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CM'JKCH DIRECTORY. Ittiptist riuirch. Ubv. . Haskkil, Pastor. 5 mí l ' -! ifter ulorTiini; aervicu - r iy.r nuietlug Fhunday Traías at 7 o'clMk. ('nthollc Cliurch. Ubv. F_TSSB Fible. Plfltor. L.iw i. a. h. HU-h Muga, iu4 . m. Vesper r. . Sai Uy School, 34 r. x. CoiiLrrfljratlonal Churrh. Ukv. W. U. limt.i, PHtor. Si ibjm orrtCMt, Uli a. . :ii:i Ti r. m. Kuud w w:huol .ifior mornin Mrvic. IV.iyi-r in!C' in Thursday eveuiutf ut 7 n'ciock. Episcopal Churvh. liiev. Wyllïs Hall, Kector. Mabbath aarvloat, w a. h. and 1% r. m. Scinday School, H p. m. K'iii;iiaaBcrvtcc8,Thursdii ovenlng ut % 'elm-k. (Jerman Methodist Chiirch. Kbv. C. IIei.wio, Pantor. s ibhath services, lOSi a. v. and 1% v. m. snndr School, t ninc o'clock a. m. lr:iyer metitlng ou Wedneaday, Lntherau Cluirch. Kiv. Joum Nbumann, l'iwtor. Siiiilirith uurvtcun, 10H a. h. and 7% r. u. Hundiy School after mornlnu eervlco. l'r:iyor moetliiR, Thorüdny evunini;ut 74 o'clock. M. 1 ln.ii-.t Charch. ItBV. JillIN AiAM.VTSU, P&8tC#, Stljluth wrvicoi. 104 a. . and 1% P. M. Siiudiy Schol ifli'r morniDK serricu. t'rtyi nu;eting,Thiireday uveninff at 7 o'clock. Youn,' IV'Ople Mmjting, Saturday 7 p. M. l'resbyterlan Chnrch. KT. Pm T. Broos, D. 1)., Pastor. slih,i!i Tticfj, lUiri a. m. and 7X i'. M. SiiiUvclunland U1I1I0 clann.iftor inornlnRorvtce l'raynr iiioi!Üu_',Thursday cvt-nliie at Bo'ckftk. ï miin IVoulii' Kluotlng, Sunday cvenini; S4. ('niljiriiUi (imrrh. Hmv. J. T. .Sunii:hland, Pastor. Sabbtth wTvlcoH, n% a. h. and 1% r. u Situday School ;it 12 u. HladaoU' lilble Claes at 8:16 a. m. Zion Lnthcran Church. Hsv. II. F. Bklskb, Pastor. Mbbatta Serrlcea at W% a. m. and 7 r. m. SiinKy Schtïol Iratnedfatfly after mornlng service. IteUgioiu H(!rviCL-s Wudnuuday evcalne at 7o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. i K. wrBABTIÍAM, Veterinary Snreeon. ((iranniite of the Ontario ry College, Torouto, (lanuda.) ƒ All dlïease of Ilnrxeti. ('nttlit, ai:d Otuer DomüBtic Auimulö Ircatcd. Offlcs, 5 3. Main 3t., o?or City Toa Ctoro. ƒ lit-rtult'f, I7S. División St.,Ann Arbor. ƒ ly'.),S7 Lililíes ! Lndios ! GO TO MISSES HAYLEYSA LAD1X8' TOBE, No. 3 S. Main t., for Coréete, mj. TfmMng. Ttíble Linen, ton, Llnen and Silk Uandkerchicft. Necktict., Garnet and Jet Sou, and 1 Ladies' Kanc lugreat Tiincty. No. 3 8. Main St. Nu. :i 8. Main St. 'Mi yr O. C. JENKINS, OEiiï'iSÏ1. f OFFICK : No. 32 East Washington Street. Konnerly occupienl by Dr. Frolhingham. ƒ ttsiitf T HESKY R. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Ral Estáte líroker, AND INSUUANCE AGENT. office : . 1 Opera IlouNe Block Am Akbok, Muit. 75tf WILLIAM HEKZ, lIUUSB, SIQN, ORNAMKNTAt FKBSCO PAiNTfiR. PapcrlnK, llazinR, Qildln(i and Calci- iiiliüni!, and work of evcry dccriptlon Alone in the beet tttyle, and warranted fogive siittrtlHCtion. Shop No. 4 Wesi W ashliiKton Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ƒ SS8U W. C. STEVENS, 3Í.I)., Physician and SnreeonX .'iy WaHliiiijiton Strïot. Offlct lourt-1 to 9 a. m., 10:80 a. . t 1.' ., 'JtO'l. umi 7 to M'. M. No. 1U ürovu Struet.X itiatf F. SORtí, IIouhk, Skin an Ounahintai. ƒ I'aintkh. Paperlnu, Olazinf;, ƒ ƒ lildtnc, and work of every dua. I I orlptioo doue lu the beet style. ƒ l'.niitf, OUa, and Varniehes na , 'mnd and for sale. Shop, No. 3J ƒ ' Ht Wauhinton Htraet, ADn ƒ rlir, Mich. 8Wtf W. H. JACKSOX, V DENTISTA Offlce orer Ha. h & Abel'. Víntranco by Plrst National BankA TÜU THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, IUehlcan, SANSACTS SENEmBmiNS BUSINESS, CAPITAL, 150,000. Ownizod under the Oneral Bankinf; Law of All Wte. the tockholders are Indlvldually liable ror an r .h„ aln,ount ("al to tke stock held by tnem, ruÁai "LiD.l a ""a" Pand for tli ' K-nt or Itt'LKInitoi N of $100,000.00. ira .ír f ra,''"'thcBnl',and interest componnded aT-ï y M""-y to loan on nnincumberud al eatatc and othor good securtty. Irwíor.-Chrlítian Mack.W. W. Wlncs, !(. A. Bea) JMinaro Deubcl, Wllliam D. Harriman Daniel Hlscock, and Williird B. bmith om,,,. : :""iTtAn Mac, Pros. W. V. Wimks, VIce-PreB. Chas. K. Hncoci, Cashler. 15-1)86 qcTtü WINANS & BERRY FOK MRMT TAILÜRINIi t'or the follonluK reoMon: Ou, work ík all flrt da. i.i'.iv ry !Uonr entterrn tho State who " LUc : yon 11 perfect flt witluml Inm, on. vici,. Z!, ,v';,th,L; "" HKuorticHt u the Bttta, -rrim "", "" 'H'fer.„t tyl.B to aelect from In 6 h U " """" '"" flr" ll""" trlmminL-s. W' are lull o l.t-r Mat. bolo Detroit pricoil. WINAN8 & BEKKV, " 1(W Ka. 11 South Main Htr.'ct, Al.n Arhor l'MaVT,l,H ')'. Pr"'UnK "'l jol werk wlll be or ratos lltuii ut uiiy ..tli-r o__M


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