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1 Rtír5SSíi.V5SS? MÉ IU09_ ff PERMANEHTLT CURES RIKIONEY D5SLASL3, P B LIVER CQMPLAifóTS,! S Constiparon and Ptios. & I OI.ARK.HontMIcro.Vt., uto,! Uj "hnm of i .:N;V TlíOl 31. M UIuuL I tiNl IIUc D rlinmii lt huftourcd manj Tory 9 B tmdvnM'orI'II.KS nml 'iiu ncvcr full.d tofij J ot cfllclvndy. ¦ XELRO FA I IICrL, of St. Alb.ns, Vt, 3 H ímíjn lt I of prlcelcM vnluo. fu r nlxtecii pj HJ yourn ii ( m IIHl HüCVr.iifc fro.u IDci And 1 - I tlven !t compicicly ourtjd mi1." I c. h. iwcaüom, o.'Vi rlukba, ¦, -one L, J p(dnc ha done voodwt for me Id E t In pK'tol cnrlnf u wviTt' Jvi-r ond KlJury t ¦ it hao wnvo i WONDL'ÍFUL Ifjl ]' í 1 POWER, iiiibiii' j J DECATTSE IT ACT8 ON TIIeL ¦ LITE, TUR nOWELS AND KID.J H NEY.H AT THE SAME TI.KE. F lJ Becnuoo lt oleanoes the eyetemefB P tho polsonoi'S humora that dovalope B B In Kldneyand L'rlnnijr d:ecnsos, B I Ioucno33, JnunJIce, Conotlpatlon, Ipiles, orín Rhoumatlsm, Kuuralglul Ué and F orna le dlcorders. I KIlNr.V- OIÍT I tr y M.Krtll. ¦ H pound and can bo tent by malí pro.pald. J 0n parlinco ti 1 1 1 mate lx qtl of mrdlolno. 9J TXXY IT 3JJ-O-ÜCT T By lt nt thr HruKKlata. Price, 1.00. F WSLLS, EICHA2I305Í lt CO., Proprieton, J 3 BiirUnffton Tt. H 954-I005-ch e w Ayer's Sarsaparilla FOK PUBIFTING THE BLOOD. illj 11 'I'hin componnd of Ihc jíHk 1 I [' ! ' ' ' Vegetable Akeratlves, áBBAVBlttH4v Snrsapariün, Dock.stillA5tSL :X$yj Iri5 inKia, and Maudrske, %sAJ' wiiti tlu' Iodldts of I'ot"lTK hL Pvíí aB'1 An 'ron mskee a - I v mOh" effeetnal cure of a = k. "1( series of complaints that ¦¦i i jjigsjfcgj are vory provaknt acd ¦BB alllictiníí. Itparifle8the blood, parces ont the lurkiirg humors in the pyetera, that undermine bcalth and settlc tuto troublesume disorders. Bruptiocs of the skin are ihe appcarance on the snrface of hniuore that should be ezpelled Trom the blood. Infernal deraugements are the dotermination of these same linmors to some internal orgao, or orgaDS, whoec action thcy dcran&c, and whose substance thcy dieease and dcetioy. Ayer's Snrsanarilla e.ipels these bumore froni the blood. When they are gone the disorders they produce disappear, such as Ulceratione of the Liver, Stomach, Kidncye, I.nngí, Bruptions and Eruptivo Diecasos of the Skin, St. Anthony 'e Fire, Rose or Erysipelan, Pimples, Pustulos, Blotches, Boile, Tumor, Tutter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, RiDffworm, Ulcera and Sores, Ih 'umatiHm, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bonps, Sido and Head, Female Veakne?í, Sterlllty, Lcucorrhivi arising Irom internal ulceration and uterine dieeasep, Dropsy, UyspepBia, Emaciatiun and General Ucbllity. Wlth thelr lepartnre, hcalth returns. PRBPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chcmiste. Sold by All Drugists and Dealers in Medicines. HALLS BALSAM ; Cnres Colds, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cronp, Whooping Congh, and all discases of the Breathing Organs. Itsoothes aud heals the Meinbrane of the Ltiiiits, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prcrents the iuhtswoats and tightness across the chest which neeompany it. CONSÜMPTION is not au incurable malady. It is only nccessary to hare the rlght remody," and HALI8 BALSAM isthatremedr. BONT BESPAIR OF EELIEF, for this benign speciflc will cure you, even tliough professional aid fans. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerful Healing Agent ever JHscovered. Ilenry' Carbolie Salva cures the uioru noret. ITmxry'i Carbolie Salve allays the patn of burns. llrnry'H Carbolie Salvó cures all eruptinns. r llenry't Carbolie Salve htala pimplet aml blotches. llenry't Carbolie Salve trilt cure cutí umi bruises. ' - for Henrjr's, and Take No Otter. HKWARK OF COPNTKRFEIT3. _L% F IK -ALK BY ALL IiItlKKilSTO. JOHN V. HKNHY, CURRAN & CO., H'H-B l-UUl'iUETJlü=, 34 College riace, New Vork. 981-1012-eow. IS STRONCLY ENDORSED. Itev. K. F. 1,. .hun-., t.iilcnii, IIIm., writc-6 - "Fnr over ten years 1 hiid heeu.a liieat iDfferer frora in tlie niniill of the back and regiou ol the Ktdneys, which was most uicruclatliifr aud at times almo! lnonflerable. Doctoring brouuht no rHf and 1 was ünully advlet-d lo go abroad nnd nock tho cliuiHte of my ytmth. Iu tiurmuuy aud SwiUurlnnd, eminent phVBiclaus.aftcr close exiimination, lUxlarcd my sufteriiiKs to arise from dlmcasc oí the Kidneyo, of long Dtaodini;, and could do me no (jood. I was however, banaOiad hy the climnte and oonieqnentlv retumod. No sooner had I becu back and rcsimuil my pastoral wf.rk, when the old trouhlc trew again so ïntenje bh to nvike Ufe a burden A lew montha ago I came in porsesslon of one of Day's Kldney Pad, put it on, and tb efféeti wirc tru'y wonderfW. I ke iiains at once grew less and are do, Mftcr waarïiiR tne second Pad, enilrely C"nr-, and therc can be no doubt that I am eoUrely cnrad, ae n 1 write ttiic xonie week ftrr im oe, and am ¦trong and look ayaln the very picture oí heallh. I wrile tl, lectly voluntarlly, and it I dlctated only bv trulh and gratitnde. In. lord, I coithidor the l)ny Kldney Pad uo. ov acents and great benefactor! of mapkiml. May all the mitrerlug be helped aa I hare be'n Is my earjiept wi-h." Hr. K.'Hiiorr. Mwirnn. WIm.- "The doctors had glven my muther up witli what tliey cabed BriphtV Diseaee. She is now wearii'g Dny's Pad, gainini' utreníítb, and improviní; evnry way." a Dean, Urasctats, XíIom. .nirh. (80 yan in hustnesB)- "Day'i Kldney l'ad Ie havinir a largc sale aud gtve batlar iaoeral satiefaction than inv remedy we ever old." ii-li. T . il, I. l-oli.-. man i.;iIM-;is ter, Ia.--"I have l)een a great etllierer from Kid ncy complaint, and after woai idK y mr pad 25 days I feel better thau I have in 15 years." Ir. A. J. Htoncr. lr:itiii-. Ills.-"Your J'ad is t'reat uottá htre. It ells evury day and ííivi-s universal síilisfarticn." Fr rale by driiKL'isto, or sent by mail (freo or postAue} on recelpt il the ]iricu Recular l'ad, $-.01); Special l'ad (extra slzo), f:.W: Culldren'a il B0. Oar book, "Hqw a Life waa Uaved," glvlng u bletery or thls new dlucovcry, and a larjje rocord of niM remflrkablo rur'n nent froe. Write for it ¦ Aridr'ns. DA7 EIIKET TAB CO., Tilde, 0. PAII riilNI IUvl"i-' to the many worthlces umU I I Ulii Kldney Pada imw neekiti a ealooD nnr repnlatlon, we c!.-". i It dae [be íríictwfl to wam them. Afk for l)ay'f KiUm:y l'ad, and lalíe no othvr. 1 !I5 I !()7 QOAL! CÖAL! O. W. 8HIPMAN, Mlutr ;md whulfnilt' rJiWilw of Ifae celcbraU'd BRIAR RIDGE COAL. AÏ.HO - )alet in Hard GmI and Plg Ui Orders promptly Illed. oaice, 'M Qriswold street, üotroit, r(K)iu 3. HMQn


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