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Aiuong the meuibers of the tiew British parliament are nine tenant farmers. This does not look asthough tenant farmers were without we;ilth or influenee in the old country. Who ever lieard of a tenant farmer in the congress of the United States or in the legislature of any state? A very pretty ornamental hedge may be obtained by planting sunflower seeds twoor thrue inches apart and cultivating the plant after tliey mak o their appearancc. It can be mude of servico in restraining poultry late in tLe season. lts appearance can be improvcd by planting morning glories so that the vine.s will run over the sunflower stalks. A few sweet herbs should have a place in ovury garden. Kvory cook and housekeepir koowa the value of the littlc patch of herbs upon which she uiakes such daily drafts in suiiiinei, and which furnishes her with a nice collection for winter seasoning, without which tlie thanksgiving turkey would loso all flavor, while strong kinds are excellcut as mudioine. Farmers who practice soiling would do well to remenaber that a field of dover furnishes a very large amount of green food, sinco two or three crops can be out during the season. The scarlet dover is an excellent sort. Sown in July it does well on almost any soil raoderately fertile. The Bokhara dover aifords excellent food for bees, and is grown quite exteasively by large apiarists.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News