UMÉ1 the Cheat, lironchltls, Clergyman'B Sore Throut, itid OunimmptloD In all 1U eailler üüiyi-x, Whooptog Conh, Croup, etc. Price l per Hottle, or Bottloi for $.1 DR. OHASK'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR 'n'vmts and cures the Pain and DlHtress of thu Jyspeptlc after meals, aud for Puillylng and Uenewing the Blood, qnlokly toning up Ine Htoinach, and lnvlgortitint; tlio wholü BjBtom. Prlce $1 per Kot 11c, or O Bottlcs Tor $5. DR. OHASK'S Liver i Anti-Bilious Pilis Kor curlug the Dlseaws of the Livor, and coreotlnu lillloiiB condltlonB of the SyKtcm, as voll bh for all Cathartlc purpoxoH. SngarOKtad ; Helling for !45 rrnts imt Uox, or S KoxeH, poHtinII, fbr Wl. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR ¦ ¦ il.uihlf-streirgth Llnlmcnt, sradlatlDg lnornal or cxlcrnal Pain qulcker aud moro periiani-ntly I lia.ii any ot hor In use. Two !,_ 5O -ent and 1,-or O largo liotllos for .i. DR. CIIASE'S MEDICATED PLASTE R 8 put up in lloll or Stick Form, whlch wlll preaa a doion l'laators, glviiiK astruiiKtheninu ud luallng PlaHter for two cent not equaleS y those for whlch yon pay two shllllngs Bllug for i !t cents per roll ; Uvo rollH, potial(l, 1. Br. CHASE'S CATARRH SNÜFF s for thf iUti-k cure of " ColdK iu tho llead," lul dotng all for oíd Coronta Uatmrh that ucdlclnucando. Sollhif; lor ifOrtn. pir hottlc. IX ORDER1NG Any ot theae Medicines, (If your DruiiKlxt has ol tlniiM,)or fir any fnrtlier iDIonnalion i raucnoU lo tbetn, addreai the h: A. W.CIIAHK MKlUllNi: (OMI'ANY, Aun trl.or. Hl.h. %(ic(


Ann Arbor Courier
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