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Democratic County Convention

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The convcntion of demócrata called for ho purposo of noniiuating county offieer.-i, uict at tho court house, in this city, yesterday, at 10 o'olock. The dolíales had so uueh oonfidontial convcrsatioD with outside parties, who feit quite anxious that cither themselvès or a particular friend should have a fiue complitnentary vote in ho conveution, or somethiug of the sort, you know, that it was iinposeible to como ? on time. The couvention was opeood by the cliuirman of the county coniuaittir, Charles II. tichmond, who read tho oall for the eonvention, which cxplained the object of the conclave. On motion, Mr. Albert Crano, of Ypsianti, was choscn as tcinporary chairman, who didn't iiiake a speech. Pat. Sheehan, of Ann Arbor, was chosen as temporary secretary. The latter a triuinph for the young bloods. A comuiittee of three, on credentials, consisting of Oeo. Turnbull, M. P. Case, and F. J. Swaino ; of threo, on permanent organization, consisting of L. Jilacss, Jas. I. Lyman, G. F. Luick ; and threc, on order of business, consisting of D. M. Finey, F. P. Bogardus, and J. W. Nanry, were appointed by the chair. Au adjournment was then eflected until [ o'clock p. m. Upon rcassembling tbc committeo upon credentials reported the bllowing as dc!egatcs entitlcd to seats in the convention : Ann Arbor city- Ut ward- U. f, Luick, H. J. irnlu-K. C'. Wellbrwht. 2d ward- A. I). Besluier, (ico. B. Schwab, .1. Hoflhtetter. :;d ward- Tho. Clnrken, Tlios. KearuH, J. 8. Ctuie. 4th ward -Jolin V. Shcahan. John Bulier, 5tU ward- Frank Ortman, Wm. Forter. litli ward- Wm. D. Harrlmnn. P. H. Hheiilinn. Ann Arbor town-BenJ F. Colc.Johu ü'Hara, 'orneliuH Tuomy. Augusta- Wm. Lowilen, S. C'asterllne, P. L. liurk. lt. K. DonglaM. Hriilgewiiter H, Johnsou, M McDougall, J. Short, a. Ijizoll. Dexter- Jas 1!. Lvinan, P. Fleming, C.Lavy. Kreedom- Jacob Breiimiug, J. Kuapp, Wui. üouerle, Bernard Keobbe. Lima- M. S. Cook, J. Luick, J. V. N. öregory. JjOdl- J. Sage, S. Bloess, Philip Blum, J. Liiuliengayer. Lyndou- F. A. Howlett, John Clark, A. Oréenlas. Manchester-Jas. Kelly, W. Z. Watklns, M. I). Case, H, Kerchhober, J. I. Stevens, F. Knlllin. Northfleld-U. F. Kapp, Win. Walsh, Jaiues MuKernan, Jas. Kelley Plttmleld- J. S. Henderson, 8. Mills, II. L. Godfrey. siilem- H. Warren. Thos. Shanttland, U. N H. Kenwlck. P. H. Murray. SHllneH. Hammond, j. M. Young, P. Kleine, E. Helber, John Gillen, D. P. McLaughlin. Scio- U. i}. Gregory, I). M. Fiuky. J. C. Tuomey, J. W. liuss, P. Tuomoy, Uoo. II. Lyon. Sharon-A. H Perry, Chas. Fish, Aahley Park. .Superior- John W. Naury, L. Sanford, A. J. Murriy, Chas. L. Downer. Hylvan- K. McNamara, G. W. Turnbull, . Thatcuer, J. McKone, B. J. Billtnge.D. J. KulWebster-M. Duffy. J. Devine. Geo. Merrill, U. Warren. York- Jos. Gauntlett, A. Davenport, M. J. tvelaey, A. Warner, A. I. Jackson. Ypsllantl town- Geo. W. AllMin, Jas. I)Wden, Jr., H. rttumpenhusen, Jr., Cabel Kalon, YpMllanticlty- Ut ward- C. L. Yost, F. P. Uorgardui. 2d ward- Walter II, Huwkiu, Henry M. Curtís. 3d ward- B. Kirk, H. D. Martin, B. Cross. 4th ward-F. J. Swaine. W. M. Koberts. 5th ward- Louis Z. Forrester, Albert Craue, J. Terns, John Shemeld. The couimittee on order of business rejortcd nominations to be made as folows : senator, judge of probate, sheriff, county clerk, register of deeds, prosecutng attorney, treasurer, circuit court commissioner, ooroner, county suveyor. For senator the names of C. S. Gregory, David G. Rose, Densmore Cramer and 8. F. Godding were presented.when a balot was ordered. Delegates were ordered o deposit their votes at the desk. The reault of the ballots was as follows : The noraination was made unanimous nn motion of Mr. Grcgory. For judge of probate the present inouinont, William D. Harriman, was nominatwithout opposition. Sheriff next being upon the programme the names of M. Fleming, Geo. Clarken, E. V. Wallacc, and Edgar Warren wcre presentad. The different ballots resulted : The Tth ballot was not counted, thcre eing one too many votes. On the 8th balot the nomination of Mr. Wallace was made unanimous. The office of county clerk boing next in order tho nainos of F. W. Hawkins, of Ypsilanti ; Edward Duffy, of Aun Arbor ; iVank Joflin, of Ypsilanti, and F. W. Whittaker, of Lima, were presented. Baloting being ordered it resulted as follows: Edward I)uffy was tbcn declared the nominee. The nest business before the convent ion was tho noniination of register ofdeeda, and the names of' Daniel Le Baron, of Bridgewater; Kugetie A. Reynolds, of York ; Michael Seery, of Dexter, and A. Widenmann, of Northfiold, wero presented. The balloting rcsulted : For prosccuting attorney the Dames of C. R. Whitiuan, of Ypsilanti, and A. E. Ilewitt, of Manchester, wcre presented, and the ballot resulted C. R. Whitnian, 96 A. E. Ilewitt, '3. Mr. Whitman's nomination was made unaniuiou.". For treasurer the names of VVm. F Buss, Jacob Knapj), Aaron h. Feldkamp and Martin Cremer, wcre presentod. The result of the ballot was : A. L. Feldkamp 10 ; Wui. F. lluss, 10 ; Jaoob Knapp, 57 Martin Crenier, 20 ; soattcring, 2 ; total 10f). Jacob Knapp was thon deolared noiui natcd. For circuit oourt commissioners the ballots rcsulted : Mr. Stepben8on was deolared nominated on the second ballot, and McKornan on the fourth. For ooroners Martín Clark and Dr. Conrad Gooig, both of' Anti A rbor, wero placed on tho tii-ket, anl ChnrloH 8. 'Woodard, of Y).silanti, nominated for county Rurvcyor. NOTKfi. Tho chairman insistcd upon dividing thc u ual committeo upon jicnnanont orgunization and order of Was it to spread out the " honor " or fix up a iuodu of proccduro looking toward concili;ition of' the vanous cla.shiug ilans? Toniporary Sccretary Slioolian, must have ben omewhat4nib;irraHSod with the honor fihowered upon him, for in writing up hú minutes lio anxioualy inquircd of tho portera: Say, w&o wast nat tener tnat was ppointod as secrctary? " Upon being ioormed he blufchcd profusely. The jiulliog, hauling, button holing and m.iiBg was pn pruilt that not half the delepatos reachod tho tuorning session. A1J. Bosimcr was one of' the most proninent mon in the convention, and together with.Jako Torns, of Ypsilanti, puQed soinc of the winning wires. A eontcNting delegatiou from Webster, esulted in living that townahip oco extra lelegate. This was thought a better way han to kick one of the two prominent men of the township out of the conventim A rumor which gnined great mdenoé broughout the city was that a delégate to he conveution was buttonholed too " enhooziastically," and as a onsequence went down to interviow Sheriff Case in charge of an offieer. " It is moved and proceeded " is tbc way the presidir offieer put ono niotion. The way in which Mr. Cramer was "8et down " on by the chairman, Mr. Crane, when ho attcnipted to soften bil own fall by a little speech, soconding the unanimous noiuination of Di G. Kosc aa senator, was most unmercitul, and little calculatcd to lieal the bleeding wounds of defeat. Tho chairman got so excited he forgot to vote, that's why unly 111 votes appeared, at firet A tired democrat leaned up ogainst the gluss in tho north door of the court room and busted it. Tlic speeches inaking the uominations ware generally pretty stale, and not well reccived. In faet they generally beat the men for whom they were made. Crane makes Ihe best presiding officer the demócrata over have elevatod to that jomtion. Ypsilanti was not at al! backward about coming forward. Sho had at least one and sometimos two candidates for uoarly every office. In this way sho got three uomnees, but they never will swell that small $3,600 capital any. Tho general inquiry alter tho convontion was: " Who is the Kose of SharoD?" He isn't well known in this Bection.


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