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T INSEY & SBABOLT'S BAKEKY.GROCERY FLOUR AND FEED STORE. V'' Heup COnrtMtlj "n Imiirt, BRKAD, CRACKERS, CAKKS, ETC, KOK WHOLKSALK AND HKTAII. TKADK. Wc hall iixo kaap a npply 01 . 8WIFT DKUHKI.'H HKST WIIITK VUXA1 KLOUK. DBI.HI nOUR, 1! S PMH'K, UUCKWHKAT PIOUR, ('OIIN MBAL, PKK1), c.&c. At wholeealeand rctail. eners! stock o! „ko i:rii ai imiov isios I conttiintly on band, wïilch wil! bo koIU on na r'tnaw nhlc tiTmH h ut uriy Othet honwi iu Uw r-My. Cash imld lor lï, Kiíj.m, oud Cotuitxy Produc. KCiKiralfy. Pir(Jo(rts (lclivcr.'d lo nny put "f th el1 ¦ out xtrachArff:. yr K1NNKY HKAÜOLT. DANDELIÜN Dr. White'8 Dftndultun Alterati w, tho Brast Blood I'iiriürr hikI Henovator. A speclflc for Iplaint, BIUoiMBMt, chili and Pever, i'yapcpsu, Kidiicv Utaeaso, Rhonroattsm and OnnntlpAÜon ui the liowclB. Removoi plmplet nml sallovneH trom the Hkin, iirodiicinr u Cteftf ftinii'lcxion. ii Ig parel; vnLM:tfth!'. perfect ly turmloH and plwtftnt tak. l'in: bottten only #1. hikI every botüo warnuted. PULMONARIA. ;U:r lor Conirhp, Cold1, Atfthma, HronrhittM, Cron[, Wkooplsfl Cougb and Incfplcnt CoDsnmption. Ftrty ¦(.tu ii r i'ottU1. Iii rif bbttle ?1, aml every bottle warranteA. Kor naU in Aun ArlKr hy Bberbach A Hon, nml drtit.'eit'tH lAorywhere. (.t,iï-lülO AMERICAN ballIlííe THÏS IS TEE BEST BLÜEING insr use! IT IS NOT POI80NOO8! HELI'S HLEACIIING aad GIV'EÖ A BSAITTIFUL TINT! Káp-For Sale by all (jrocrrs.p American Ultramarine Works, .V Tlalilin i.iiiip. ch Vork. 82 1yr ÉHnHIIIC UHI-FJLÖ ACTS D1RECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS. Kin! I rinary OricuiM bj AlmorliliiK iill huinors, fviry iracL or tjiceau, and forcinp Into Ui pystein tbrouRli the pim'R of the kin, nouriKhiiiR dJ strenKthoninp ve?etblc tonica, K'vl"g t u oiiilorlïil poner to cnre at once, PAIN IN THE BACK, Nll' or I.lns, Iiillainmutioii and KriKht'M IÍHeaHe of' Kidm-yH. IHalM'teH, lroHy, (rnil, C'atarrh f ihv Itluildir. llitcii 4'olornl. Nranty or l'ainl'ul I rinatiii. I.mnK-,. 01 Nhri'ilN in (lic Iriiie, IKVUI'M lll KK'AI. ItKIIILITY aml in fnct nuy disca?.' f tbeae ol roat oruns whtliercontracted by over wcirk.Htruin, exceutlve drink, tlie rIiukc of lutoro, or otberwlM. It pnpercednfl entirely the lncmivtsniencoe and troubie of takins naupcuiiK mul pobonont Intern! medicine). It ia worn eiactly whero noodeii, Bczt to tho body and iramediateiy over the kidueyB. It in comlortable tu the patiënt, siifc. ple&fl&nt and reliable In ita effecti, hut pTrfoI ta lts Ktiss. It can be worn at all tiiuen, iu any clinmte, and ip equijly good lor MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not bc prujudievd. Oivo it i trial and ba i'onvinced that it i honept, rellable, effcttre and )mt what your fecble and exhaunted body reqnlroe. TüouxandH are dally addin;,' their testimom woudorful curativo powers of thif creat remedy, who are beinii rentored to perfect healtli after alt other treatmente and remedies have fallt'rt. Ask yonr dragist for It, and accept no iaaitïtiss or aabstinté. If he haH not got it, tend lo u- aud receive it by retnrn mail. DoKrlptlvo Frico List. - Regular Pad, i'J: Special Pad, lor Cbronic, deep-rteated,or cases o[ loni; utrtndlnf;, $3; Clilldren's Pad, for eummi'r complaint, weak kldneys aud bed wcttlns:, $1.50. Our book, "How a Life was Saved," containirg a bintory of tbla great diecovery, malled free. Wrlte for it. DAY K1DSIEY PAI CO., Toledo, O. 9951007 jSüafr jflJYZJTS jljpT "UENEWER ThiB ptandard aiticle la compounded with the Krentest cre. lts efl'ecu are as wonderfnl and satisfaclory as ever. It restores gry or faded halr to lts yontUful color. It removes all eraptione, itching nnd dai-drulT; and the scalp by itp use becomes white and clean. Hy its tonlc properties It restores the raplllary Lrland to their normal vigor, preTenting baldnc&s, lid making the bair pn thick and ptrong. As a dretulng, notliini; has been found so efl or lt-::nl']f. Dr. A. A. Ilaye, State Aepayer of MuucbOMttl, ays ol It : "I conpidcr it tlic best preparatton for itü intrnded purpopes.1' BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, For llie Whiskcrs. Thls elegant prcparatlon may be relied on to chance the color of the ucard from gray or any oiher undusirtble phade, to brown or black, at discrctlon. It is eutily applicd, belnc In one [ireparation, and quickly and cfiectaally produces u pvnnuMCl dolor, wblch wlll nelthac mb nor WMfe off. MANUKACTUKKU liY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. 8old by all Drnpglst? nnd Dralen In Mcdii irn'. 975-1010-eOw THE MICHIGAN STATE FAIR WII.I. BB HKI.D IN DETROIT SRI'TKMBKK l.'iih, 144, tSth. lltt -V 174, 7 M. 8. SMITB eV CO., l)i;Miioiul Merchante and Jewelers, invite o Vlsltorg to the ('ity al that time to tlicir K-itablisInnciit , t Cor. of Woodward and JefFcrson Aves. ¦ a H ALL ARE WELCOME. l !CV ¦ n All about milVil E SE N D IT'. S1SSÏÏ ' 1 L A SÍ0 II ?. V?,AZCTTEC CUIDE, tl Uln full inforniation on itll m.ttoni of lntrMt , JOHN ROSS CO.. CEH'L A6EHTS. ST. LOUIS.MO A


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