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CMUftCH DIRECTORY. llajiti-it Clnm-li. HT. 8 HaK1LL. Paitor. -, v. m. ind :% r. m. r moraini; errtc. r-dsy cveniuif t 7'- o'c iick. Cathollc Church. -1TJS3 PlIlS, Paator. ii i" - a. ¦ 8 Mm, iu i. Vwpan , . snljfcbaoUt. (.iiL're?ationaI Chnrch. l;v. W. H. Ri um, rtur. .j,, = ii. m. and7m-, ¦. , xíbuí.1 íter orninir ervlce. ave nu Thurdj evonlni? i 7 o-clock. Kpleopal Clroreh. Rt. Wri-LTe Hall, Kector. ice, 1U a. m. nd 7H r. m. ,ri?íllíuwU evenlng t 7t o'clock. (iermaii Methodist L'horck. B. C. IUlwio, Ptor. -¦. ice. IOS . M. nl 7H r. M. , School, at oliic o'ciock a. h. 'enr B9etiQ on Wedneeday. Lather&n t'hnrch. K. J"HH NlCKAMB, PMtOr. s,'.bit i í.rTiec, 10H a. . nd 7H r. . ,„1 ftcr moralng m. mr mei-tin. ThnnUyeenlnitl7yt o clock. Methodist Chnrrh. Kir. Joax ALiBAiTiia, PMtor. , 4 . lnd7V4 P. ¦ . .1 fler mornlnK errice. .u?,Tbuda7 evenije at 7H .. cloik. ,i! MliiMm. Satorday 7 r. . Presbyteriaii Chureh. lUv. Fmd T. Bbowü. D. D., Pwtor. s.hi. h 10V4 a. . and 74 r. n. I Tole el. arter„inK rvlce ïTu-ts l'eople'. Mcetlnïionday eveolne 6vt. Tnltarian Chnreh. Kir. J. T. .Sixdeiola.nd, Pator. iih erriew, 1H a. . and 7 . ¦ Saa4l School at 12 ¦. -nt" Blble Clawat 9:15 a. . Zion Lutheran Chnrch. Rr. H. F. BiLsma, Paetor. vic. t 10H a. . nd 7 r. u. , nii:-ly iru.r mirnloir re rrlce. - %vlnHinlayi-vninKt7ocl-j-k. BUSINESS CARD8. Yeterinary Surpoii.. (líraduate of tbeOnVirio Toronío, Cañad.) AH Airease of Ilfir. t'attle, anl OthiT V jmcític Animale Ireated. :¦¦ : : ¦-:¦- :. . tm :¦¦¦- t:i s-.m. i ( tAnn Arbor. ƒ 1.IK7 # MISSES HAYLEYSA L4D1B9' 8TORE, So . S. MafnSt., forCorsetf. erí.Tovrellng, Tabie Lineu, Coi % ion. Unen andSilkHaJxikeTchlef!-, Neckúe. (iarnet and Jet SeU,and 1 Udies' Vans 1n ereat Tanrty. No i 8 Main St. No. 3 8. Main bt.l " w. yr 0. C. JENKIXS, BEIPE-EST-. OFFICE : ::„ 22 hit Tashingtoii StreetV Korraerly occupled by Ir. I I Frottiinglinm. ƒ -"'.! IIEMIY K. IHLL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Broker, AND INSUKANCE AOKNT. orFici : X. 1 Opera Honsc Block Ajk Abbob, Mica. na:! I WILLIAM HERZ, üOL'SB, 8IGN, ORSAMKNTAL FKKSCO PAINTBR. 'p.rlnK.flazing, Glldine and Calcl- tninlng, and work of everr decriptlon Muñe in the beet atyle, and warranted lio gire eattsf&ction. 8hop No. 4 Wat WaühlngtonStreet.Anu Arbor, Mlch.# f 688tf VM. C. STEVENS, M.Ü., Pliysician anöSargeonX oma, .ili Washington Street. OSU llour-1 to 9 A. ., 10:30 a. v.'i'i .,S to4, nd7 tour. Ileti'Itnce-'So. 10 Grove Strtct. mr F. SORtt, BosU, 8ian ahd Okhavbmtal ƒ I'!!tb. Faperliw, Glazlnif, ƒ 'iidin);. and work of erery ƒ rtptioB done in the beat style. ƒ ƒ Hiiluu, Olie, and Varnishes on I I iand and (or ealc. Shop, No. 31 H 8vt Washington Street, Ann ƒ rhor,Mlch. Otf W. H.J.VCKSON, dentist om. .m-r Bach ie Abel'. nutrance by Flrat National Bank.X 73 KA LAMAZOO BUSINESS COLLEGE offers enperior adranUcet to YOUNC MEN AND WOMEN ko wtrt) t,, .niaiify for banttimr. Over Ü.OOO '¦'"nr itudentf ure now fll.'lng rctorieilleioeltioiiB '"all part of tho country. 8end (or College JoorKlTini; particular. W. r. PAIÍSONS. PBEflDINT. W-1011 Kalamazoo, Mich. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Arbor, Ml. lilgnn. TUSSACTS EEKC&ALSmiN& BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. ItaatMd ander the (ionral Banking Law of thli tdlwi the ltociholdert are lndlvldaally Hable Tor an i'lunal mount cqaal to the tock held by them, V crtatlne a .iiurHiil.c Funil for the rilt or l. of $100,000.00. l"up, Vr ?¦ot. lntret r allowed on all l.ii .w ?""" "' on" ilM" 1Dd oiiward, accord¦..; Bunk.and inttrcBtrompiinndfd Mom-y to loan ..n oninenmbered Ii!i wtau and other ood eccurity. "-C'hrltlan Mack.W. W. Wine K A Bea! Wllliam Ucubc], WüMam D. Hnrrimnu Daniel Hlscoek, and WllUrd B. Smltb OnirTM : ' '""Ti.i. Klr,, !„, v. w. Wam, n Chas. K. Hmcock, Cuhter. 915-0S6 yil,I.AM W. NICHOLS, DENTISTI tt? iSS"0" ¦ W. North. Office, 1 South Mals ¦ National Bnuk. Rculdcnce, Ï7 LI'. --'SÍÍSf Nllroill! 'Me ?ae adrolnintcred wh ui KLNDS OK HLANK8 rilIMTI OH MOM NiTK'l T TUK OMIBÜ JOB K00MS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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