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ir.. chases ; JUMISIKBJID ïü ü. a. r- L-_ -, FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlginator of Br. Chiwe's F run Ut Modi eines Is the author of r. liane Reclu.! or, Information ror Kv.rj bod, . and ou Recipe. Books hearing hls name, and Wara brought about thrpugh the luquirles of maoy of the purchusers of hls Uooks ior somethlur to meet their lingering and compllcated dl eased condltlons, which they dld not flnd de. scrlbed In hls Books. Th.' proprli-torshlp of the Medicines and tha business management of the same, havlnt pasBed into the hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQ.UARTERS AT IDIRa. OHASE'S STEAM P1TI HOUSE AXX ARBOR, IMICH., We wonld say to the public, that tliey can re( amnred that Ir. hnseV Family Medl. rliiM wlll Klve fbem a srentor itl.ifncllcm than any othors, for the Disease for wliicl Uu-ir.nami-s Indícate lli.-m tn huVV been pr pared-eqoal to that of lii BookB over all otli( bool.-s of asimilar character, as slinwn l.y ttel vrhlch have exoeeded the snles of any ofher, rcaching over oiic uilllion iili-M Give them f) trial, thereforc, ainl ku. yourselves, s all we ask. DR. CHASE'S BoughandWoundBatam Has been i1. ui ml tb e quickest and ruost iituIii cure of Coughs of any preparntlon In nse; algo qulckly relleving Hoareeneas, Sorcness of the Throat or Lungs, Pain or Tlghtness aereas th Chest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's Hore Throat, and Uonsumptlon tn all lts earller atngcii, Whooplug Cougli, Croup, etc. Price $1 per Hof 1 1e, or Bottles for : DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent and cures the Pain and Dlstress of U Dyspepllc after meals, and for Furifyiug and Itenewlng the Blood, qnlckly toning up tne Stomach, and invigorating the whole System. Price $1 per Bottle, or Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For curing the Disensos of the Llver, and oorrectlng Rllious conditlons of the System, as well as for all Cathartic purposes. Sugarcoated ; selUng for JÍ5 reutx per ltox, or 5 Hoxcm, poMtpaid, for (il. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN UNIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength Llnlment, eradlcating Internal or external Pain qulcker and more permaiiently thau auy other In use. 'Vvío sites,- ÍM oeuts and !,- or O hirgc Botlle (or S. DR. CHASE'S MEDIGATED PLASTEN Is put up In Roll or Stick Korin, whleh wlll sprend a dozen Piasters, glving a strengthenlng and heallng Piaster for two cents not equaled by those for which yon pay two sbllllngs ; sellln fortSS cents per roll; nve rolls, poitjxiitt, tl. Br. CHASE'S CATASRH SNÜFF Is for the quirk cure of " Colds in the Head," and dolng all for old Chronic Catarrh tliat nuHllclnerando. Selllng for .tOrtn. perlxittle. 1 Oltm ÍCIN4. Any ol tuese MedirlneH, (lf your DruuglRt bas not got them,) or for any further Information In relatlon to them, address the l)r. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPAXT, Aun Arbor, Mlch. 9fiWI W. TREMAIN QENEE.AL iiheï in OFTPICK AT A.A.TERHY'S HAT STORE Nortli itriiuii iBtaranea i"i') (of London and ldinburírh,) CaplUl $1S,O(K),(XJ, Oold. Detroit Flrc aiul Marine ln. Cash Asecti $IWO,000. Sltrliiglleld Ins. Comp'y. of Mhm., Cash Assots $1,800,000. lloward In. rn.,of ! Vork, Cash Assetii „1,UÜU,OOU. AgHeultural innttsnee Comp'y WATÏRTOW, - NKW VORK, Cath Asseta l,a0O,0OU. I lili'iiilly adjusted and promptly pM ir - til 1 IITrn ACENTS TO SELL TEA, lUli 1 U ll:"HIS HB.T KITK. lluim !" II HU I faii-.. ¦¦TJCo..Uuiaüia.3I.L.ui,M 9TJ-10l:


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