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Cnred of Driuklng. "A younf! friend of mine was urod of nn iuöatwblo thirt lor liqunr, wliich had so prostrated hiin tbat ur was unablo to do any business. He was cntircly ourea by the ase of Hop Bitten. It allayed all that burning tbir-t; took away the apir tite for linuor; made his nerves .steady, and he be has remained a sober and stendy man for more than two years, and has no desire to return to hie eups; I know of a numbor of others that have been curea ol drinking by t."- From a leading K. K Official, Chicago, 111.- Times. Evans, Col., Jan. Slh, 'Su. Dear üirt- The Kjdnoy-Wort I got of' you l the bent medicine I ever used. I hall recominend it to all tuy friondn. I thank you and kiud Providuuce forconveyini? it to me, it is agreat temporal bieding. Very Kwpcctfully, Wil. Cliaucery Notie1. STATK JV MU'IIIUAN. In the Circuit Court for the Coonty of Waahteuaw. In Chancury. Twciity Becond.Iudlcial Dlntrlrt.- Wüllam I Calvert, complalnant, n. Charles Gatchell, defendant. Uuon duo proof by affldavlt that Charlea. Qatcboll, the du fendant in the aliovo entitlud cauec pending iu thla court, resides out of the aatd stafot Michigan, and that ho does reside in the state of Colorado, upoo motion of A. C. A. Hlalr. aolliltore for complalnant it Is ordered that the -ai'l detendaut, (iatch.ll, do appear and aunwer the UU of uomplalnt til cd in thl cause within ttire montha Iroui the lte of thm order else thesald hill of coniplulnt Bhall bu taken aa coníeeaed by said detcmiant ; nd, iurihcr, that this ordrr b published wittiin twenty Uayfi Iron. tin date in the Anu Arbor ('ourle r, ¦ newspupor prmted ia ald county of Waifhtunaw, and that the name bu publlshod thercin nee In each week for slx Week in Bucceidlon. Such publiuation, howeïtr, hall not sary In case a copy of this ordor be Borved on the said detendnnt pereotially at least twenty days before tha time prescrlbed herelu for ble appearance. r .¦ ?L& „„JUBO Circuit Court Commlusioner in and for Washlcnaw County, Mlch A AC A BLAIK, Solicitors for Complalnant. _1001JOO ( hancery Sale. STATB OF MICHIUAN. The Circuit Court for the Uonuty of Washtenaw. In Chaucory. Albcrt M. Clark aud Loring C. Sdmonda, Ooinplainanw, vs. Uarvcy M. Wheler and Sophronia Whccler, Defendant. , , , In pursuancc and by virtne of a decree of snld conrt, mde aud entered on the nventacotfe day of April, A U 1SO, In the above entitK'd cause: Notice In herrby glvcn.lhat 1 hall sell at public auctlon, tothc lii"hi't tiirt.ior, m Moudny, the thlrtei-ntb day of September A. U. 18SU. at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, at the eat front door of the conrt houso, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waehtenaw, and State ot Michigan the lollowing descnlied real estáte, tMíin; the ame mentioned and described in said decree, to wit : The east half of the northeaat uuarter of the northwent (juarter of scctlon twenty, towuship tour fouth of rauj{e seven east, containiuc tweuty aeree of land, more or leas. Date(iJu,y2..h,A.D.jimB8McMAiioN) Circuit Court Commlssioner in aud for the Coiintj of Washtenaw. State of Michigan. SAWYER t KNOWLTON, Solicitors for Complalnanta. WT-HKM Estáte of Ransom S. Smith. (JTATK OP MIUUIUAN,CountyorWaBhtCDaw.e. At sesion ol the Probate Court for the County of Waehtenaw, holden at the I"robate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the thinoentb day of August in the year oue thoueand eight hundred umi eiKhty. Present, William D. Ilarriman, Judfe In the matter of the estáte of Raneom 8. Stnith.iledeceaccd. Willard B. Smith, John Q. Wilson and H. S. Street, ciccutore of the Intit will and tentainent of said deceased come loto conrt and reprosent that they are now prepared to render their aunual account at euch executorH. Therenpon it is ordered, that Saturday, the fourtli day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc asalgned for czamining and alluwing fuch acconnt, and that the deviseeB, ICRateee and heirs at law of eaid deceased and all other persons lnterested in said estáte, aro required 10 appear at a seesion of said court, then to be holden at tnc Probate office, in the city or Ann said conuty,and Bhow cause, if any therebc.why the Baid account shonld not be allowed. And it t fnrthcr ordered, that aaid eiecutora give noticc to the persons Intcrested iu Baid uetate, of the pendency ol Baid account, and the hearing thereof, by cauBing a copy of thU order to be publihhed in the Ann Arbor C'ourier.a newapaper printed aud circnlatlug in said county, two auccesaive week prevloa. to a!d gng; 'M Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Keeiater. 10OU 1U02 Eatatc of Hiram P. Thompson. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of At a seaalon of the Probate Conrt for the County oi Waahteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the thlrd day or AugUBt, in the year one thougtmd elfbt hundred and eighty. Present, Williaui O. llarrlman, Jadge of Probate. In the matter of the eatatc of Hiram Thompson, deccaaed. On reading and filing the petition, duly veriied, of Iliram P.Thompson.prayini; that a certain instrument now on Ule in thie conrt, purporting to be the laat will and testament oi said deceaaed, inay be admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed eiecotor tliereof. Thereupon it 1b ordered, that Monday, the thirtieth day of August lnet., at ten o'clock in the foresoon, be asBlgned for ttie hearing of euld petitiou, and that the duvieeee, legateea and heira at law of aaid deceaaed, and all other persons intereeted in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aession of aald court, then to be holden at 'he Probate Otflce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and ohow cauae, ir any thcre be, why the prayer of the petitioncr ahould not be pranted. And it is forther ordered, that Baid petitloner give noticc to the persona intcrested in sala estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thercor, by causing a copy of this order to be publishcd in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newapaper priuted and circulating in said county, tarce raccessive weeks previoua to eaid day of hearing. (A truc copy,) WLLL1AM L. IIARUIMAN, Jndgc of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Roglater. 998-1001 WAIT! WAIT ! WA1T! W FOK THK OIPIEINIIINIGOF1 MY GRAND MERCHANT Tiimiu DEPARTMENT I have eniaj;eil onc of the BEST CUTTEHS In tbe country, and will Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction IN CTJT AND STYLE. I will lewra lor New York next Monday to .-clivt iny stofk ot' eiiOTHS, GASSIMBRBS, SUITINGS, T1UMMINGS, ETC, Direct from mporters fnr Casli. 1 will keep as good and largo : stock as any firstclass establishment in MiehiRan. My wn-m mm A.NV Gents' Fnrnishins Department Will hti kept up largW than over, and 1 hope by strict attention to business and fair tk'uling to incrit a great sharc ol tbe patronage of the public. I have a few HATS L't't whicli I will close out for LE8Í THAN COST, iu order to niakc room feu niy niei-(li:mt tailorlng dcartment. LITTLE MACK, THK KINC) ('LOTIllKK, NO. 9 MAIN STREET ANIST ARBOR. WIS 104


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