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rP0 KHN'T. A vcry deslrablc rcstdcnco, No. 28 vvilMam Street. Thcre is a baru apon the lot. which is found to be a irreal convcniencc for inany desirlm; (o rent. Inqulre t C0UK1BR OFFICE. TTTANTEl). A STRONC BOY, One thut ia willink to work, und undori Unds taking caro ol a norse. Apply at HANGSTKKFKIf'S Pilt Main Street. piANÖsiToRGANS. A larce stock- ncw and socond haud-Bold cheup ior cash, or on monthly or quartorly payments. Don't buy of any travelinR pent. M I can and will nuil cheapcr than ony traTeliiiK man can all'ord to. UppoKttu Court House, eat sldc. mom alvin wii.skv. TTOÏïSEKEEPElt'S PUIEND. Uasollne and Monitor OH Slove of all kinds at J. KCM1M Ai'IIKIfH, bouth Main streel. 1-1UI ÜOH SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwelllni' house on !t, oiie Infla froin city citv limit. Bnqaire 965tl At O'K COUItlKK WTOt ÜOK SA Ui. I have a nood, well built honno and lot, ituatod on Klixabeth street, No. 15. Therc is a good bnrn und wood-shcd on the plnre. The property in new and in Rood repair. Term very liberal. Apply to MMn MKS. K. E. W1NSLOW. UOK. SALE. I have a good FI.O1 i:IN MILI., of four run of stonc. Uut I will scll or exchaniie lor ptoporty In Waxhtcuaw County. giiill KK'K A. HEAL. POR EXUHANGE. State, valued t iii.'XMI, which I wiil oxchaiigK for Am Arbor City property. UU'K A. BKAL. T F. BOYLAN, Keal Km tato Asonry. Farms !nd üonsev botight, sold, rented, rcpalrcd and insured. Office at WOLVKItINK STOHK, (Otf Corner oí lluro and KHth Street. I ) ROF. llKUBÊN KEMPP, Ilaviu just rndualed from the Conscrvatory of Mihic at Stiitlstart, ui'rnuiuy, where he received a thorollli cduCHtion, and inHtructions in the latent methtKtt of teachint: rauatc, ia ncw prepared to K've Li'mona In llarinonj , and on the Piano and Orgau. Pianos tuned on reanonable ternm. Koonuj, norlheast corner ot Main and Liberty stroeti, up-staiiK, Aun Arbor. Mich. !(i-lUUO TTOUSES AND LOTS FOK SALE. Severa! good brtck dwellini; honses, and a nnmbct of framed dwelltnue, desirably ituted, wlth oue or more lot for eacli, for sale, on fair terme and reanonable credit. Also, dfty city lot. well locatid, with ifiK)d ütle, and on long credit. Also, farms and mortKukus for nale. Money safely investcd for lenders, at ten percent. Inquireof BlBti _J KW. MORGAN A LL KINDS OF BLANKS PBISTÏD ON SHORT NOT10 UT THF MSUB -ÍOB ROOMS. DETROIT FEMALE SEMINAEY, E-itabliphcd In lS.r'i. City beantifal and healihínl. liihtruction thoroujfh. espectally in roromon branches, liest uatlve teacli' re in French and Uerman, rjlaaaics, Scleuces, Art, nnder Maaters. oneervatory of Mnslc, slx instrnctore. Prof J. H. Hahn, Din -ctor. A liuiited number of pupila received into the lanuly ol Principal. Supervisión carefnl and Intelligent. TcactuTS uble and expericuced. No hetter ailvantaL'es at the Kast Ke-opens Sirptcm lur i;,h. Address MAKÍTS 11. MARTIN, I'HINCIPAL. HBTKO1T Míen. 996-9SIU CimilllissidlK Tn' NotlCC. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of The undcrslgncd hartog bren nppoiuted ly the Probate Oinvt for sald County, OMnntmlonen to rec-ivi'. examine tuid adju.H all claiuia and deniaiids of all pereon aKalnt the etai of James O'Connor, late of aid countv, deceased. hereby i;lve notiie that ix montbs irom date are Bllowed, by order of said Probale t'nurt, for creditors to present their Clatma against the estáte of xaid deceased, aml that they will meet at the ofttce Of the Juuje of Probate in llie city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Thurnday, ttie twentyeli;hth day of October, and on Krid.iy, tb; twenty-oighth day of Jiiriuary m-xt, at teno'clock a. m., of euch of aiu duys, k receive, examine wkI adiust -:iil claims. Dated,July28th, 1H80. w-iooo ra&ffSH. f Oam ¦¦'¦¦-¦ Notlcc to Creditors. OTATE OK MICHIGAN, County or Washteuaw, rr. 5 Notlfce is Uereby K'veu, thnt by an order of th' ProliaU; Court for the County of Washteuaw made on the twenty eventh day ¦! July, A. U. 1KW). six mouthtt from that date were allowed for crtMÜtore to preneut tlieir ilaimK as,'aiiwl the estáte of Sanih Fulier, late of ald cotinty, ileceared, and that all creditor of aald deceanod are requirod to PWl tlieir r.laima to sald Probate Oonrt, at tile Probato Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance. on or bwn the '7th day ol January next, and that sneh claims will be hiard belore said court, nu Weilne-iiay, 57th day ol OcIoIm r, and on Tbursday, the 27th day of January next, al ten o'rlock In the forenoon of each of Baid day. Datud Aun Arbor. July Ï7th, A. D. 1BS0. WILL1AM l. HAUKIMAN, 9B7-1000 Jndïe of Probato. Chancery Sale. STATU OF MICHIOAN. The Circuit Conrt for the ('oanty of Waütitenaw. In Chancery. Albert M. Clark and LorliiR C. Kiimonds, Complainants, vs. llarvey H. Wlieeler and Suihronla Wheeler, Defendants. In pursuance and by vlrtac of a decree of said court, made and entered on the ieventeenth day of April, A. 1). IN), in the abovo cntttled causo: Notice 1 hereby l'ív.'h, Hint I sball !ell at public anction, totbe hijfhext bidder, on Monday, the thirteenth day of September a. 1). 1SS0. at ten oYlock m the forunoon, at the tast front door of the court house, in the city of A ii ti Artior, Coiinty ol Wanhtenaw, and Suite ol Miefeivaa, the teUowrac Ju- libad real mMM, belni; the same mentioned and detu-rihed iu said decree, to-wit : The east hair of the DorthaMt uuarter of the northwent (juiirtcr of sectlon twenty, towii!hii four souili of MUf seveu east, coutulnlUü tweuty acres of land. more or HM, Dated July 2tlh, A. D. lssi). JAMKS McMAHDN, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the County ol Washtenaw. state of Micbipin. SAWYEK KNOWLTON, üollciton Tor ComHuiir.utH. im; ïmiy Chancery Sale. STATK l'K The (-Ircnlt Court for the 'nunty of Washienaw. In chancery. IIudmih M. LoveUndi complaluant, v$. Euphemla A. Leut and Krancis A. Yuimr, deleiidmitH. In. pursnauco aud by vlrtuu of a decrue of said cumt, na0e nuil t ntered iu the abuve intitleii the tnirtylln( day Ol Maicli. A. O. 1SWI : Notiie Ih hen by K'iven that I hlwll iell at public auction, to the Ughuat bidder, on Moiiday, the secoud day ot Auunt, A. I). 18SII, ,n ten o'clock in the torenooii, at the i-unt Tront door of the rotirt house In the city of Ann Arbor, M ni ui v ol Washtenaw nnd State of Michigan, the (uUowlog detcrlbod reni Míate, belas Ifie same montioi ed aml deenbni in eiii'l deiMe, to wit : All that parcel oi land situated In the towiHhip ui' York, county nnd sute ulonfalil, knows, bonodud Illid describid :l(i folloWï. to Wit : The noith hall' of the nortbeat quarter of the southeast tiiarier ot socttoa tliirty-lwo, lowliship four, aoBtta of ran'e ¦lx enst, containin' twenty acres ol land. An i Arhor, June 17, 188Ú, JAMKS Mi-MAHUN. Circuit t'ourt CnmmlHloiiei ín and for WuOitoiiaw r.iinty. Mlcil Sawvkk a Knhwi.ton, Bolli Iton tol r..ii.iil:iiiniiit, 'iil HO


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