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Mabel Beal went to Alpena last week. She expects to remain about three weeks. Jessie and Ettie Hielden of Detroit, formerly of this plaoe, - are visiting at A. lt. Beal's. Wm. Tuite has gone to Detroit this week, and will bc found with S. II. Baird & Co., wholesale grocers. Minnie Wheeler has gone to Petoskey to spend a month or more at that popular northern summer resort. A oolored voter from this place who attended the excursión to Detroit last Monday, informa us that a canvass of the colored voters on the train was made with the following significant rosult : Hancock 300 ; öarfield 1,000. E. E. Appleton and Harria Ball and families are rusticating at l'ortage Lake this week. Camping seems to be quite popular herc, and the lakes are seldom without some on their banks. Edward Litchfield who has been ill fór a long time at hil son's resideneu in this villagc, died last Saturday evening, aged 81 ycars. He was a highly respectcd pioneer, having oomc to this oountry a long time ago. He was t'auiiliariy known by cverybody here as Uncle Ed. Litchfield. Rev. L. L. Gage of the Baptist church has beun spending his mid-sumnier vacation at his father'sin western New York. While thure he also attended the Sunday school uouventioo at Cbautauqua lake. We understand his church generously defraycd the expenses of the trip. Tbis speaks wcll both for the preacber and church. Keal takes more greenback papers than any man in the town, and he is nut a bit stingy with them, but on the contrary overybody iswelcomod to reíd them. Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, Kontucky, Tcnncsi-ec, and other stmtes are reprusentod on his files of papera. That's right, oducato the people. No ¦ can read too niucli. Iload all sides, which is the only way n which to bcoomo tin intelligent voter. Mary llandolph died last Friday night, aged 23 years. She was suddenly taken 11 just two weeks provious, and suffered intensely until slie dicd. She had medical attendants of the " little pill " persuasión, but soenied to receive no relief whatever. Tho cause of her death as it comes to our oars froui a hundred uiouths is vcry conflicting. A post uiortem examination by a few physicians has not materially hclped the people to know the exact cause of her death. She was an active, consistent and regular member of the M. E. Sabbath school, which turned out in a body to attend her funeral last Sunday afternoon. Many of the scholars were much affected by the death of one of their number whom they loved, and who but three short weeks ago sat with them in school, full of life and vigor. Her classmatcs wore crape as a mark, to all oonoerned, of their true devotion to tbc deceased. Rev. Mr. Davis preached the funeral sermón to a church full of fricuds and mourners. Tlie young ladies of the Sunday school showed their respect to the deceased by elegant floral decorations, both of the coffin and the pulpit stands. We have heard it said that no such fine floral decorations have been made at any funeral for a long time hore. As in life so in death, she was among the flowers of nature, and the young ladies who provided and arranged the flowers have done a deod worthy of all praise. A good cxample of " Do as you would be done by." Flowers are seen arouud the eradle, the marriago altar and tbc ooffin, and how fitting nature's gift for all these places I