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DR.. CHASE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of lr. Chae'i Kanuly M.-iii. alna la tb uitboi ii ir. rif ¦ Beeipea; or, 1 11:01111.11 umi lorKviryliodj-,, 1 Recipe Booki bearlng hu name, and wen brooghl about tlirough the Inquirios nr innny of tha purobaaen ol 1i!h Kooks for MHnethlng te meel their Ungertng and Dompllcatnl dlaaMd i-iii.ilitions. whteh tlu-y did nol flnd described iu his Booka. Tae proprletonhipofthe Medicines, ai .1 tha btwlnea management of the aune, havlug pawnd Into the handt of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY W1TJI HEADQUARTERS AT DIR,. CHASE'S m f EIITl B ARBOR, MIMI., We wou Ui say to the public, thrit they ca rest asMiieil that lr. Chase'! Fnmily Ifedloines will Klvu tliem a i?rcatjr sntUfnotion Ibao any oüitrs, for th Hisurts for whlrh thi'lr dudh Indícate tiiem to have been prepared- equal to that or liix liooks over all ui lier booka of asimilar clianu'ler, iik shown by thelr ¦las, which have ezoeeded the talei of any otlior, rpiichlng over onp millinn copicN. Glvc tfaem a trial, Unerefów, aml kaow for jroaraelvea, is uil weask. DR, giIASE'S eoughandWoundBalsam Has been found the quickest and most oertaln cure of Ooagbl of any prepamtion in use; also qnlckiy reücving QoagraeDtaa, Bal naai of the Throat or Luii)$k, Pain or Tightness aeross the Oi.'st. Bronebltli, Clergymjun'i Sore Tbraot, umi C'onsumptioii In all IU railior Itage, Wtaooplng Oobgh, Cronp, etc. Prlce $1 per Bottlc, or 6 Bottlos Tor $8 DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL ¦ AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent and cures the Pain aml Disircss t the Dyspeptlc aftel meals.aod 0ox Portfylng aml Banewlng the Blood, qalokiy toning op tne Stomach, and uvigoratiug tbe wholu System. l'rkc $i por Bottle, or 6 BatUea Tor $5. I3R. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis Kor curin:; the DUoaaBl of the I,iver, aml correcting Hllious conditions of the sysltin, a well as for all Cathartic pnrpoaat. Bogsjrcoated ; aelllng for '-Í5 cent it itox, or .1 Hom -.. ]ostail. lor SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is ¦ double-strength I.iniment, sradlaaUng lntemaJ or externa] Pain qolökerand more periiKin.iiMy tl)Rii any other In uso. Two llaca, - 50 rontN and I, -or O large üottles lor S5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PIASTER Is put up in Etoll or sik-k Porm, which wlll ¦praad a tinaón PlaBterStglvingaatrengthenlng autl hculiiiii l'lMslcr fnr two oentt nol ciualcMl by Lbose 1. ir wliloh you pay two sliilllnga ; s-ll - ingforSS.Ieentsperroll; nvo rol Is, pnstjHütt, 1. Dr. GHASE'S CATAERH SNÜFF . Is for Iho qnlck ure of ¦' C'olils in tlic Hoiul," and dolng all for old Chronlc Catarrh that medicine oan do. B6Ulag IbrBOeta. per bottle. i oitnr.RixG Any oi tnese Medlclnea, dfyour Pniirslst ha-í nol í;oi Un ni,) or for any fu'rther Information in relation to lirinm t mirtrnai thn Dr. A. AV. Vl ASK MEBICIVÏ COMI'.VN Y, A1111 Arbor. lllch. WW BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. t5 XO $1O PER ACRE! Mron;; Soll! Sun' t i-iMt! lEailioad throUKb GmUMT f t.aiitN. lliikllli, Clima. S.I.m1h anti l'Uurclavku Ju tcllitfciat l'opulntloii. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Ttití" lftnds long (listivncp Knt of tb slpnl River. Large amount bv travel and triinaportatlon ofcrq. Dcartp Uw nHinuhk'i m Enlish un.l Oorman. A.1r'ss W.O. lt'H4KT. oner, ürund llaplda, MlchlgtB To Inventors and Meclianics. rmiMita mxl llow to Obtaln 'l'liein. Punpblvb] of lü) iftt,ae frec, uion recelpt of 8tmp9 l"r ihiUu;c. Addruns QILMOBB, SM1T11 & 00. Solicitora of l'atent, Iioi 31, BW Washington. D. C.


Ann Arbor Courier
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