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A tbc time ftpproachcs for the univcrsity to ojien, work in about the buildings and round in being pushed. Jívorything looks favorable at pretrat Cor even a largor attondanco thm heretofore, and those who kccp boarderw are making proparationH aocordumly ¦ Tho floor in tho law locturc room ia beiog rclaid and the builling ropaintod aud otherwinc renovadod upou tho inaido. Anothor muoh ncedcd improveinflnt. A ncw 100 barrel cistorn is bcing put in nciir tb'' medioal building, for fire atid otber purposes. A capital good idea, ft will be diffieult to gct too much water in reservo uround the campus. At the niain building the lower corridors kadin to tlie uuivor.sity hall, havo all boen oeiled overhead, and tho plaKtering which had becotne loose and dangerous. entirely dono away with. A general cleaninK up is in progresa, and by thu timo the first semester conimenecí everythinp wil] be ncat and clean. Tho laboratory addition, wlii:h considt. in raising the entire building one story, is progrossing tinely. Tho brick work has been completod, the atructure cnclo.sed, and plasterers are now at work. Wlicn completad the facilities of the laboratory will be incroased to a great exteut, a thing which had become.a neoessity. The slate upon the roof of the new njuwuru building is all being takon off and relaid. It Kccms that green hands, who knew nothing about laying sluie, werc einploycd in the work, and the rosult is that its lias got to bc all dono over again. Very profitable business this, isn't it V Tho state is rich though, and oan afTord such bullhead work.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News