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T0 RENT. A very desirablc residcnce, No. 2i Wllliam street. Therc Is u barn npon tho lot, whlch is (ound to be a great conTenience for many deniring to rent. Inqulre at COURIKR OFFICE. TIANTED. A STRONC BOY, One that U willing to work, and undcretands UkiiiK care of a horno. Apply at HANCiSTERFEK'S 91)71 f _ Main Streot. _ piANOS & ORGANS. A large stock- new and socoud hand- sold cheap for cash, or on montbly or quartcrly paymciite. Don't buy of any uavehiin agent, as I can and will ¦ell cbeaper tban ony traveling man can nilord to. Opposltc Court Home, cast side. 98i-W7 ALVIN WII.SKV. TTOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEND. and Monitor UU Mtuves of all kinds at J. SCIll'H ACUKB'H, 6S South Main street. DOl-WK "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-ono acres, with a good dwclllng house ou it, oue mile from city city limit. Encjulro 965tf At TUK COUKIKR OFFICK. töbTsaleT I have a nood, wellbiillt house and lot, situated on Ellznbeth etnet, No. 15. Tuere is a good barn and wood-shed on tne place. The property Is ncw and in good repair. Tcrms very liberal. Apply to 'J'.W ]!) MRS. K. E. WINSLOW. "OOR SALE. I bavu a good FLOUKINO MILL of lour rnn of tone, that I will Bell or exchane for property In Washtcuaw G'ounty. 9Wtf RICE A. BKAL. "POR EXCIIANÜE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, vnlned at ,IXX), whicn I will exchane for Ann ' Arbor City property. HOI A. BBAI.. I eau luniish Flrstlass CÜTBEERT mm WK ! For transplantlngin the fall, irom mygruuuds, warramcd pure, at $3.00 PER 100; $25.00 PER 1,000 998-1010 BEXJ. DAY. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Having just raduatod froni the Oonservatory of Muolc at StuttKart, Ocrnmuy, whare hi' recelvéd a thoroiiRh education, and inetmctlous in the latest muthodrt of teaching miiaic, in now prepared to givc l.r" I ii lluriuoii) , and on i!i Piano and Oricau. l'lanoa tuncd on reasonuble tam. liooms, nurtbeast corner of Main aud Liberty itraeU, ap-ataire, Anu Arbor, Micti. NI 10IHJ ITO USES AND LÜTS FOR SALE. Sevcral good brick dwelllni;, and a nnmber of framed dwellinite, dcairablyKituatPd, wlth one or more lots for eacb, for sale, on fair terme and reasonable credit. Also. flfty city lots. wcll located, with good title, and on long credit. Also, farms and morttrage for ale. Mouey êafely invested for lendere, at ton per cent. Inquire of atttf w. mqhoan A LL KINDS OF HLANKS l'IUSTEli OM SBOHT KOTIC T THE rOUBIER JOB ROOKS. DËTËOIT TÉMALE SEMINAEY Sstablished in 185. CHy heautilul and bealthful. lnslructlon thorough. eepeciallv in couimon branches. Bent nativo teachvrs in Frenen and Gerroan, Classic, Scieur., Art, uudur UaKtera. Souservatory of Mufle, kIi Inütructnm, Prof .J. U. llahn. Director. A limitad number of puplls recelvéd Into the family ot Principal. Supervisión cureíul and IntelUgeot. Teachers Wc and axperiutcsc. No hettir advantau-es at th.: Eaoi. Ke-oixno Septcm hor tith. Address MAKCUS II. MAltTIN, HKINC1PAL. DKTKOIT M1C1I. '.Ui ICJII Coniiiilssionprs' oticc. STATE UF MicniOAN, C'onnty or Washtcnaw.iw. The midiTsincd havinj: Im-n aptutiuted by tlie Ptobate Court for naid County, ConuBUilooan ii n - ceive, exanniK' and adju-t all claims and demande of all perxoiii iiainst the estáte of .laraoa O'Connor, late of eaid ciuntv, duceaited, henly Rtvfl I thatlix moiithu from lateare wllowcd, hy order of aid I'robate Court, for erfditor to preeont thfir claims UKaimit thf i'iiate of ulil deceased, and that ihcy w.'i [iii-rt ut thf oftice ui the Judgc of Probate in the city of Anu Arhor, in saai county, on Thursday. the tweuty-el'hih day of Octolux, and on PrlduT, the twenty-ciiihih day of Jaiinary next, ut ton o'clock a. m., of ach 'f taia duye, to receive, exainiiie und uiMunt naid clainiri. l)ated,.luly th, UMt, W-me nUUTBAÓH, '..iiimWHi..iiers.


Ann Arbor Courier
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