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Democratic Convention

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A democratie county convention wus held at the court house on Tuesday last It was called for 11 o'clook, and the bell prompt]; rung, but the few delegates were slow at coming iu, spending a greater portion of their time i a love feast in the hall below. Heing called to order by Chas. EL Richinond, chairman of tho county comuiittee, Cbu, B. (irefiory, of Dexter, was called to the chair, and Walter Dancer, of Lima, was chosen seoretary. A committee consisting of EzraSanford, of Saline; ürrin Thatcher, oi'Chelsea ; and Edward Clancy, of Northfield, was appointed upon credentials : and Chas. R. Whitman, of. Ypsilanti ; E. B. Pond, of Anu Arbor; and A. E. llowitt, of Manchester, upon permanent organization and order of business. After which an adjourument was effocted until H o'elock p. m. Upon reassembling, the cotnmitte upon oredcntiala had a hard time of it niaking out the list of delegates cntitled to seats. Krom souie towns eredeutials were lacking, and in others delegates. I'eoplo were sent for and a druming up procesa ensued with tho result of having evcry township represented save Salem. A delégate froin Bridgewater, Mr. Malcolm McDoutall got very tired of waiting for the committee to correct its errors, and moved that the convention proceod to business without the report on credentials. He said that ho didn't know as it made any particular difference whether thoy were sent therg by a caucus or not as long as they represented the different townahips, and were democrats. The object of the convention didn't amount to anything, anyhow. Who cared who were sent as delegates to the Btato or congressional convention s, or who was noruinated by either? It was far more important that the business of tho convention should be got through with, and delegates from a diatanco catch their trains to go home on. The chairman piomptly set down on McDougall, the connnittee on crcdentials, through one of its menibers protcstcd that ihe work had been done as rapidly as possible, and the report as corrected, read and adopted. The temporary officers were made permanent and the order of business deeided to be, tirst election of dolegaies to state and national convantions, and revisión of representation to county oonvention. The convention tlien adjourned into caucusses by representative districts and the following were chosen : TO STATE CONVENTION. lBt District- Clias. B. Wliltman and F". J. Swalne, Ypsilanti ; II. M. Rusaell, Salino; .1. S. Hondereen, PitunleM ; Jeftoe Waruer, ork; Aaron C'hilds, AukuhUi. ad District- AUiïieiiH Felch and E. U. rond. Aun Arbor; M. Dully, Wobstir; J. W. Nanry. Superior ; John Ryan, tiortlineld ; W. 11. Doug:id District- A. E. Hewitt, Manchester ; Egbert P. Harper. Lodl ; Marcns S. Cook, Urna; M Koster, riylvan; Stephen M. Uarrlthevr, Sliaron ; David M. Kinley, Scio. TO CONQRESSIONAI, CONVENTION. lst District- Albert Crane, Ypsllanti ; (i-.. Alban, Ypsilanti town ; Davkl Dtpew, PitUtteld; ï.v.i Sanfoid, Saline; Audrew J. Jackson. York; Wni. LOWden, Au;;ustn. Al Dlstrlot- Owar U.Spaflbrd, W.K. Heoder¦on and A. D. Besiiner, Anu Arbor; lMilllp Duffy Webster; Loren Hanford, Superior; Patriek L. Purtoll, Northfleld. 3U District- Chas. S. Uregory, Scio : Patrlck Fleming, üextur ; Malcolm McDougall, Brldgewater; Mlohael Stabler, Lodi ; Uunaoo Goodyear. Maiu'lH-stor ; Jacob Kniipp, Kreedom. After re-assembüng, scveral uiembers of the convention desired a reapportionment of delegates, but the whole matter was laid upon the table and no action taken. Speeches were made by C. R. Whitman, of Ypsilanti, and Malcolm Mcüougall, of Bridgewater, but the frigidness remined unbroken to the end.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News