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Beta Theta Pi

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The forty-firtt animal convention of the Beta Thelu l'i was held in Baltiiuore last week. About forty universities and colleges wore represented, many of tliem by three or four delegates. Lambda chapter from the U. of M. was represented by J. H. Grant, J. E. Beal and O. F. Hunt, while Maj. Ransom, of Port llunra, for the third time was chosen president of the convent ii ui. ITndur liis watchl'ul cyc inuch business was transaeted well and liartuouioUNly. At the business session, Chicago was chocen as the place of meeting next ycar. Hon. Wilbur F. Stone, of' Colorado, was selected for the poet at tliat meeting, with Mr. Uanny, of New York, for altérnate. A committee was tutthorizcd to select the orator within the next three months. The following general ofBcers were elected : Dr. W. P. Watson, of New York, H. Harvey Young and S. G. Williams, of Cincinnati, members ol the board of directora for three years ; Rev. E. J. Brown, Harrison, O., grand secretary, for the third term ; Major W.C. Ransom, of Michigan, general visitor to inspect chapters. Eight new chapters were admitted, asfollows: One each at Rutgers College, New Jersey ; Cornell, New York; Maine State College, Maine; St. Lawrenec University, New York ; Brown Univcrsity, Rhode lsland ; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia ; Harvard University, Massachusetts : Stevens Instituto of Technology, New Jersey. Two chapters were revived : Cumberland University, Tennessee, and lowa State University, Iowa. This is an unprecedented addition. Three others were rofused admi.ssion. The two days' session was teroiinated by what the proprietor of the Carrollton called the finest banquet ever prepared in hts house. Il was a very jolly affair, although no wines were used. Most of the delegates departod early the next morniog, but of those who remained the Baltiuiore Sun givcs the following account : " I1KTAS AMONU THE SU KT CBABS. About twenty-ilve members of the Beta Thota l'i Frateruity, who remained In Baltlniore yeslerday, after the adlournraent of their conveutlon Thursday nlglit, were entertalned by thelr llaltliuoru brcUireu of Alumni chapter yt'sttTday. Thoy wero carrled Ui Bay Kldge on I In' steamer VVeems und luxuriatod in one of the 1'liK.siipiake bay and Marylami farmhouse suppers to be had there. Borne of the north western Betas had ni'vereatena soft crah rlght from the water, and weio rattier opposed toan experiment iiikwüIIiiwhik sut-h rmiturrs, bul wliiMi inir of the boldest of the (inrts, iiniiil much lun umi tengMtf, shut nis eyes nd bolted one of lhem,he pronounced it good, nd the popular! ly of the soft crab of Slaryiml was practically Bhown. No louger wlll It esaid by them of thelr Baltimore brelhren, I fear the Grceks bcarlng (sucb) gifts'." The members were 6nely entertained by he Alumni chapter and the boys at Johns lopkins, and on going home resolved, if' ossible, never to miss another c jtiventiun of tbc Beta Theta Pi. So ended the fortyirst convention ol' what 9 undoubtedly tlie no.-t national of all the college fraternities.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News