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mo uiourüü commercial 8 aevil lias "little fights for a cent." The devi- but it isn't necessary toexpostulate with such a person, for we aro taught to believe he always oomes out abead. Stanton Clipper: "This loeaüfy is setting a little warm politically. We ncver saw so many street politicians in Stanton before. The illiterati talk as glibly au the litorati and ofttiines as sensible. It is nothing to see a novice light into and wind up an old war horse in lesa than 2. 1 1 : tiuie. St. Julien is still loft in the hade. " The Van Huren Co. Republican, published at Decatur, has cbanged hands, W. M. Wooster, who has for several ycars been tho editor and proprietor, has sold out to Audy B. Johnson, and is to enter upon a new venture, the Dowagiac Times. The Republican bas grown suceessful in every way under Mr. W.'s management, and the best tuing we can wish for Mr. Johnson is that he inay be blessed with like mooi The Brighton Citizon has a very modest way of announcing its birthday : "With this number the Citizen completes its '.ttli year. We would say something ' real nice' about it, but we haven't any spaoe for the editor to spread himself. But we will just say that we espect to hang to the rope for another yoar, and do the bent we can, whether it bo betteror worso than before, and complete the Citizun's fir cade in as good style as possible." The Qratiot Journal thinks that cverything is lovcly: " There is not aman in the republioan party who ïsnt coniMem of viotory, and who isn't willing to tako off his coat and work to help win it. That ia what niakcs the outlook so bright. Then, too, Providence is once more on the republican side. The bountiful barvestg, the briskness of trade, and the demand lor labor all contributo to mako republican votes. When Hancock was first nominated, several sanguine democrats woro movod to remark ' By George, we've got thein at last 1 ' It was meroly a fresh case of misplaoed confidence. " From the Albion Republican : " During the war and the flush time thereafter, up to 1873, there was a rush to the citios atul villages, whioh were so crowded that it was almost impossible to find a vacant housr anywhere. Thore is a tendeney in tho same direction now. In ten years Calhoun oounty has increased only 1,170, while H.-ittle Creek city and Albion village together have increased 1,951. All of the towns containing villages have increased, while all of the other towns show a loss. Marshall city, however, has lost 1,119, which is almost as inuch as Battle Creek has gained. Marshall township bas gained two in ten years, and Newton threc." This, from the Allegan Journal, will undoubtedly interest several of our greenback friendo "David Woodman 2d, the greenbaok candidato for governor, is a stockholder of the First National bank of Faw Paw, and takes five per cent. seiniannual divideuds without a iualm of conscience, although ho knows the gains have been wrenched from the ill-paid labor of his greenback neighbors. The balance of his money he lots like any Shylock for the highest interest he can get, with ampie sccurity for its repayment. Befora joining the fiat party he was a Bourbon democrat of the moss back breed. He feil into the fiat ranks for promotion and because hc sympathized with the effort to repudíate the war debt. He was made supervisor of the township of Lafayette. He served one year, was a candidate for re-elcction and was badly beaten." The Saturday Review, of Grand Rapids, thinks that woman is her own worst enemy : " It eooiDS that the attemut to benefit the shop and factory girls in New York by an investigation as toill-health caused by long hours and long continued standing, have been thus far yery unsatisfactory in tbeit rcsults. The girls treatcd the matter as i oke, and not as a matter of almost ' lif'e ind death' importauce to them. They They failed to fill out circulara or give patisfactory information verbally. The most discouraging part of all tho efforts leading to the obtaining of greator rights, privileges or immunities for woman is tho apparent indifference of those who ought to be most interested. Men will not submit Mmposition as to work or wages, aml Hibine together to improvo their condiH. Women mako no move themsclves, H do not encourage those who are workI in their behalf. Of course there aro Htble exceptions, but these only provo I rule. We regret to say that women Bv too little interest in the amclioration ¦the condition of their sex and their lation from drudgery to reasonable.wcl! Hiitted labor. We wish it were not so." I most excellent moral sermón will be Hd in the following article from tho Hting's Republican Banner. It is apHiMc to other communities than HastI: "There is a certain class of young H growing up in this town who havo H' peculiar ideas of life. They seem to Hk that, if a young man starts out by Hging about saloons, playing billiards, Is and other games in the divos aml B-holes of the city, obscuring himself I cloud of cigar smoke, or endeavoring Bpit tobáceo juice ' straight out' from ¦inouth, ho is in a fair way to happjneas I business success. If becoming ' fast Hsg men ' ineans bocoming succcssf'ul Hng men, then they are surely on the Hid road to prosperity. May bc we have Hnge notions about the matter, but, to I mind, the ' fast. young man' is anKr name for libertine, and he is on the Hiway to shamo and ruin. His name is ¦emely likely to beoome a hiss in the Hiths of respectablc people, and he a H)e to himself and a disgrace to his kin I oommunity. We like to see young Hi start right. We like to sce them Hsuing sonie legitímate business, staying Hy from the saloons, keeping their inouth H from filthy tobáceo and filthicr words, Hiting themselves fairly and squarely opHthe bed rock principies of truth and Hesty. Whcn that is done, we can exHt to see a generation of men- novcr H)rc. When we bavc seen some of thoso Hpant f'ops ' flirting ' with the girls, Hing about their ' sweethearts ' and. the Hul 'uiash' they bad made on some sim Hminded f'emale, prating about the games Hardfl they havo won, the ' pools ' in Hch they bave carriod away the spoils, I beer they drank or the wine they pourHlown their (hroats, we have wondered H they could ever expect to be anything Hhemselves or others. Whcre is tho Hincss man that will trust them with his Hm: ? Whero is tho honcst man that I respect them for their course ? What Hi oí' huaDand, what kind of oitizeoa Bthoymake? We hoiie tho time will He wiii-ii the pulpit will devote less ame Hheological duaOMion and more to proHing oorreot ideas of lile to the yoüb ; Rn the [iross, instead of being a public Hh-bucket, will teem with wholosomc Hught ; when homes shall be made what Hv ought to bo - towers of etrongth to [young man; whon paraste sliali wurn Hr ehildren agaiust the evils of this Hlil, make home a home to them, and HscTit flueh inducements to the yOBBg to H the beautiful, tho goud and the truc, Ht thoy will not darcoroaro to follow tho H. Wo pluad for the (reside and tho Hie, and let it be tbc young mau's haven H hcavon."


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