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Ajjont and CiiuTiUisers M.iko firom $25 to $50 per weck Helling goods for K. C, RLDIQUT& Co.', 10 Jlurclay stroct, New Vork. Scnd lor t li.'ir Mtklogue and terms. 1000-1052. Vick(d lor ('lcrpjmcii. llev. , Washington, D. C. , writes: "1 believe it to be all wrong and even wiekod for clerpyjnen or othi-r public moii to be led into giving testimoniáis to quack doctors or vilo stuffs called medicines, lint when a really mcritorious article made of' valuable remedies known to all, that all uhysicianK use and trust indaily, weshould rreely corumend it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily comraend Hop Bitters for the good tliey have done me and my friends, iiriiily bclicving they have no equal for fainily use. I will notbo without them" - New Vork Baptist Weckly. A Remarkfil)le ('tire of Kidney Troublcs. IIlUHOATE, 'T„ NOV. 1. Gentlemen:- It is with grateful heart that I eau reoommend the Kidney-Wort to any onc sufl'ering, as I have been, from Pilea and Kidney troubles, esppcialiy the Gravel. I was taken with these coraplaints while in the army in 18(53; growinjj worse and finding no rolicf in the hospital, I was discharged froni service. I sought the best medical advice ; tried various patent medicines, and spent more than Cvc hundred dollars in the fruitlcss effort to obtain relief. I continued to grow worse, and for about three years 110 urine passcd t'rom me except by the use of the catheter. For moro than two years I was unable to walk, and oonfined to my bod most of tho time. Tue pain, yea, the agony that I endured, no peo can desoribe. In this condition, a neighbor urged me to try the Kidney-Wurt. Feeling that if' it killed me it would prove a merciful relief from suffering, I commencei its uso, and, strange as it uiay seeui, after having uscd about three paekages, I was relieved of all appearanco of the diseasc and able to attend to my usual work. This was a year ago last June, and since that time I have had no return of my old complaint. Urial Bundy. Imiiure Itrcath. Among uil tho disagreenble consequenscs that tollow tho dccay of the tecth, an impure ' breatli must bc the most raortifyinj? and unpleasant to its posseísor, and it is the most inexcusable and offensive in society ; and yet the cause of it may easily be removed by cleaniug your teeth dnily with that justly popular der.trifico, FraKrant SOZODONT. It purifies and swoctens the breatli, cools and rerreshea the inouth, and kvcs pcnrl-like appearaDce to the tcetii. Gentlemen who indulge in smoking staould eleanse their teeth with SOZODONT, a it roiaovos all unpleasant odors of the wi.'ed. Ank your drupist for it. 998-1001 Fe ver and Aguo May be tlioroughly cured ly the use of "ClROHO-QülNINK," a new preparation from l'eruvian Birk. The doíc is the same an Sulphatc Quinine, and its febrif'uge, tonic and anti-periodie effect is more pronounccd. Withal it is pheaper, boing .sold by drupgists at $1.50 per ouncc, or sent, posta?e paid, for same price, by Biu.iNds, ('r.Ai'P cV; Co., Manutacturing C'hemists, Boston, Mas-. Trohably no odo pruparmioa hn recclved po much pniic from lt patnD8, norjsso deservlna of comuiondation ñn Il.-ill'p Hair Renewer ! We bnt echo tho voicc of thu mlUlOM who tmvi; iiSL'd It when wt prononnce it the beft Hár Dretting l?i the ivorld, It stands nnriviilled. Tliose who are effocted with of tho ualp accompaniod wilh Itcliini; or irritation, find relief aud roncwal in tlils luvaluahle remcdy. VV'hen the hair ie inclined to fall off, a moderate nse of the Renewer wlll trengthen the roots of the hilr, and prusorve It, and if it exhihite a tendencv to turn pray it will restore tho natural color.- Fultou Oio.) Telegrapli. HOP BITTERS? (A Medicine, uní a Drink.) CNTAI8 IIOPS, BUCHCi UANDKABLB, DANDELION, AXDIHR PrRïtST A.VH HllflTMKnirALQUAHTIKS OF XLU OTUKU Bi 1 iKBö. THEY CUBE All P!fefiHC8of tliPStoniiirh, Bowela, lïlood, LI ver, Kului yh, umi I'ríuury (Jrgann, Nt-rvüuauc88.Sl. .u-ssni-sFanrl ajicclally SIOOOIN COLD. Ê Wlll lr palet for a case tlicy wlll not eim oiB help, or ior anythlnc Imjiure or Injuriouij found m thoiu. I Ak yonr drnegíat for Hop Rlttcra and try I ¦ tbuin before yuu sloep. Take no oifaer. I I D I. C. 1b iin tbéohitfl find liroslstihlecure for DrunkonueBS, us; of opium, tobáceo and W nftrcoii'H. ¦¦¦¦¦¦i Sknd fob Circular. BHHMH AH sbovr old by drupKtt. b -.riMf,:. (¦., Rochoiter, N. Y.,A T.onto,Oot, I 996-1049 c e ni THE MICHIGAN STATE FAIR Wilt, BB HELD IN DETROIT SEPTEMBER llitli, lftli, lótb, ltith I 17th. M. S. SMITII & CO., Diamond Merchante and Joweler, invite Vinitors to th( City at tlmt time to Establishment, Cor, of Woodward and Jefferson Aves, ALL ARE WELCOME. 77-102 STEPHEW 3PI2,A.TT7 Manufacturar of HISH LOW AND PRESSÏÏRE BOILEUS or all kind, SÜOEE FIPE3, nncl al! Choit Iroa Wort 214, 116, Be OongrcM si Tiuiti ahd rouBTa er., -LBUUllj 1U1L11,, Sopiiring dono. Eivo'j ind Eeilor Plato for S!o. UK)? QOAL! COAL! O. W. SHIPMAN, MIiht ind irholeial il ul.-r of tho clebrtod BRIAR RIDGE COAL. Dealer Ir Hfd ''":il and l'if [ron. Urden pronutl illlcil. onii c,'i (iripwolii Blmot, Dolrolt, room [OW


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